[R-sig-ME] Joint modelling using frailtypack R package
Christopher Stanley
@t@n|eychr|@topher1 @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com
Sun Sep 15 15:41:33 CEST 2019
I am trying to model recurrent events (clinical malaria episodes) jointly with longitudinal outcome (malaria parasites density) and a terminal outcome (loss-to-follow up). For some reason I am unable to have my code run using frailtypack package. Would anyone have an idea what might be going wrong in my code pasted below? Or if anyone has suggestions for a different package which can fit these models ( or just joint models of recurrent events and longitudinal outcome)?
Here's is the code and error message that am getting:*******> joint.model <-trivPenal(Surv(start, stop, clinical_malaria) ~ cluster(studyid) ++ age_yrs + season + gender + pre_netfreq + terminal(ltfu),+ formula.terminalEvent = ~ age_yrs + season,+ smearquant ~ age_yrs + season, data = paper3_recurrent_episode,+ data.Longi = paper3_recurrent_Longi, random = c("1","stop"), id = "studyid", + link = "Random-effects", recurrentAG = TRUE, n.knots = 6, kappa=c(0.01, 2))Error in aggregate.data.frame(as.data.frame(x), ...) : arguments must have same length*******Thanks for your help in advance.
Christopher Chikhosi StanleyPhD student - Epidemiology & Biostatistics University of the WitwatersrandFaculty of Health Science
Wits School of Public Health27 Saint Andrews Road, Parktown 2193
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