[R-sig-ME] Plotting post-fitting inference effects in a glmmTMB model
Julian Gaviria Lopez
Ju||@n@G@v|r|@Lopez @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Tue Aug 27 12:01:01 CEST 2019
I have the next model:
> zipoisson2 <- glmmTMB(Observations ~ CAP * Condition + (1|ID), contrasts=list(CAP="contr.sum",Condition="contr.sum"), data=mDATA, ziformula=~ 1 , family=poisson)
Plotting the effects ("effects" package), I obtain:
(ae <- allEffects(zipoisson2))
model: Observations ~ CAP * Condition
CAP*Condition effect
CAP aapaff aff neu pneu
apreC3 3.222636 2.731724 2.777021 2.573694
insC5 1.406698 3.173030 2.104875 1.420336
preC1 2.883115 3.641252 2.541221 2.635991
preC5 2.184075 2.310564 3.137734 1.995430
Error in UseMethod("droplevels") :
no applicable method for 'droplevels' applied to an object of class "character"
Question 1: Has anyone encountered the same issue? Any hint to solve it?
Question 2: Maybe is there any other package works better with glmmTMB model
Thanks in advance for any hint about it.
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