[R] How to average minutes per hour per month in the form of '# hours #minutes'
Dr Eberhard W Lisse
no@p@m @end|ng |rom ||@@e@NA
Thu Mar 25 19:34:15 CET 2021
Thanks, that is helpful.
But, how do I group it to produce hours worked per week per month?
On 2021-03-25 19:03 , Greg Snow wrote:
> Here is one approach:
> tmp <- data.frame(min=seq(0,150, by=15))
> tmp %>%
> mutate(hm=sprintf("%2d Hour%s %2d Minutes",
> min %/% 60, ifelse((min %/% 60) == 1, " ", "s"),
> min %% 60))
> You could replace `sprintf` with `str_glue` (and update the syntax as
> well) if you realy need tidyverse, but you would also loose some
> formatting capability.
> I don't know of tidyverse versions of `%/%` or `%%`. If you need the
> numeric values instead of a string then just remove the `sprintf` and
> use mutate directly with `min %/% 60` and `min %% 60`.
> This of course assumes all of your data is in minutes (by the time you
> pipe to this code) and that all hours have 60 minutes (I don't know of
> any leap hours.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 8:31 AM Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nospam using lisse.na> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have minutes worked by day (with some more information)
>> which when using
>> library(tidyverse)
>> library(lubridate)
>> run through
>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>> arrange(desc(datum))
>> look somewhat like
>> # A tibble: 142 x 2
>> datum dauer
>> <date> <int>
>> 1 2021-03-18 30
>> 2 2021-03-17 30
>> 3 2021-03-16 30
>> 4 2021-03-16 30
>> 5 2021-03-16 30
>> 6 2021-03-16 30
>> 7 2021-03-11 30
>> 8 2021-03-11 30
>> 9 2021-03-11 30
>> 10 2021-03-11 30
>> # … with 132 more rows
>> I can extract minutes per hour
>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>> group_by(week = format(datum, '%Y %V'))%>%
>> summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)
>> and minutes per month
>> select(datum, dauer) %>%
>> group_by(month = format(datum, '%Y %m'))%>%
>> summarise_if(is.numeric, sum)
>> I need to show the time worked per week per month in the format of
>> '# hours # minutes'
>> and would like to also be able to show the average time per week per
>> month.
>> How can I do that (preferably with tidyverse :-)-O)?
>> greetings, el
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