[R-sig-ME] Export several lme outputs to a single excel file
Mario Garrido
g@@d|o @end|ng |rom po@t@bgu@@c@||
Wed Sep 25 13:33:46 CEST 2019
Dear users,
it is not such an statistical question but how to export results
I fit several *lme* model s and I know how can I export the data to excel,
this way:
lme1 <- lme(Mean ~ x*y, data = Data, random = ~ 1|factor(ID))
And to export to excel since keep the data in ordered in rows/columns
write.xlsx( resultslme1 ,"C:/Users/Desktop/resultslme1.xlsx")
What I want to do is to export output from several lme at the same time,
and adding the name/reference of the model. Something like this
numDF denDF F.value p.value
(Intercept) 1 78 653,6152 0
x 2 78 0,822612 0,443057
y 2 39 0,479357 0,622781
x:y 4 78 2,593825 0,042787
numDF denDF F.value p.value
(Intercept) 1 78 653,6152 0
x 2 78 0,822612 0,443057
y 2 39 0,479357 0,622781
x:y 4 78 2,593825 0,042787
I tried with merge, abind, paste,... but I did not find the solution
Thanks in advance
Mario Garrido Escudero, PhD
Dr. Hadas Hawlena Lab
Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology
Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Midreshet Ben-Gurion 84990 ISRAEL
gaiarrido using gmail.com; gaadio using post.bgu.ac.il
phone: (+972) 08-659-6854
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