[R] Lots of huge matrices, for-loops, speed

Zarza s.schmidtlein at uni-bonn.de
Sun Jul 6 17:39:52 CEST 2008

we have 80 text files with matrices. Each matrix represents a map (rows for
latitude and columns for longitude), the 80 maps represent steps in time. In
addition, we have a vector x of length 80. We would like to compute a
regression between matrices (response through time) and x and create maps
representing coefficients, r2 etc. Problem: the 80 matrices are of the size
4000 x 3500 and we were running out of memory. We computed line by line and
the results for each line were appended to output grids. This works. But -
for each line, 80 text files must be scanned and output must be written. And
there are several for-loops involved. This takes a lot of time (about a
week). I read the contributions related to speeding up code and maybe
vectorizing parts of the procedure could help a bit. However, I am a
neophyte (as you may see from the code below) and did not find a way by now.
I would appreciate very much any suggestions for speeding up the procedure.
Thanks, Zarza 

The code (running but sloooooow):
regrid <- function (infolder, x, outfolder) {

# List of input files
setwd (infolder)
filelist <- dir (pattern=".*.asc$", full.names = F)

# Dimensions (making use of the header information coming with
# the .asc-input files, ESRI-format)
hd <- read.table (filelist [1], nrows = 6)
cols <- hd[1,2]	
rows <- hd[2,2]
times <- length (filelist)
items <- 4 + ncol (x)

# Prepare output
out1 <- matrix (numeric (times * cols), ncol = cols)
out2 <- matrix (numeric (items * cols), ncol = items)
out3 <- as.numeric (items)

# Prepare .asc-files
filenames <- c("R2", "adj.R2", "p", "b0", colnames (x))
for (i in 1:items) {
write.table (hd, file = paste (outfolder, filenames [i],".asc",sep =""),
  quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=F) }
rm (hd)

# Prepare regression
xnam <- paste ("x[,", 1:(ncol(x)),"]", sep="")
form <- paste("y ~ ", paste(xnam, collapse="+"))
rm (xnam)

# Loop through rows
for (j in 1:rows) {
  getgrid <- function (j) {
    print (paste ("Row",j,"/",rows),quote = F)

  # Read out multi-temporal response values for one grid-row of cells
  for (k in 1:times)
    getslice <-  function (k) {
          values <- scan (filelist [k], what=0, na.strings = "-9999", 
            skip = (5 + j), nlines = 1, nmax = cols, quiet=T)
          values  }
    out1[k,] <- getslice (k)
  # Regression
  for (l in 1:cols)
    y <- as.vector (out1 [,l])
    if    (length (y) > length (na.omit (y)))
               setNA <- function (l) {
               NAs <- rep (NA, length (out3)) 
               NAs }
          out2[l,] <- setNA (l)  
          regression <- function (l) {
               model <- lm (as.formula(form))
               out3[1] <- summary (model)$r.squared
               out3[2] <- summary (model)$adj.r.squared
                       f <- summary (model)$fstatistic
               out3[3] <- 1-pf(f[1],f[2],f[3])
               out3[4:items] <- coef(model)[1:(1 + ncol(x))]
               out3 }
          out2[l,] <- regression (l) 
fillrow <- getgrid (j)

# Append results to output files
for (m in 1:items) {
  write.table (t(fillrow [,m]), file = paste (outfolder, filenames [m], 
    ".asc", sep =""), append=T, quote=F, na = as.character (-9999), 
       row.names = F, col.names = F, dec=".") }
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