[R] A bunch of packages keeps wanting to get updated

Dimitri Liakhovitski dimitri.liakhovitski at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 21:12:37 CET 2015

Thank you, Duncan.
Indeed those packages were sitting in a temp directory.
I had to install them manually from a 'zip file.

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/11/2015 1:00 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski wrote:
>> I am using a windows laptop, R 3.2.2
>> I am using R-gui.
>> When I go to Packages -> Update packages and then select a Cran mirror
>> (in the US) - it tells me to update the following packages:
>> GLMMGibbs
>> RDCOMClient
>> Rstem
>> survnnet
>> yags
>> I click OK and then I get successful update messages, like:
>> trying URL
>> 'http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/survnnet_1.1-3.zip'
>> Content type 'application/zip' length 235981 bytes (230 KB)
>> downloaded 230 KB
>> trying URL
>> 'http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/RWin/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/yags_4.0-2.2.zip'
>> Content type 'application/zip' length 205372 bytes (200 KB)
>> downloaded 200 KB
>> package ‘survnnet’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
>> package ‘yags’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
>> Then I to to Packages -> Update packages, and exactly the same
>> packages as before appear - as if I didn't just update them.
>> What could be the reason? I tried to totally delete the folders of
>> those packages, install them from scratch (successfully), still - they
>> keep appearing in Update Pacakges widnow.
>> Any advice?
> It may be installing them to a personal library rather than the system one
> (to which you typically don't have write permission).
> You should be getting messages about this, but they might be hidden; if you
> run
> update.packages()
> it might be easier to see the messages.  You can also try running
> .libPaths() to see what libraries are searched.
> Duncan Murdoch

Dimitri Liakhovitski

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