[R] Can't Load Text Files
Jia Ying Mei
jiamei at Princeton.EDU
Wed Jul 23 05:43:26 CEST 2008
I've completely forgotten how to do R, and it seems I can't even load
simple files correctly.
I have two tab deliminated text files (attached, these were test files
of the larger data files I'm trying to work with) that I am trying to
load into R so that I can merge them. They were originally excel files
but I used "saved as" to reformat to text. I don't know if it's
relevant, but I use a mac.
These are the error messages I get:
> source("/Users/jiayingmei/Desktop/R/Testdate.txt")
Error in eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) : object "Date" not found
Error in source("/Users/jiayingmei/Desktop/R/Testinput.txt") :
/Users/jiayingmei/Desktop/R/Testinput.txt: unexpected symbol at
1: Date France
I'm sure its something simple that is causing this, but I've been away
from R very long, and I've been trying to pick it up today, sorry if
this is a stupid post. I even tried to shift through some of the guides
and manuals out there, but I can't seem to find help regarding loading a
file (or placing them in some directory so that R can find them). I know
I've been taught this most simplest of things, but obviously I've
forgotten just about everything.
Jia Ying Mei
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