Third quarter 2019 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Jul 1 13:57:47 CEST 2019
Ending: Sun Sep 29 12:06:36 CEST 2019
Messages: 201
- [R-sig-ME] GLMMs with Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature - GLMMadaptive 0.6-0
D. Rizopoulos
- [R-sig-ME] lme4
S.D. Silver
- [R-sig-ME] Simulation of nlme models
Jesus Maria Frias Celayeta
- [R-sig-ME] Question about non-significant interactions
Francesco Romano
- [R-sig-ME] Modeling group-level effects with unequal #s of "subgroups"
- [R-sig-ME] Creating a for loop for a mixed-effects model with covariates
at hm at dr215 m at iii at g oii tpg at com at at u
- [R-sig-ME] Under what conditions does it make sense to fit random intercepts for an interaction, but not the main effects?
Robert Long
- [R-sig-ME] Pooling results from lme4 models with weights
Elliott, Lewis
- [R-sig-ME] Negative binomial GLMM model/variables selection based in marginal R2 and conditional R2
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting multi-response mixed effects models with lmer
Alejandro Catalina
- [R-sig-ME] pairwise combinations of subjects
Stevens, Hank
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model and repeated measures in R
Noelle G. Beckman
- [R-sig-ME] question about emmeans post-hoc analysis
Mengxia Fu
- [R-sig-ME] About modelling time as continuous variable in a glmmTMB-based model.
Julian Gaviria Lopez
- [R-sig-ME] mgcv gam/bam model selection with random effects and AR terms
Gi-Mick Wu
- [R-sig-ME] Question concerning nlme
Nelson, Gary (FWE )
- [R-sig-ME] Spatial correlation in glmmTMB
André Pardal
- [R-sig-ME] Scaling Issues
Stephanie Rivest
- [R-sig-ME] sitar and p=splines
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] keeping both numerically and factor coded factors
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 multivariate
Angelo Moretti
- [R-sig-ME] MIxed Effects Logistic Regression error "rank deficient" #534
Canarte Gutierrez,Climaco D
- [R-sig-ME] New cvGEE package for validating predictions from GEEs
D. Rizopoulos
- [R-sig-ME] Question on Contextual Effects
Varghese, Jithin Sam
- [R-sig-ME] glmer.nb - interaction interpretation
Cueva, Jorge
- [R-sig-ME] specify random effects in lme4
Ben Adams
- [R-sig-ME] "General" (non-Bernoulli) binomial models in GLMMadaptive.
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] glmer: order of variables drastically influences SE
Guillaume Adeux
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm priors for ordinal response
Stavrinides, Vasilis
- [R-sig-ME] allFit fails after removing object with starting values for model parameters from workspace
Gerrit Eichner
- [R-sig-ME] Results from vcov() in lme4.
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] Cross-validated likelihood, cont.
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] Anyone there?
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] Cross validated log likelihood, redux.
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] [R] linear mixed model required for the U.S. FDA
Thierry Onkelinx
- [R-sig-ME] Extracting Lv 1 and Lv 2 residuals: lmer
Daniel P Moriarity
- [R-sig-ME] separate variance-covariance matrix for each level of grouping variable
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate Mixed Models using LME4 and glmmTMB
Nadon, Vincent
- [R-sig-ME] Testing assumption multilevel analysis
Katharina Tostmann
- [R-sig-ME] Main effects dilemma in logistic regression
Francesco Romano
- [R-sig-ME] Multiple comparisons and post hoc tests on glmmTMB model, with the multcomp package.
Julian Gaviria Lopez
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting post-fitting inference effects in a glmmTMB model
Julian Gaviria Lopez
- [R-sig-ME] help with false convergence warning; sparse 1s in binary data
Fabiola Iannarilli
- [R-sig-ME] Replicating type III anova tests for glmer/GLMM
Brett Feltmate
- [R-sig-ME] Course: Introduction to regression models with spatial and temporal correlation using R-INLA
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Discrepancy between STATISTICA results and lmer and lme
Mario Garrido
- [R-sig-ME] Large mixed & crossed-effect model looking at educational spending on crime rates with error messages
Ades, James
- [R-sig-ME] MCMCglmm predict failing with more than one fixed effect
Tom Houslay
- [R-sig-ME] Crime and school expenditure data
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Understanding and analysing split split design using lmer()
Rabin KC
- [R-sig-ME] Some very basic questions about modelling heteroscedasticity of within subjects variance in repeated measures obserational studies
Chris Evans
- [R-sig-ME] within_and_between_group_variance
- [R-sig-ME] Measurement error for mixed models
Krzysztof Bartoszek
- [R-sig-ME] Change mer maybe from call text?
- [R-sig-ME] Using anova vs. Anova for linear mixed model
Kevin Chu
- [R-sig-ME] Model failed to converge
Carrie Perkins
- [R-sig-ME] Can we analyse combined split plot experiment using lmer()?
Rabin KC
- [R-sig-ME] Split-plot experiment with lmer
Ades, James
- [R-sig-ME] empirical bayes shrinkage
John Poe
- [R-sig-ME] Intercept Variance Components Equal 0- Change Score
Daniel P Moriarity
- [R-sig-ME] Trying to understand the syntax of lmer
Sorkin, John
- [R-sig-ME] Joint modelling using frailtypack R package
Christopher Stanley
- [R-sig-ME] Dealing with NAs in LMER with longitudinal data (Re Crime and Education data)
Ades, James
- [R-sig-ME] Export several lme outputs to a single excel file
Mario Garrido
- [R-sig-ME] convergence: nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue-Rescale variables?
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Looking for help in moving from a full factorial repeated measure anova to a LME model
Phillip Alday
- [R-sig-ME] Specification of random effects structure
Phillip Alday
Last message date:
Sun Sep 29 12:06:36 CEST 2019
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 12:16:53 CEST 2019
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