January 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Jan 1 01:50:16 CET 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:48:03 CET 2012
Messages: 2701
- [R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device
Mike Dahman
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Duncan Mackay
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
jim holtman
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
jim holtman
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Joshua Wiley
- [R] mtrace function
Mark.Bravington at csiro.au
- [R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] looking for R software resource persons
Sridhar Gutam
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Tal Galili
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
peter dalgaard
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
William Simpson
- [R] rep() inside of lm()?
- [R] R on Android
Federico J. Villatoro
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Aren Cambre
- [R] R on Android
David Winsemius
- [R] R on Android
David Winsemius
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Joshua Wiley
- [R] rep() inside of lm()?
David Winsemius
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
cougar711 at gmail.com
- [R] rep() inside of lm()?
Joshua Wiley
- [R] what's the command in R to completely clear the state of the console(including clearing up libraries, etc?)
- [R] what's the command in R to completely clear the state of the console(including clearing up libraries, etc?)
David Winsemius
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] what's the command in R to completely clear the state of the console(including clearing up libraries, etc?)
Hadley Wickham
- [R] R on Android
Ken Hutchison
- [R] what's the command in R to completely clear the state of the console(including clearing up libraries, etc?)
- [R] R on Android
Timothy Jurka
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] R on Android
Christos Argyropoulos
- [R] How to pass in a list of variables as an argument to a function?
Randall Goodwin
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Contingency tables example
Michael Friendly
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] matrix position to list of coordinates
- [R] matrix position to list of coordinates
Sarah Goslee
- [R] empty files created with trellis xyplot jpeg device
Mike Dahman
- [R] matrix position to list of coordinates
Willi Richert
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Aren Cambre
- [R] How to pass in a list of variables as an argument to a function?
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Lattice: Understanding How Points Connected by Lines
Rich Shepard
- [R] rep() inside of lm()?
- [R] Lattice: Understanding How Points Connected by Lines
Rich Shepard
- [R] Lattice: Understanding How Points Connected by Lines
David Winsemius
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
Jonas Stein
- [R] Histogram omitting/collapsing groups
Aren Cambre
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
G. Jay Kerns
- [R] Reading mcmc/coda into a big.matrix efficiently
Guy W Cole
- [R] gam() (in mgcv) with multiple interactions
- [R] How to get cov matrix of regression parameters in GEE using 'geese' or 'geeglm''
- [R] Reading large sparse arff files into R
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
- [R] rainbow function
- [R] rainbow function
David Winsemius
- [R] Cran package directory 404 error since 30th December
Graham Smith
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
William Simpson
- [R] Cran package directory 404 error since 30th December
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
Richard Kolodziej
- [R] Percentage scale on y-axis
Öhagen Patrik
- [R] Display warning when embedded data file is loaded
Hintzen, Niels
- [R] clear plot linear mixed model
Christof Kluß
- [R] R on Android
Andreas Borg
- [R] clear plot linear mixed model
ken knoblauch
- [R] Very strange function() behaviour.
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
- [R] Cran package directory 404 error since 30th December
Graham Smith
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
David Scott
- [R] .Rprofile and help startup
William Simpson
- [R] quadratic programming-maximization instead of minization
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
William Simpson
- [R] sm.density.compare - a lot of curves
- [R] matrix position to list of coordinates
Willi Richert
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
- [R] calibration curve for glmnet object
David A.
- [R] Break Points
Ayanendu Sanyal
- [R] matrix position to list of coordinates
Willi Richert
- [R] Rycas help
Troels Ring
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
Rui Barradas
- [R] summary per group
Johannes Radinger
- [R] R report generator (for Word)?
Erich Neuwirth
- [R] summary per group
- [R] summary per group
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Base function for flipping matrices
Hadley Wickham
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
William Simpson
- [R] bmp() shifts the image (Windows XP)
Ben Tupper
- [R] Display number in currency notation with commas
- [R] Percentage scale on y-axis
David Winsemius
- [R] Predicting multiple responses
Momop Momop
- [R] Percentage scale on y-axis
David Winsemius
- [R] syntax for reading into R
Marion Wenty
- [R] sm.density.compare - a lot of curves
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Very strange function() behaviour.
Bert Gunter
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
David Winsemius
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
- [R] syntax for reading into R
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
David Winsemius
- [R] syntax for reading into R
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Smoothing spline with smoothing parameters selected by "generalized maximum likelihood"
Simon Wood
- [R] summary per group
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Display number in currency notation with commas
Pete Brecknock
- [R] Creating ZOO Matrix from Data Frame
Rich Shepard
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
Ben Bolker
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
Ben Bolker
- [R] summary per group
David Winsemius
- [R] Base function for flipping matrices
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Remove me from the mailing list
Danai Katsande
- [R] Base function for flipping matrices
Claudia Beleites
- [R] Remove me from the mailing list
Uwe Ligges
- [R] clear plot linear mixed model
Christof Kluß
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
jim holtman
- [R] Base function for flipping matrices
Hadley Wickham
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
MacQueen, Don
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
Rui Barradas
- [R] quadratic programming-maximization instead of minization
Ken Hutchison
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
David Winsemius
- [R] Creating ZOO Matrix from Data Frame
Rich Shepard
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
David Stevens
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
Ben Bolker
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
David Winsemius
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
Joshua Wiley
- [R] tm.plugin.sentiment
Adedoyin-Olowe Mariam
- [R] Very strange function() behaviour.
- [R] Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Anne Aubut
- [R] Conditionally adding a constant
jim holtman
- [R] where to ask questions regarding package=ncdf?
Tom Roche
- [R] where to ask questions regarding package=ncdf?
David William Pierce
- [R] [newbie] pager for large matrix?
Tom Roche
- [R] Options for generating editable figures?
Allen McBride
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Aren Cambre
- [R] Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] About source()
- [R] nls and rbinom function: step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
G Vishwanath
- [R] Biglm source code alternatives (E.g. Call to Fortran)
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Hasan Diwan
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Majid Einian
- [R] About source()
Rolf Turner
- [R] An R interface to Model Building
Brett Magill
- [R] summary per group
- [R] Histogram: plot by group
- [R] nls and rbinom function: step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
peter dalgaard
- [R] Histogram: plot by group
- [R] higher derivatives using deriv
- [R] Create and Initialize List values
- [R] About source()
Uwe Ligges
- [R] tm.plugin.sentiment
Uwe Ligges
- [R] sm.density.compare - a lot of curves
- [R] higher derivatives using deriv
(Ted Harding)
- [R] syntax for reading into R
Marion Wenty
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
- [R] Error when using foreach package for parralelization
Julien Textoris
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Aren Cambre
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Bert Gunter
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
David Winsemius
- [R] nls and rbinom function: step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562
G Vishwanath
- [R] quadratic programming-maximization instead of minization
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [R] quadratic programming-maximization instead of minization
Tsjerk Wassenaar
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
- [R] higher derivatives using deriv
Spencer Graves
- [R] An R interface to Model Building
Spencer Graves
- [R] calibration curve for glmnet object
David A.
- [R] Create variable with AND IF statement
Richard Kolodziej
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] optim - Self-Start values - growth function
agent dunham
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Tal Galili
- [R] Options for generating editable figures?
Greg Snow
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] How to color a region in a contour plot with the contour being the boundary?
Jean V Adams
- [R] ED50 calculation in drc package
- [R] An R interface to Model Building
j verzani
- [R] ED50 calculation in drc package
Bert Gunter
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Albyn Jones
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Gerhard Schaden
- [R] Joint modelling of survival data
Terry Therneau
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kohl
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
gregory benison
- [R] higher derivatives using deriv
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] vertically stacked area plot?
- [R] Web analytics / Customer Analytics book recommendation
Jan Hornych
- [R] sqldf and not converting integers to floating point in SQLite
Frederik Vanrenterghem
- [R] About source()
- [R] Google student internships
Michael Friendly
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Albyn Jones
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Aren Cambre
- [R] sqldf and not converting integers to floating point in SQLite
jim holtman
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Tal Galili
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Tal Galili
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Hadley Wickham
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] Comparison of numeric and character vectors
Ista Zahn
- [R] Comparison of numeric and character vectors
John Fox
- [R] Comparison of numeric and character vectors
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] Comparison of numeric and character vectors
Ista Zahn
- [R] How to color a region in a contour plot with the contour being the boundary?
Marius Hofert
- [R] tcltk on linux/rhel6
Carl Baribault
- [R] Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Anne Aubut
- [R] Histogram: plot by group
Jim Lemon
- [R] tcltk on linux/rhel6
Peter Langfelder
- [R] Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Aren Cambre
- [R] Allow HTML email on R-Help
Aren Cambre
- [R] Extracting from a list XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Extracting from a list XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Changing X axis of ggplot
Joshua Wiley
- [R] problem in R
mukul purva
- [R] RCurl : Problem with submitting using postForm()
Jai Vaughan
- [R] problem in R
- [R] Allow HTML email on R-Help
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
David Winsemius
- [R] R 2.14.0 Design library
Bonnett, Laura
- [R] R 2.14.0 Design library
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] R 2.14.0 Design library
Bonnett, Laura
- [R] Extract concordance from coxph.object
Bonnett, Laura
- [R] About source()
Uwe Ligges
- [R] tcltk on linux/rhel6
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] About source()
Rainer M Krug
- [R] Extract concordance from coxph.object
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] KS and AD test for Generalized PAreto and Generalized Extreme value
Vincy Pyne
- [R] A problem of meta analysis based on metafor package
- [R] Linear regression using matrices
Mark Sanderson
- [R] Error formal argument "softmax" matched by multiple actual arguments
Yashwanth M.R
- [R] An R interface to Model Building
Yvonnick Noel
- [R] problem in R
- [R] Linear regression using matrices
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Non Negative Least Squares Regression with nnls
Joglekar, Prasad V.
- [R] R 2.14.0 Design library
Frank Harrell
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Update method on existing reference class object
Peder Bacher
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
Meyners, Michael
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Is there a way to update a method on an existing Reference Class object?
Peder Bacher
- [R] Linear regression using matrices
Mark Sanderson
- [R] Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
Michael Friendly
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
peter dalgaard
- [R] KS and AD test for Generalized PAreto and Generalized Extreme value
David Winsemius
- [R] [Matlab] Need help on ARIMA and Matlab
Antonio Tirri
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
josh rosen
- [R] Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
John Fox
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] subscript with comma
- [R] [Matlab] Need help on ARIMA and Matlab
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] quadratic programming-maximization instead of
Ravi Varadhan
- [R] function in R for my exercise
- [R] subscript with comma
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Merging and subsetting with row names XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
- [R] Merging and subsetting with row names XXXX
- [R] Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
josh rosen
- [R] problem in R
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] problem on plotting ts data
- [R] Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
- [R] function in R for my exercise
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] putting regression output right on a plot
Mark Leeds
- [R] Combining characters
- [R] tcltk on linux/rhel6
Carl Baribault
- [R] subscript with comma
- [R] interaction plot and x axis
Lathouri, Maria
- [R] KS and AD test for Generalized PAreto and Generalized Extreme value
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
William Dunlap
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] problem on plotting ts data
Rui Barradas
- [R] Symbols in graph
Y Nygård
- [R] plot rq lm
agent dunham
- [R] subscript with comma
David Winsemius
- [R] problem on plotting ts data
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] function in R for my exercise
- [R] subscript with comma
Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
Rich Shepard
- [R] Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
David L Carlson
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
peter dalgaard
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries'
David Winsemius
- [R] Using a mathematical expression in sapply() XXXX
peter dalgaard
- [R] Options for generating editable figures?
Allen McBride
- [R] Combining characters
Rui Barradas
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries' [FIXED]
Rich Shepard
- [R] Finding Source of Error Message of 'Non-Unique Index Entries' [FIXED]
David Winsemius
- [R] Passing multiple arguments to a function through sapply() XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Passing multiple arguments to a function through sapply() XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] putting regression output right on a plot
David Winsemius
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
gregory benison
- [R] using var from bash in R script
- [R] Warning message about closing a connection XXXX
Martin Morgan
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
Tom Roche
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
Justin Haynes
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
- [R] Combining characters
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Combining characters
andrija djurovic
- [R] Combining characters
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Combining characters
Justin Haynes
- [R] Combining characters
Joshua Wiley
- [R] using var from bash in R script
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Symbols in graph
Jim Lemon
- [R] problem in R
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
Bert Gunter
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
Justin Haynes
- [R] subscript with comma
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] using var from bash in R script
- [R] About source()
- [R] using var from bash in R script
David Winsemius
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
William Dunlap
- [R] calculate quantiles of a custom function
Albyn Jones
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] Is there a way to update a method on an existing Reference Class object?
Martin Morgan
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
David Winsemius
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
Robert Baer
- [R] difference of the multinomial logistic regression results between multinom() function in R and SPSS
Yoo Jinho
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
David Winsemius
- [R] difference of the multinomial logistic regression results between multinom() function in R and SPSS
David Winsemius
- [R] Allow HTML email on R-Help
- [R] Allow HTML email on R-Help
Rich Shepard
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
- [R] problem in R
William Dunlap
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
David Winsemius
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
Bert Gunter
- [R] ssanova/ ssanova0 and adding the fitted line to a plot.
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
Patrick Burns
- [R] Joint modelling of survival data
- [R] difference of the multinomial logistic regression results between multinom() function in R and SPSS
peter dalgaard
- [R] a quick question about "rbinom"
David Winsemius
- [R] [R-pkgs] The BRugs 0.7-4 interface to OpenBUGS released
Uwe Ligges
- [R] subscript with comma
- [R] match matrices of different lengths
Thijs vanden Bergh
- [R] Bayesian estimate of prevalence with an imperfect test
- [R] A problem of meta analysis based on metafor package
Michael Dewey
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Jonas Stein
- [R] clear plot linear mixed model
ken knoblauch
- [R] wish: enable joining this Mailinglist via Gmane
Jonas Stein
- [R] ggplot2 - tricky problem
Mario Giesel
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Christof Kluß
- [R] Bayesian estimate of prevalence with an imperfect test
Bert Gunter
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Christof Kluß
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Sarah Goslee
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Marc Schwartz
- [R] selection part of "subset"
peter dalgaard
- [R] match matrices of different lengths
Justin Haynes
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
Rich Shepard
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] ggplot2 - tricky problem
Justin Haynes
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
Rich Shepard
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
Paul Gilbert
- [R] save output of print() to txt file
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
Rich Shepard
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
Tom Roche
- [R] save output of print() to txt file
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
William Dunlap
- [R] save output of print() to txt file
David Winsemius
- [R] save output of print() to txt file
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Problem with axes in a plot of Kaplan-Meier
correu griera
- [R] Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values
Rich Shepard
- [R] Fwd: WHO Anthro growth curve macros and R&In-Reply-To=<CAAOCNNZawGtKkWpgFMYADSyxWGTeWEDxqVVHv7=Azo=1G+H9gg at mail.gmail.com>
Severine.Frison at lshtm.ac.uk
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
Martin Morgan
- [R] [newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
William Dunlap
- [R] Calling R functions within C/C++
Ian Schiller
- [R] Calling R functions within C/C++
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R] Calling R functions within C/C++
Ian Schiller
- [R] Problem with axes in a plot of Kaplan-Meier
David Winsemius
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
gregory benison
- [R] [ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
Tom Roche
- [R] Fwd: WHO Anthro growth curve macros and R&In-Reply-To=<CAAOCNNZawGtKkWpgFMYADSyxWGTeWEDxqVVHv7=Azo=1G+H9gg at mail.gmail.com>
- [R] graphic problem: transparent window when starting mtrace() from package debug
Mark.Bravington at csiro.au
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Jonas Stein
- [R] Problem reading .por (SPSS portable) data file
william jawde
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Rui Barradas
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Rui Barradas
- [R] Can levelplot colorkeys display a logarithmic scale evenly?
Mike MacFerrin
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Ben Tupper
- [R] [ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
David William Pierce
- [R] package sampling
- [R] question about rev
- [R] R not recognizing words
- [R] Bayesian estimate of prevalence with an imperfect test
- [R] how to remove an element from list or character
- [R] Odp: R not recognizing words
- [R] question about rev
- [R] Reply on "ggplot2 - tricky problem"
Mario Giesel
- [R] question about rev
- [R] need help with connecting to SQL Server2008 Express with RJDBC
- [R] question about rev
- [R] how to remove an element from list or character
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] plot rq lm
Tal Galili
- [R] R not recognizing words
peter dalgaard
- [R] What is wrong with this plotting?
raphael.felber at art.admin.ch
- [R] lme model specification problem (Error in MEEM...)
Pascal A. Niklaus
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Joao Fadista
- [R] automatic SI prefixes as ticklabels on axis
Rui Barradas
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Stephen Sefick
- [R] R not recognizing words
- [R] Spatial data, rpoispp, using window with fixed radius?
herbert8686 at gmx.de
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Joao Fadista
- [R] Problem with axes in a plot of Kaplan-Meier
Terry Therneau
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Rui Barradas
- [R] R not recognizing words
Nutter, Benjamin
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Sander Timmer
- [R] how to use rgl to plot dynamic orbit
Phillip Von
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
David Winsemius
- [R] Dropping columns from data frame
Mike Harwood
- [R] venneuler plots may be inaccurate
Carl Witthoft
- [R] ggplot using scale_x_date gives Error in seq.int(r1$year, to$year, by)
Aidan Corcoran
- [R] What is wrong with this plotting?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] VarCov matrix between coefficients across quantiles - summary.rq
Julia Lira
- [R] plots for residual analysis
jose romero
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
Bert Gunter
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
jim holtman
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
William Dunlap
- [R] Dropping columns from data frame
David Winsemius
- [R] Error using qda on the spambase training dataset
Ravi Kulkarni
- [R] lme model specification problem (Error in MEEM...)
Ben Bolker
- [R] how to use rgl to plot dynamic orbit
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Dropping columns from data frame
Mike Harwood
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
Andra Isan
- [R] Code/Example for User Rating Profile Model
Rahul Jain
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
- [R] What is wrong with this plotting?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Dropping columns from data frame
Sarah Goslee
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Assign and cmpfun
Michael Pearmain
- [R] Dropping columns from data frame
David Winsemius
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
MacQueen, Don
- [R] cbind alternate
Mary Kindall
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Spatial data, rpoispp, using window with fixed radius?
MacQueen, Don
- [R] (Edited) cbind alternate for data frames
Mary Kindall
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
MacQueen, Don
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
Andra Isan
- [R] data.frame: temporal complexity
- [R] cbind alternate
Bos, Roger
- [R] (Edited) cbind alternate for data frames
MacQueen, Don
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
David Winsemius
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
William Dunlap
- [R] add data to a file while doing a loop
Joao Fadista
- [R] Correlated count data technique advice
Lee Davis
- [R] cbind alternate
Marc Schwartz
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
Bert Gunter
- [R] cbind alternate
David Winsemius
- [R] How to fit my data with a distribution?
Carl Witthoft
- [R] cbind alternate
Rui Barradas
- [R] cbind alternate
Marc Schwartz
- [R] How to properly re-set a saved seed? I've got the answer, but no explanation
Paul Johnson
- [R] How to properly re-set a saved seed? I've got the answer, but no explanation
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Bootstrapping nlme models
- [R] Assign and cmpfun
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] cbind alternate
Rui Barradas
- [R] How to properly re-set a saved seed? I've got the answer, but no explanation
William Dunlap
- [R] RODBC installation: error message
gregory benison
- [R] Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()
Chris Conner
- [R] cbind alternate
jim holtman
- [R] Sweave Chunks
Riccardo Romoli
- [R] Spatial data, rpoispp, using window with fixed radius?
Rolf Turner
- [R] Getting a list of unique gene names from a list with semi-colons
Kurinji Pandiyan
- [R] Getting a list of unique gene names from a list with semi-colons
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Getting a list of unique gene names from a list with semi-colons
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Getting a list of unique gene names from a list with semi-colons
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()
David Winsemius
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Rolf Turner
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
David Winsemius
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Rolf Turner
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] SSA in R
- [R] constructing yieldcurve
André de Boer
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Antonio Tirri
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
- [R] constructing yieldcurve
Enrico Schumann
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Antonio Tirri
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Antonio Tirri
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
Antonio Tirri
- [R] rcom package - Events
- [R] Sweave Chunks
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Sweave Chunks
Riccardo Romoli
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Sweave Chunks
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
jim holtman
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Carl Witthoft
- [R] glm or transformation of the response?
- [R] rcom package - Events
Uwe Ligges
- [R] need help
Dong Nie
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
Michael Friendly
- [R] need help
peter dalgaard
- [R] k-means++
Ferebee Tunno
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Rolf Turner
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Rolf Turner
- [R] glm or transformation of the response?
Joshua Wiley
- [R] glm or transformation of the response?
Rolf Turner
- [R] need help
John Sorkin
- [R] Help
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] need help
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] need help
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
peter dalgaard
- [R] Help
Joshua Wiley
- [R] repeated measures
Sanja Schreiber
- [R] PLM, Logical subscript too long, error
- [R] how to combine grouped data and ungrouped data in a trellis xyplot
Mike Dahman
- [R] help()
John Sorkin
- [R] multivariate problem
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] Adding a migration element to a deterministic spatial model
Aimee Jones
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
Andrew Roberts
- [R] cannot find package in Packages>>Install Packages
- [R] cannot find package in Packages>>Install Packages
Michael Dewey
- [R] mode of frequency distribution table
Mary Kindall
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
Vincent Zoonekynd
- [R] cannot find package in Packages>>Install Packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
Enrico Schumann
- [R] mode of frequency distribution table
andrija djurovic
- [R] Convert components of a list to separate columns in a data frame or matrix XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] PLM, Logical subscript too long, error
David Winsemius
- [R] choosing items from array: very stupid and simple question
Philipp Chapkovski
- [R] choosing items from array: very stupid and simple question
Sarah Goslee
- [R] multivariate problem
David Winsemius
- [R] choosing items from array: very stupid and simple question
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
Jakson Alves de Aquino
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
Andrew Gaska
- [R] need help with axis ticks
- [R] multivariate problem
Clifford Long
- [R] Convert components of a list to separate columns in a data frame or matrix XXXX
jim holtman
- [R] Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
William Dunlap
- [R] mode of frequency distribution table
Mary Kindall
- [R] Convert components of a list to separate columns in a data frame or matrix XXXX
Rui Barradas
- [R] mode of frequency distribution table
jim holtman
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
jim holtman
- [R] Simulate AR(1) starting from X number?
- [R] package sampling
Thomas Lumley
- [R] creating vectors from data-frames
Philip Robinson
- [R] Allow HTML email on R-Help
Patrick Connolly
- [R] splitting strings efficiently
Andrew Roberts
- [R] multivariate problem
Bert Gunter
- [R] fix and edit don't work: unable to open X Input Method->segfault
Paul Johnson
- [R] Convert components of a list to separate columns in a data frame or matrix XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] rpart question
Amanda Marie Elling
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
- [R] R package equivalent to Excel SOLVER - Paquete R equivalente a SOLVER de Excel
Ricardo Bandin
- [R] R package equivalent to Excel SOLVER - Paquete R equivalente a SOLVER de Excel
David Winsemius
- [R] multivariate problem
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] multivariate problem
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
Martin Morgan
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
- [R] colouring a table, data.frame or matrix in an interactive R session
- [R] Difference across the Nth dimension of an array
Phil Wiles
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
- [R] ?any
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] using deltat parameter in time series in HoltWinters prediction
- [R] ?any
(Ted Harding)
- [R] creating vectors from data-frames
David Winsemius
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
David Winsemius
- [R] rpart question
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
David Winsemius
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
William Dunlap
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
David Winsemius
- [R] Simulate AR(1) starting from X number?
Rolf Turner
- [R] Where to download the splines package.
Xiaobo Gu
- [R] Difference across the Nth dimension of an array
Vincent Zoonekynd
- [R] Simulate AR(1) starting from X number?
- [R] tick mark intervals
- [R] need help with axis ticks
- [R] Spatial data, rpoispp, using window with fixed radius?
Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
David Winsemius
- [R] Simulate AR(1) starting from X number?
Rolf Turner
- [R] Display warning when embedded data file is loaded
Hintzen, Niels
- [R] Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
Christoph Liedtke
- [R] What is the function for "smoothing splines with the smoothing parameter selected by generalized maximum likelihood?
- [R] Where to download the splines package.
David Croll
- [R] Where to download the splines package.
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] modeling a haemodynamic response function in R
Martin Batholdy
- [R] Autocorrelation values? How to extract?
Anna Zakrisson
- [R] how to combine grouped data and ungrouped data in a trellis xyplot
Deepayan Sarkar
- [R] Open Street map problem
- [R] Where to download the splines package.
Xiaobo Gu
- [R] Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Eleni Rapsomaniki
- [R] What is the function for "smoothing splines with the smoothing parameter selected by generalized maximum likelihood?
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Open Street map problem
peter dalgaard
- [R] Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Frank Harrell
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
Andrew Gaska
- [R] as.numeric() generates NAs inside an apply call, but fine outside of it
Chris Beeley
- [R] Autocorrelation values? How to extract?
- [R] How can I stack two matrices?
- [R] as.numeric() generates NAs inside an apply call, but fine outside of it
peter dalgaard
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
David Winsemius
- [R] as.numeric() generates NAs inside an apply call, but fine outside of it
Chris Beeley
- [R] modeling a haemodynamic response function in R
David Winsemius
- [R] Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Eleni Rapsomaniki
- [R] as.numeric() generates NAs inside an apply call, but fine outside of it
- [R] How can I stack two matrices?
Jorge I Velez
- [R] runif with condition
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
- [R] glmD error
Bond, Stephen
- [R] runif with condition
Sarah Goslee
- [R] runif with condition
David Winsemius
- [R] runif with condition
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] runif with condition
jim holtman
- [R] runif with condition
Jorge I Velez
- [R] How can I stack two matrices?
- [R] Summing rows by years (each time separately)
William Dunlap
- [R] need help with axis ticks
Uwe Ligges
- [R] plot, xlim to cut data set
- [R] runif with condition
David Winsemius
- [R] k-means++
Hans W Borchers
- [R] par.plot() for repeated measurements
- [R] Different lm() Residuals Output
Rich Shepard
- [R] Display warning when embedded data file is loaded
Martin Morgan
- [R] selection part of "subset"
Christof Kluß
- [R] what to do with underdispersed count data
- [R] Different lm() Residuals Output
Bert Gunter
- [R] Different lm() Residuals Output
Rich Shepard
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Christof Kluß
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Enrico Schumann
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Christof Kluß
- [R] How can I stack two matrices?
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Hasan Diwan
- [R] glmmPQL and predict
Mike Harwood
- [R] Can levelplot colorkeys display a logarithmic scale evenly?
Jean V Adams
- [R] plot, xlim to cut data set
Jean V Adams
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Enrico Schumann
- [R] Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Frank Harrell
- [R] how to combine grouped data and ungrouped data in a trellis xyplot
Mike Dahman
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] power in generalized linear models with categorical independent variables
Richard Friedman
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
John Walker
- [R] Calculating rolling mean by group
Sam Albers
- [R] [ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
Tom Roche
- [R] R package equivalent to Excel SOLVER - Paquete R equivalente a SOLVER de Excel
Carl Witthoft
- [R] runif with condition
Carl Witthoft
- [R] splitting strings effriciently
MacQueen, Don
- [R] Calculating rolling mean by group
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] RODBC vs gdata
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] stacked barplot colour coding
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
Rolf Turner
- [R] Aggregate by minimum
Jeffrey Joh
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
Rui Barradas
- [R] Aggregate by minimum
jim holtman
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
David Winsemius
- [R] Conditional Loop For Data Frame Columns
Rui Barradas
- [R] Lag() and lag()
- [R] Lag() and lag()
- [R] Extracting Data from SQL Server
- [R] error in Recursive
- [R] runif with condition
Rui Barradas
- [R] Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
Philip Robinson
- [R] Call for Tutorial Proposals and Abstracts for useR! 2012
Frank Harrell
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
Rolf Turner
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
David Winsemius
- [R] Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
Mark Difford
- [R] Extracting Data from SQL Server
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] error in Recursive
Berend Hasselman
- [R] [R-sig-Geo] Spatial data, rpoispp, using window with fixed radius?
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R] Extracting Data from SQL Server
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Propensity score matching in R using Classification tree method
- [R] "tau + h > 1: error in summary.rq"
Julia Lira
- [R] rworldmap: xlim, ylim do not change plotting region
Dan Bebber
- [R] strange Sys.Date() side effect
Czerminski, Ryszard
- [R] problem installing packages
natalia norden
- [R] Propensity score matching in R using Classification tree method
Frank Harrell
- [R] problem installing packages
Gavin Blackburn
- [R] strange Sys.Date() side effect
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular
Terry Therneau
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] problem installing packages
David Winsemius
- [R] rjags installation trouble
Ben Bolker
- [R] colored outliers
Justin Haynes
- [R] Error message in vegan ordistep
Nevil Amos
- [R] [R-pkgs] haplo.stats version 1.5.2
Sinnwell, Jason P.
- [R] Problem with segmented
- [R] Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
Petra Opic
- [R] question about R 2.15.0
Wang, Jing
- [R] glmmPQL and predict
Ben Bolker
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
- [R] Fwd: Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
Ivan Calandra
- [R] Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
David Winsemius
- [R] runif with condition
- [R] question about R 2.15.0
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Online 'Beginner's Guide to R' course (with video)
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R] Adding Institution-Affiliation to Description File of R Package
Ben Ganzfried
- [R] colored outliers
Justin Haynes
- [R] Adding Institution-Affiliation to Description File of R Package
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
- [R] rpart vs. tree and deviance calculations
Josh Browning
- [R] Converting BY to a data.frame
Ramiro Barrantes
- [R] problem installing packages
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Fwd: Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Łukasz Ręcławowicz
- [R] Error when using foreach package for parralelization
Mikko Korpela
- [R] Calculating rolling mean by group
Sam Albers
- [R] Restricting R session
Antonio Rodriges
- [R] grplasso
Scott Raynaud
- [R] Can "prototype" and "initialize" coexist?
Keith Weintraub
- [R] glmmPQL and predict
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] plotOHLC(alpha3): Error in plotOHLC(alpha3) : x is not a open/high/low/close time series
Ted Byers
- [R] Converting BY to a data.frame
David Winsemius
- [R] Correlograms
- [R] different results from fligner.test
- [R] problem installing packages
natalia norden
- [R] problem installing packages
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
- [R] help
Anna Olofsson
- [R] help
Sarah Goslee
- [R] help
Peter Alspach
- [R] Rpad.org down? Searching latest R-Reference card
Jonas Stein
- [R] Correlograms
Kevin Wright
- [R] different results from fligner.test
peter dalgaard
- [R] Aggregate by minimum
Hadley Wickham
- [R] help
Anna Olofsson
- [R] different results from fligner.test
- [R] short-hand to avoid use of length() in subsetting vectors?
Eric Rupley
- [R] Can "prototype" and "initialize" coexist?
Martin Morgan
- [R] short-hand to avoid use of length() in subsetting vectors?
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] short-hand to avoid use of length() in subsetting vectors?
Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] Problems with constrOptim
cianders at uci.edu
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Nevil Amos
- [R] runif with condition
Carl Witthoft
- [R] short-hand to avoid use of length() in subsetting vectors?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] 64bit R under 32bit winxp
- [R] help
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] try() with silent=TRUE not preventing printing of error message
Benjamin Tyner
- [R] Extracting Data from SQL Server
- [R] Finding percentile of a value from an empirical distribution
Robert A'gata
- [R] Finding percentile of a value from an empirical distribution
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Finding percentile of a value from an empirical distribution
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Revolutions Blog: December Roundup
David Smith
- [R] Finding percentile of a value from an empirical distribution
Robert A'gata
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
- [R] R problem: unable to read data in the xls-format in the PerformAnalytics package
yseiler at bluewin.ch
- [R] Fwd: Sum of a couple of variables of which a few have NA values
Ivan Calandra
- [R] 64bit R under 32bit winxp
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] help
peter dalgaard
- [R] Reg : Capture.output not supporting UTF-8 data
- [R] problems with glht for ancova
- [R] Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Jari Oksanen
- [R] Plot maps with R
- [R] Confidence Interval from Moments?
- [R] Max value of an integer
Rui Esteves
- [R] runif with condition
peter dalgaard
- [R] Accomplishing a loop on multiple columns
- [R] 64bit R under 32bit winxp
- [R] problem installing packages
Uwe Ligges
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
- [R] Assist me on how I can arrange trend data of rainfall and temperature for analysis
- [R] Getting Sphericity Tests for Within Subject Repeated Measure Anova (using "car" package)
- [R] Max value of an integer
Berend Hasselman
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Łukasz Ręcławowicz
- [R] Plot maps with R
- [R] 64bit R under 32bit winxp
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Meyners, Michael
- [R] Accomplishing a loop on multiple columns
- [R] Constructing a data.frame from csv files
Vincy Pyne
- [R] Problem with segmented
Vito Muggeo (UniPa)
- [R] Max value of an integer
Mikko Korpela
- [R] runif with condition
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
- [R] spplot : help with legend
- [R] odfWeave UTF-8 error and latin characters
- [R] get the percentage rank of a value based on an empirical data vector
Martin Batholdy
- [R] Problem concerning withRestarts and R2WinBUGS
Jongerling, J. (Joran)
- [R] Constructing a data.frame from csv files
jim holtman
- [R] How to make this for() loop memory efficient?
Martin Morgan
- [R] get the percentage rank of a value based on an empirical data vector
David Winsemius
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
- [R] Problem with segmented
- [R] New to R, Curious about Project Idea
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] get the percentage rank of a value based on an empirical data vector
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] R problem: unable to read data in the xls-format in the PerformAnalytics package
Joshua Ulrich
- [R] general question on Spotfire
John Smith
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] plotOHLC(alpha3): Error in plotOHLC(alpha3) : x is not a open/high/low/close time series
Joshua Ulrich
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
- [R] get the percentage rank of a value based on an empirical data vector
Martin Batholdy
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
Walker, John Stephen
- [R] general question on Spotfire
John Smith
- [R] Generating unque patient IDs
Ayyappa Chaturvedula
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] general question on Spotfire
peter dalgaard
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Odp: Generating unque patient IDs
- [R] test for condition during whole r session or after each command
- [R] rjags installation trouble
Martyn Plummer
- [R] Odp: Generating unque patient IDs
jim holtman
- [R] Generating unque patient IDs
David Winsemius
- [R] Help with speed (replacing the loop?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] plotOHLC(alpha3): Error in plotOHLC(alpha3) : x is not a open/high/low/close time series
Ted Byers
- [R] Odp: Generating unque patient IDs
David Winsemius
- [R] rgl/ x11 problem
jack hietpas
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
Chris Campbell
- [R] Generating unque patient IDs
Chris Campbell
- [R] Constructing a data.frame from csv files
Vincy Pyne
- [R] Odp: Generating unque patient IDs
jim holtman
- [R] Odp: Generating unque patient IDs
Ayyappa Chaturvedula
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Bert Gunter
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Louis Bajuk-Yorgan
- [R] stacked barplot colour coding
Jean V Adams
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Spencer Graves
- [R] fix and edit don't work: unable to open X Input Method->segfault
Patrick Connolly
- [R] turning a list of vectors into a data.frame (as rows of the DF)?
Chris Conner
- [R] Restricting R session
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Getting a "root edge" error when trying to read the phylocom megatree into R
Megan Bartlett
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
Rich Shepard
- [R] 2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
Daniel Nordlund
- [R] Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Nevil Amos
- [R] New to R, Curious about Project Idea
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Problem with segmented
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Restricting R session
Antonio Rodriges
- [R] plotOHLC(alpha3): Error in plotOHLC(alpha3) : x is not a open/high/low/close time series
Joshua Ulrich
- [R] stacked barplot colour coding
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] 2D filter in R?
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
Uwe Ligges
- [R] New to R, Curious about Project Idea
Daniel Nordlund
- [R] turning a list of vectors into a data.frame (as rows of the DF)?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Confidence Interval from Moments?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] R error in make check
Anirban Jana
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] turning a list of vectors into a data.frame (as rows of the DF)?
William Dunlap
- [R] turning a list of vectors into a data.frame (as rows of the DF)?
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
Uwe Ligges
- [R] summarizing a complex dataframe
Christopher G Oakley
- [R] rjags installation trouble
Ben Bolker
- [R] plotOHLC(alpha3): Error in plotOHLC(alpha3) : x is not a open/high/low/close time series
Ted Byers
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] rjava on FreeBSD
Hasan Diwan
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
David Winsemius
- [R] summarizing a complex dataframe
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] Checking dates for entry errors
Paul Miller
- [R] summarizing a complex dataframe
Bert Gunter
- [R] summarizing a complex dataframe
David Winsemius
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
Rich Shepard
- [R] [R-pkgs] Rook: software and specification for R web applications and servers
Jeffrey Horner
- [R] rjava on FreeBSD
Rainer Hurling
- [R] Restricting R session
Thomas Lumley
- [R] Storing/Restoring R objects
David Winsemius
- [R] Error in charToDate(x)
- [R] 2D filter in R?
Rolf Turner
- [R] Rpad.org down? Searching latest R-Reference card
Jonas Stein
- [R] 2D filter in R?
Bert Gunter
- [R] 2D filter in R?
- [R] 2D filter in R?
Bert Gunter
- [R] 2D filter in R?
- [R] 2D filter in R?
- [R] 2D filter in R?
David Winsemius
- [R] multcomp two-way anova with interactions within and between
Schreiber, Stefan
- [R] cannot get tweets from twitteR
Sachinthaka Abeywardana
- [R] summarizing a complex dataframe
jim holtman
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] summing NAs in aggregate
Spitzer, Matthew
- [R] Points inside a polygon
Hasan Diwan
- [R] cannot get tweets from twitteR
Sachinthaka Abeywardana
- [R] summing NAs in aggregate
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] R error in make check
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] New to R, Curious about Project Idea
Antonio Rodriges
- [R] problems with method ken.sto in package soil.spec: subscript out of bounds
Martin Guetlein
- [R] problems with glht for ancova
- [R] problems with glht for ancova
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
Tal Galili
- [R] Restricting R session
Uwe Ligges
- [R] cannot get tweets from twitteR
Uwe Ligges
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] glht (multicomparisons) with an interaction factor
- [R] posting for r-help
rbuxton at mun.ca
- [R] defmacro installation issue
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
- [R] data manipulation
- [R] Vegan(ordistep) error: Error in if (aod[1, 5] <= Pin) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Jari Oksanen
- [R] error message in R 2.1.14 installation
carol white
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
- [R] error message in R 2.1.14 installation
peter dalgaard
- [R] error message in R 2.1.14 installation
carol white
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
Uwe Ligges
- [R] error message in R 2.1.14 installation
Marc Schwartz
- [R] error message in R 2.1.14 installation
peter dalgaard
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
Frank Harrell
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
- [R] Function accepted by optim but not mle2 (?)
- [R] R codes for Intervention Time Series Analysis
- [R] defmacro installation issue
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] RGL- Drawing Circle
Uwe Ligges
- [R] defmacro installation issue
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Accomplishing a loop on multiple columns
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
- [R] [R-SIG-Finance] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
G See
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Terry Therneau
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
- [R] Accomplishing a loop on multiple columns
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] strsplit() does not split on "."?
Czerminski, Ryszard
- [R] compare means
kende jan
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] strsplit() does not split on "."?
Jorge I Velez
- [R] strsplit() does not split on "."?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] strsplit() does not split on "."?
Czerminski, Ryszard
- [R] is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
- [R] Points inside a polygon
Justin Haynes
- [R] help request
- [R] Add color to Boxplot by value
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
- [R] R for windows 64 bit
Marc Schwartz
- [R] how do I make a movie out of a timeseries of 2D data?
Greg Snow
- [R] Function accepted by optim but not mle2 (?)
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Function accepted by optim but not mle2 (?)
Ben Bolker
- [R] parallel computation in plyr 1.7
Aditya Bhagwat
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Frank Harrell
- [R] How can I prevent solve.QP from printing the solution progress ?
Uzuner, Tolga I
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
Aditya Bhagwat
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
jim holtman
- [R] relative frequency plot using ggplot or other function
Mary Kindall
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] how do I find previous version of a package?
- [R] parallel computation in plyr 1.7
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
Aditya Bhagwat
- [R] is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
William Dunlap
- [R] how do I find previous version of a package?
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] relative frequency plot using ggplot or other function
Justin Haynes
- [R] [ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
David William Pierce
- [R] parLapply within a function
Katja Hebestreit
- [R] how do I find previous version of a package?
- [R] how do I find previous version of a package?
Marc Schwartz
- [R] relative frequency plot using ggplot or other function
Mary Kindall
- [R] how do I find previous version of a package?
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] parallel computation in plyr 1.7
- [R] Unexpected results using the oneway_test in the coin package
David Winsemius
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
David Winsemius
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
peter dalgaard
- [R] posting for r-help
Ben Bolker
- [R] is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
Thomas Lumley
- [R] relative frequency plot using ggplot or other function
Justin Haynes
- [R] using "list=" to force evaluation before execution
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Add color to Boxplot by value
Justin Haynes
- [R] Restricting R session
Antonio Rodriges
- [R] Points inside a polygon
Rolf Turner
- [R] Restricting R session
Antonio Rodriges
- [R] is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Keep rows where a variable matches one item of a vector
- [R] kruskal wallis post hoc?
Frank Harrell
- [R] Keep rows where a variable matches one item of a vector
Sarah Goslee
- [R] remoting ESS/R with tramp
Tom Roche
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
- [R] strange Sys.Date() side effect
MacQueen, Don
- [R] how to select column wich median is in this interval [5;6]
- [R] is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R] Problem with Snowball & RWeka
- [R] GGplot controlling point size across range
Darran King
- [R] remoting ESS/R with tramp
Tom Roche
- [R] remoting ESS/R with tramp
poti at potis.org
- [R] subset
- [R] subset
Jorge I Velez
- [R] subset
- [R] loops over regression models
Xu Jun
- [R] how to select column wich median is in this interval [5;6]
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] subset
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
Marc Schwartz
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
Schreiber, Stefan
- [R] subset
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
Schreiber, Stefan
- [R] subset
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Does wordcloud do clustering
Sachinthaka Abeywardana
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
Schreiber, Stefan
- [R] work with a subset of the dataset
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Averaging over data sets
Felipe Nunes
- [R] GGplot controlling point size across range
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Averaging over data sets
Joshua Wiley
- [R] analytical solution of partial differential equation
- [R] Latent class model with Polytomous Variable and Bootstrap
Kuen Bok lee
- [R] Help needed in interpreting linear models
- [R] loops over regression models
- [R] remoting ESS/R with tramp
Michael Albinus
- [R] rho statistics for dinucleotide abundance from a sequence file
- [R] how to create stratified (cross-validation) partitions according to numerical features
Martin Guetlein
- [R] beanplot-Error: sample is too sparse to find TD
- [R] syntax for reading into R
Marion Wenty
- [R] Help needed in interpreting linear models
- [R] second order cone programmming, linear inequalities constraints
riccardo giacomelli
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
- [R] find inflexion point of discrete value list with R
Jonas Stein
- [R] GLHT in multcomp: Two similar models, one doesn't work
- [R] Help needed in interpreting linear models
- [R] how to find the number of iterations kmeans used to converge?
Rui Esteves
- [R] apply transformation
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
- [R] read.table as integer
- [R] Problems with plotCI
Lasse DSR-mail
- [R] Remove space from string
Vikram Bahure
- [R] Remove space from string
Gustaf Rydevik
- [R] remoting ESS/R with tramp
Claudia Beleites
- [R] Odp: Remove space from string
- [R] how to find the number of iterations kmeans used to converge?
David Winsemius
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] Help needed in interpreting linear models
- [R] function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
- [R] analytical solution of partial differential equation
Ben Bolker
- [R] read.table as integer
David Winsemius
- [R] strange Sys.Date() side effect
Czerminski, Ryszard
- [R] read.table as integer
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
Joshua Wiley
- [R] How can I prevent solve.QP from printing the solution progress ?
Uzuner, Tolga I
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Quantiles in boxplot
René Brinkhuis
- [R] access/row access/col access
- [R] Portfolio Optimization
Sal Pellettieri
- [R] Brillouin index
Philipp Fischer
- [R] Quantiles in boxplot
Sarah Goslee
- [R] access/row access/col access
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Odp: Remove space from string
Bos, Roger
- [R] plotting regression line in with lattice
matteo dossena
- [R] function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Berend Hasselman
- [R] access/row access/col access
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
Matthew Pettis
- [R] Nabble? Was Re: function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
Gavin Blackburn
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
Matthew Pettis
- [R] tm package, custom reader
pl.rudy at gmail.com
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] access/row access/col access
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] [R-pkgs] New package ‘bcrm’ to implement Bayesian continuous reassessment method designs
Michael Sweeting
- [R] fUtilities removed
Dominic Comtois
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
Michael Dewey
- [R] GLHT in multcomp: Two similar models, one doesn't work
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
Marc Schwartz
- [R] multidimensional array calculation
Johannes Radinger
- [R] outputs from command "by"
Hai Lin
- [R] access/row access/col access
David Winsemius
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Merging data XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] fUtilities removed
David Winsemius
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Merging data XXXX
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Merging data XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] grplasso
Scott Raynaud
- [R] Help with t student test
- [R] multidimensional array calculation
Jean V Adams
- [R] multidimensional array calculation
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] plotting regression line in with lattice
Weidong Gu
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
Ken Hutchison
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] apply transformation
Jean V Adams
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
David L Carlson
- [R] deviance and variance - GAM models
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Portfolio Optimization
Enrico Schumann
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Benjamin Weber
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Problem Installing R to SuSE 10 via RPM
peter dalgaard
- [R] Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
David Kikuchi
- [R] Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
David Kikuchi
- [R] More issues with apply
- [R] Averaging over data sets
MacQueen, Don
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Regression Modeling Strategies 3-Day Short Course March 2012
Frank Harrell
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
- [R] Brillouin index
MacQueen, Don
- [R] read.zoo problems
KTD Services
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Roy Mendelssohn
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Thomas Adams
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
MacQueen, Don
- [R] question: how to select a column from a dataframe in a function
Julia Burggraaf
- [R] influence measures for multivariate regression
Michael Friendly
- [R] Brillouin index
Ben Bolker
- [R] Quality adjusted survival analysis
Pedro Mota Veiga
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Brian Diggs
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Benjamin Weber
- [R] [ncdf] programmatically copying a netCDF file
Tom Roche
- [R] point.in.polygon help
Hasan Diwan
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Rui Esteves
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Peter Langfelder
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
John C Frain
- [R] question: how to select a column from a dataframe in a function
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
Rui Barradas
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Spencer Graves
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
- [R] Converting .Rout file to pdf via Sweave automatically
Parag Magunia
- [R] read.zoo problems
David Winsemius
- [R] More issues with apply
David Winsemius
- [R] read.zoo problems
KTD Services
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
- [R] read.zoo problems
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] (no subject)
Madhura Ganguly
- [R] Problems with plotCI
Jim Lemon
- [R] Problems with plotCI
Jim Lemon
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Rui Esteves
- [R] Date/time
- [R] Problems with plotCI
Martin Maechler
- [R] plotting regression line in with lattice
matteo dossena
- [R] Problems with plotCI
Jim Lemon
- [R] Converting .Rout file to pdf via Sweave automatically
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Determining if an object name does not exist
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Determining if an object name does not exist
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Rui Esteves
- [R] multidimensional array calculation
Johannes Radinger
- [R] fUtilities removed --> use fBasics
Martin Maechler
- [R] Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Benjamin Weber
- [R] tm package, custom reader
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Date/time
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Date/time
- [R] Quantiles in boxplot
René Brinkhuis
Yakamu Yakamu
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Jason Edgecombe
- [R] Date/time
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
Ben Bolker
- [R] Quantiles in boxplot
peter dalgaard
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Mike Marchywka
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Benjamin Weber
- [R] fUtilities removed --> use fBasics
Dominic Comtois
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Joshua Wiley
- [R] metafor: weights computation in Mantel-Haenszel method
Ignacio López De Ullibarri Galparsoro
- [R] How can I change font type in graph (including all the text in lagend, and the number in x-y axis)
Yakamu Yakamu
- [R] Nabble? Was Re: function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] tm package, custom reader
Andy Adamiec
- [R] tm package, custom reader
Andy Adamiec
- [R] How can I change font type in graph (including all the text in lagend, and the number in x-y axis)
David Winsemius
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Paul Gilbert
- [R] add column with values found in another data frame
- [R] Quantiles in boxplot
René Brinkhuis
Jim Lemon
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
John C Frain
- [R] Estimate the average abundance using Poisson regression with a log link.
- [R] How can I doing Quality adjusted survival analysis in R?
Pedro Mota Veiga
- [R] Estimate the average abundance using Poisson regression with a log link.
Rui Barradas
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
- [R] par.plot() for repeated measurements
Jonas Stein
- [R] Estimate the average abundance using Poisson regression with a log link.
Rui Barradas
- [R] GUI preferences are not saved
Phillip Feldman
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Jason Edgecombe
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
John C Frain
- [R] simulating stable VAR process
Mark Leeds
- [R] add column with values found in another data frame
Jorge I Velez
- [R] add column with values found in another data frame
Pete Brecknock
- [R] Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] GUI preferences are not saved
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Correct Localized Numbers on Plots, related to glibc!
Majid Einian
- [R] determining the difference between 2 character strings
Philip Robinson
- [R] determining the difference between 2 character string
Jim Holtman
- [R] Correct Localized Numbers on Plots, related to glibc!
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Quality adjusted survival analysis
- [R] Is it possible to "right align" text in R graphics?
Majid Einian
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Benjamin Weber
- [R] determining the difference between 2 character strings
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] How can I doing Quality adjusted survival analysis in R?
Pedro Mota Veiga
- [R] How can I doing Quality adjusted survival analysis in R?
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] A question about cointegration - How can we find the standard deviation in the cointegration relationship ?
- [R] problem in R related to import n export
mukul purva
- [R] The Future of R | API to Public Databases
Jason Edgecombe
- [R] Reading MINE output into a matrix
Matt Considine
- [R] metafor: weights computation in Mantel-Haenszel method
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [R] Word Wrap
- [R] par.plot() for repeated measurements
- [R] Word Wrap
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Word Wrap
Florent D.
- [R] Word Wrap
Martin Morgan
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Nabble? Was Re: function to replace values doesn't work on vectors
Uwe Ligges
- [R] problem in R related to import n export
jim holtman
- [R] add column with values found in another data frame
- [R] parLapply within a function
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Regression for Rank Order Dependent Variable
Iasonas Lamprianou
- [R] More issues with apply
- [R] ggExtra package installation fails
Tengfei Yin
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
- [R] ggExtra package installation fails
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] general question on Spotfire
Frank Harrell
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
David Stevens
- [R] deviance and variance - GAM models
Simon Wood
- [R] problem with table.CAPM in PerformanceAnalytics
Dom Pazzula
- [R] Trouble installing packages on R2.14.1
Crawford Mark
- [R] ggExtra package installation fails
baptiste auguie
- [R] R-help Digest, Vol 107, Issue 14
Paul Gilbert
- [R] ggExtra package installation fails
Tengfei Yin
- [R] Union/Intersect two continuous sets
William Dunlap
- [R] Need help interpreting the logit regression function
Rohit Pandey
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Jonas Stein
- [R] Need help interpreting the logit regression function
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Trouble installing packages on R2.14.1
Ben Bolker
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Ken Hutchison
- [R] Fwd: Trouble installing packages on R2.14.1
Ken Hutchison
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Ken Hutchison
- [R] ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
J Toll
- [R] rpart question
Joshua Wiley
- [R] problem with table.CAPM in PerformanceAnalytics
Pete Brecknock
- [R] problem with table.CAPM in PerformanceAnalytics
Dom Pazzula
- [R] ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] A recent Post
Roy Mendelssohn
- [R] ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
J Toll
- [R] A recent Post
Joshua Wiley
- [R] A recent Post
Roy Mendelssohn
- [R] rho stat from a fasta sequence file
- [R] Read and show Bitmap Images
- [R] ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
- [R] problem in import and export
mukul purva
- [R] Problems with plm's pgmm: changing results
Rolan Paul Veron Cruz
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] beanplot-Error: sample is too sparse to find TD
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] choosing a proper knot in GAM mgcv package
- [R] Trouble installing packages on R2.14.1
Gavin Blackburn
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] igraph question
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
David martin
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
Ivan Calandra
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
Jim Lemon
- [R] physical books of 'The R Inferno' and 'S Poetry'
Patrick Burns
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
- [R] dbWriteTable(con, access_log, overwrite = F).....
Poul Kristensen
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
David martin
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
David Winsemius
- [R] Relevel dynamically
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
David Stevens
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
- [R] GAM without intercept reports a huge deviance
- [R] Symlets in R
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
Berend Hasselman
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] parallel computation in plyr 1.7
Hadley Wickham
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [R] Relevel dynamically
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] RGtk2: How to overlay a gtkDrawingArea with a button or any other widget?
Michael Lawrence
- [R] Saving WinBugs log file when using bugs()
Ruth Chapman
- [R] Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
Julien Velcin
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Marion Wenty
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
David Winsemius
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Cointegration critical value tables
- [R] Package "maps": what is the name of county # 2395?
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] smoothScatter on map
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
David Stevens
- [R] Relevel dynamically
- [R] dbWriteTable(con, access_log, overwrite = F).....
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Saving WinBugs log file when using bugs()
Uwe Ligges
- [R] need SMOTE code
loubna ibn majdoub hassani
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Marion Wenty
- [R] Saving WinBugs log file when using bugs()
- [R] list: index of the element, that is TRUE
Hadley Wickham
- [R] start.help() and browser
Christian Hoffmann
- [R] Package "maps": what is the name of county # 2395?
David Winsemius
- [R] start.help() and browser
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Package "maps": what is the name of county # 2395?
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Package: Waveslim Error: The object is this type is not subsettable
- [R] GAM without intercept reports a huge deviance
David Winsemius
- [R] Calling Fortran from R: Issues with dynamic loading of fortran dll
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Mary Kindall
- [R] FDA predict problem
Catarina Maia
- [R] need SMOTE code
Sarah Goslee
- [R] R for Windows: Is there a function/package that enables Win32 API Calls?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Package "maps": what is the name of county # 2395?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] R for Windows: Is there a function/package that enables Win32 API Calls?
Tal Galili
- [R] Add grid lines to levelplot
David A Vavra
- [R] R for Windows: Is there a function/package that enables Win32 API Calls?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Mary Kindall
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Ramiro Barrantes
- [R] R for Windows: Is there a function/package that enables Win32 API Calls?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Select rows based on multiple comparisons
Felipe Nunes
- [R] Select rows based on multiple comparisons
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Select rows based on multiple comparisons
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Select rows based on multiple comparisons
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Select rows based on multiple comparisons
Felipe Nunes
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Yihui Xie
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Jorge I Velez
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Felipe Carrillo
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Dontrece Smith
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Mary Kindall
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Dontrece Smith
- [R] net classification improvement?
Essers, Jonah
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Michael Friendly
- [R] arguments in merge() not accepted
Lukas Kohl
- [R] Logistical or Linear Output in AMORE
- [R] Object not found using GAMs in MGCV Package
Don McKenzie
- [R] net classification improvement?
Kevin E. Thorpe
- [R] How to loop on file names
Hélène Genet
- [R] arguments in merge() not accepted
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Import a text file except its first row
Chee Chen
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Rainer Schuermann
- [R] Import a text file except its first row
Peter Langfelder
- [R] rho stat from a fasta sequence file
Ben Bolker
- [R] visualization for k-mean clustering
mukul purva
- [R] Scoring using cox model: probability of survival before time t
- [R] Correct Localized Numbers on Plots, related to glibc!
Majid Einian
- [R] MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
Dunbar, Michael J.
- [R] MuMIn package, problem using model selection table from manually created list of models
Kamil Bartoń
- [R] New PLYR issue
Gunnar Oehmichen
- [R] result numeric(0) when using variable1[which(variable2="max(variable2)"]
- [R] Display numbers on map
Jeffrey Joh
- [R] Averaging within a range of values
- [R] Mean of simulation runs given in a table
Irek Szczesniak
- [R] r help
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
Michael Dewey
- [R] How to loop on file names
Bretschneider SIG-R
- [R] net classification improvement?
Essers, Jonah
- [R] formula in function as text?
Julia Burggraaf
- [R] Checking dates for entry errors
Thomas Mang
- [R] Plotting probability density and cumulative distribution function
- [R] meta-analysis normal quantile plot metafor
- [R] Error predict with lda and cross validation
Riccardo Romoli
- [R] Saving WinBugs log file when using bugs()
Uwe Ligges
- [R] BLAS
Scott Raynaud
- [R] Mean of simulation runs given in a table
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Error predict with lda and cross validation
Uwe Ligges
- [R] result numeric(0) when using variable1[which(variable2="max(variable2)"]
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] result numeric(0) when using variable1[which(variable2="max(variable2)"]
Berend Hasselman
- [R] formula in function as text?
- [R] formula in function as text?
Berend Hasselman
- [R] Display numbers on map
David Winsemius
- [R] question: how to select a column from a dataframe in a function
- [R] Checking dates for entry errors
David Winsemius
- [R] BLAS
Peter Langfelder
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Hadley Wickham
- [R] visualization for k-mean clustering
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Plotting probability density and cumulative distribution function
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] visualization for k-mean clustering
Yihui Xie
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
- [R] How to loop on file names
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Reference for dataset colon (package survival)
Matthias Gondan
- [R] Prediciting sports team scores
- [R] An "unsubsettable object" in a mixed model
Sarah Jervis
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Kenneth Frost
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Kenneth Frost
- [R] unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "character", "missing"
Poul Kristensen
- [R] boxplot with diamond shape
David Winsemius
- [R] Reference for dataset colon (package survival)
David Winsemius
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
- [R] Reference for dataset colon (package survival)
David Winsemius
- [R] Prediciting sports team scores
David Winsemius
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Bert Gunter
- [R] Prediciting sports team scores
Albyn Jones
- [R] ggplot2 stacked bar - sum of values rather than count
J Toll
- [R] net classification improvement?
Kevin E. Thorpe
- [R] net classification improvement?
Essers, Jonah
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
- [R] Which date format to choose?
Jake Beaulieu
- [R] net classification improvement?
Kevin E. Thorpe
- [R] New PLYR issue
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Which date format to choose?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Which date format to choose?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] RTisean generating multivariate surrogates;
Burton Shank
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
Doran, Harold
- [R] New PLYR issue
Hadley Wickham
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
Bert Gunter
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Achim Zeileis
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
Uwe Ligges
- [R] pretty(range(data$z),10) Error
Mario Giesel
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Achim Zeileis
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
Doran, Harold
- [R] An "unsubsettable object" in a mixed model
Ben Bolker
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
David Winsemius
- [R] bayesian mixed logit
Carlo Fezzi (ENV)
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
Doran, Harold
- [R] Change state names to abbreviations in an irregular, list of names, abbreviations, null values, and foreign provinces
David Kikuchi
- [R] Separate ablines in lattice panels
David Winsemius
- [R] Display numbers on map
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "character", "missing"
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
Rui Barradas
- [R] unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "character", "missing"
Bert Gunter
- [R] Using !is.na() in a HAVING clause in sqldf() XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] error when extracting from a data frame
- [R] Using !is.na() in a HAVING clause in sqldf() XXXX
Joseph Magagnoli
- [R] Using !is.na() in a HAVING clause in sqldf() XXXX
Phil Spector
- [R] problem in import and export
Jean V Adams
- [R] Display numbers on map
David Winsemius
- [R] error when extracting from a data frame
Jean V Adams
- [R] bayesian mixed logit
Ben Bolker
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
- [R] Mean of simulation runs given in a table
Ireneusz Szcześniak
- [R] error when extracting from a data frame
David Winsemius
- [R] pscl package and hurdle model marginal effects
- [R] Mean of simulation runs given in a table
William Dunlap
- [R] arules "killed"
Patrick McCann
- [R] ggplot- using geom_point and geom_line at the same time
Mary Kindall
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Jonas Stein
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Jonas Stein
- [R] howto test a package without installation
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Rolf Turner
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Jonas Stein
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
William Dunlap
- [R] howto test a package without installation
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Rui Barradas
- [R] arules "killed"
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Extracting rows with latest date from a data frame
- [R] How to choose variabe that needs to be smoothing in GAM
- [R] Odp: Separate ablines in lattice panels
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Achim Zeileis
- [R] pscl package and hurdle model marginal effects
Achim Zeileis
- [R] Extracting rows with latest date from a data frame
- [R] unable to find an inherited method for function "make.db.names", for signature "character", "missing"
Achim Zeileis
- [R] sresid with lme4
- [R] Error in variable ' _' converted to a factor AND *tmp*
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
Alexander Erbse
- [R] An "unsubsettable object" in a mixed model
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregate functions
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregation functions
dimitris fekas
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregation functions
Tal Galili
- [R] visualization for k-mean clustering
Tal Galili
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
Uwe Ligges
- [R] quantile type 1 perhaps?
- [R] Using Aggregate() with FUN arguments, which require more than one input variables
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregation functions
- [R] computing scores from a factor analysis
- [R] manipulating data of several columns simultaneously
- [R] Error in variable ' _' converted to a factor AND *tmp*
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] R help
Catarina Maia
- [R] R help
Berend Hasselman
- [R] bayesian mixed logit
Carlo F
- [R] manipulating data of several columns simultaneously
Petr Savicky
- [R] manipulating data of several columns simultaneously
Gerrit Eichner
- [R] manipulating data of several columns simultaneously
Jean V Adams
- [R] Problems with Panel Data estimation
- [R] Non-linear Least Square Optimization -- Function of two variables.
Lorenzo Isella
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
- [R] problems with method ken.sto in package soil.spec: subscript out of bounds
- [R] R help
Poul Kristensen
- [R] help! kennard-stone algorithm in soil.spec packages does not work for my dataset!!!
Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez
- [R] R help
John Kane
- [R] GUI
Scott Raynaud
- [R] bayesian mixed logit
Ben Bolker
- [R] Checking dates for entry errors
Terry Therneau
- [R] An "unsubsettable object" in a mixed model
Ben Bolker
- [R] Scoring using cox model: probability of survival before time t
Terry Therneau
- [R] GUI
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregation functions
Jean V Adams
- [R] sresid with lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R] Reshape with multiple aggregate functions
David Winsemius
- [R] Reference for dataset colon (package survival)
Terry Therneau
- [R] Non-linear Least Square Optimization -- Function of two variables.
Berend Hasselman
- [R] Table Intersection
- [R] Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Anne Aubut
- [R] confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
Jerome Myers
- [R] Loess smoothing - alpha Parameter
- [R] Using Sweave to generate multiple documents
Ramiro Barrantes
- [R] XIII GRASS and GFOSS italian Meeting
francesca bader
- [R] examine grouped data lmList
agent dunham
- [R] GUI
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] restricted model estimation
n.vialma at libero.it
- [R] R help
Kevin E. Thorpe
- [R] R help
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] restricted model estimation
Ben Bolker
- [R] GUI
Michael Schmidt
- [R] confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
Marc Schwartz
- [R] confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
Nordlund, Dan (DSHS/RDA)
- [R] confint function in MASS package for logistic regression analysis
William Dunlap
- [R] Table Intersection
Martin Morgan
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
William Dunlap
- [R] pscl package and hurdle model marginal effects
Achim Zeileis
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] How do I exactly align the right hand side of "mtext" relative to a plot device? Beyond "adj".
George Shirreff
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Prediciting sports team scores
- [R] Time series questions
- [R] R Table
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] R Table
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] R Table
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] R Table
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] [R-pkgs] New package knitr
Yihui Xie
- [R] R-Help
- [R] How to define a variable in a function that another function uses without using global variables
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] How do I exactly align the right hand side of "mtext" relative to a plot device? Beyond "adj".
Marc Schwartz
- [R] CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
James Cloos
- [R] How do I exactly align the right hand side of "mtext" relative to a plot device? Beyond "adj".
Jean V Adams
- [R] forecasting a time series
- [R] Executable expressions
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Executable expressions
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Warning on R CMD check
David L Lorenz
- [R] Executable expressions
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Executable expressions
Robin Cura
- [R] Warning on R CMD check
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] kmeans clustering on large but sparse matrix
Lishu Liu
- [R] Executable expressions
Charlie Sharpsteen
- [R] Problem importing .txt file
Berneet Kaur
- [R] Executable Expressions II
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Warning on R CMD check
David L Lorenz
- [R] Executable Expressions II
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] R-Help
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Executable expressions
Wet Bell Diver
- [R] Problem importing .txt file
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Problem importing .txt file
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] makeCluster() function in doSNOW package hangs
Michael Krabbe Borregaard
- [R] Executable Expressions II
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] drop rare factors
Sam Steingold
- [R] drop rare factors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Jonas Stein
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Jonas Stein
- [R] png output on a server?
Justin Haynes
- [R] venn.diagram how to control circle diameter
Mikael Johnson
- [R] Error in variable ' _' converted to a factor AND *tmp*
- [R] R help
- [R] graph paper look
Erin Hodgess
- [R] graph paper look
baptiste auguie
- [R] graph paper look
Ben Bolker
- [R] graph paper look
Pete Brecknock
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
- [R] Executable expressions
baptiste auguie
- [R] ctree question
seanstclair at verizon.net
- [R] Interpreting script - write.csv
- [R] Not generating line chart
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] Interpreting script - write.csv
Berend Hasselman
- [R] ctree question
Achim Zeileis
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
- [R] Bash script produces: Error in library('package') : there is no package called 'package'
Leila Lackey
- [R] Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Tal Galili
- [R] Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Yihui Xie
- [R] looking for an ecological dataset
Vito Muggeo (UniPa)
- [R] add1 GLM - Warning message, what does it mean?
- [R] add1 GLM - Warning message, what does it mean?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] add1 GLM - Warning message, what does it mean?
- [R] converting a for loop into a foreach loop
- [R] Split values in vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Tal Galili
- [R] Not generating line chart
Jan van der Laan
- [R] cacheSweave questions (usage and forward compatibility)
Tal Galili
- [R] Bash script produces: Error in library('package') : there is no package called 'package'
Petr Savicky
- [R] New PLYR issue
Gunnar Oehmichen
- [R] Not generating line chart
Jan van der Laan
- [R] Problems with Panel Data estimation
- [R] Split values in vector
Gerrit Eichner
- [R] nls issue
Mathew Brown
- [R] Legend problem in line charts
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
Xiaobo Gu
- [R] Mean of simulation runs given in a table
Irek Szczesniak
- [R] Table Intersection
- [R] Sweave question - Setting Soutput code chunks to stay inside page margins?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Not generating line chart
Jan van der Laan
- [R] r help: source-function is very slow
Jos van Nijnatten
- [R] Interpreting script - write.csv
David Winsemius
- [R] What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
(Ted Harding)
- [R] What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
David Winsemius
- [R] cacheSweave questions (usage and forward compatibility)
Ben Bolker
- [R] What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
Xiaobo Gu
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
- [R] What does the : operator mean in glm formulas
David Winsemius
- [R] r help: source-function is very slow
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
Uwe Ligges
- [R] r help: source-function is very slow
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Help with .csv file reading !
- [R] cacheSweave questions (usage and forward compatibility)
Yihui Xie
- [R] r help: source-function is very slow
Jos van Nijnatten
- [R] Help with .csv file reading !
David Winsemius
- [R] breakpoints and nonlinear regression
Vito Muggeo (UniPa)
- [R] Help with .csv file reading !
David Winsemius
- [R] Split values in vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Alaska and Hawaii map data?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Legend problem in line charts
- [R] graph paper look
David L Carlson
- [R] cannot dyn.load dll from path
Adrian Dragulescu
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Global sensitivity indices using sensitivity package: sobol, sobol2002
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] R connect to Informix Database
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] fitting an exp model
- [R] RODBC problem inserting into tables
- [R] R connect to Informix Database
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] state multi-state modeling using hidden markov routine in the msm package
Stephen Nyangoma
- [R] cannot dyn.load dll from path
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] venn.diagram how to control circle diameter
Mikael Johnson
- [R] Executable expressions
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] cannot dyn.load dll from path
Adrian Dragulescu
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] cannot dyn.load dll from path
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a script XXXX
David L Carlson
- [R] Reading in tab (and space) delimited data within a scriptXXXX
Daniel Nordlund
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Executable Expressions II
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] read in Stata and SPSS with value labels/formats
Xu Jun
- [R] fitting an exp model
Ben Bolker
- [R] Executable Expressions II
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] drop rare factors
Sam Steingold
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] drop rare factors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Alaska and Hawaii map data?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] fitting an exp model
Rolf Turner
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Ben Bolker
- [R] drop rare factors
Sam Steingold
- [R] POSIXct value display incorrect for some values
Curt Seeliger
- [R] drop rare factors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
- [R] drop rare factors
William Dunlap
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] drop rare factors
Sarah Goslee
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
peter dalgaard
- [R] snow - bootstrapped correlation ranking
Patrik Waldmann
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Bert Gunter
- [R] computing scores from a factor analysis
William Revelle
- [R] question re. package playwith not able to run command getting error message that I'm attempting to use non function
Farhat Maha
- [R] read in Stata and SPSS with value labels/formats
Frank Harrell
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Sam Albers
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Justin Haynes
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
Hadley Wickham
- [R] Apply Function to List by Group Returning Result with Dim of List
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Sam Albers
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Jorge I Velez
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Rich Shepard
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Sam Albers
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
Florent D.
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Rich Shepard
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Filling color's points in legend's plot in R
- [R] POSIXct value display incorrect for some values
jim holtman
- [R] Apply Function to List by Group Returning Result with Dim of List
David Winsemius
- [R] converting a for loop into a foreach loop
jim holtman
- [R] Apply Function to List by Group Returning Result with Dim of List
- [R] DEMEtics expected run time for calculating DEST CI
Nevil Amos
- [R] Establishing groups using something other than ifelse()
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] What is a 'closure'?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] error
Neeraj Kohli
- [R] snow - bootstrapped correlation ranking
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] forecasting a time series
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] GLM - fixed responses?
- [R] Displaying GLM model fitting - best method
- [R] rsp
- [R] question re. package playwith not able to run command getting error message that I'm attempting to use non function
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] fitting an exp model
- [R] error
- [R] Symlet package in R Cran
- [R] Legend appearance
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
- [R] show plot
Soheila Khodakarim
- [R] dataframe: how to select an element from a row
- [R] show plot
- [R] Odp: Legend appearance
- [R] show plot
- [R] test if text is part of vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] test if text is part of vector
- [R] test if text is part of vector
Rainer M Krug
- [R] VarCov matrix - quantile regression.
Julia Lira
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
- [R] test if text is part of vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Split values in vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Serial Date
- [R] Point biserial correlation => Is there any specific command or could I just use cor.test?
- [R] test if text is part of vector
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] show plot
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] show plot
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] Split values in vector
Johannes Radinger
- [R] a question about taylor.diagram in plotrix package
- [R] Serial Date
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] forecasting a time series
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Matt Shotwell
- [R] Stacked barchart in ggplot (or other library)
- [R] Incorrect DateTime using ISOdatetime in R
- [R] Calling Windows DLL using .C; function name not known but in exports.
Alex van der Spek
- [R] abline by groups
Sam Chand
- [R] break an axis.POSIXct
Christof Kluß
- [R] free memory in large list?
- [R] colored outliers
Justin Haynes
- [R] fit Johnson Sb with fitdist(method="mme")
Tatsiana Dudzina
- [R] Estimation of the mode
Javier xyz
- [R] free memory in large list?
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] break an axis.POSIXct
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] break an axis.POSIXct
David Winsemius
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
Martin Batholdy
- [R] arc length of noisy time series?
John Williams
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
Peter Langfelder
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Incorrect DateTime using ISOdatetime in R
Luke Miller
- [R] Date seq question
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
Steve Lianoglou
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
Gavin Simpson
- [R] Read & Analyze Google spreadsheets
Peter Berntsen
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
Martin Batholdy
- [R] abline by groups
Sam Chand
- [R] z-transform each column of a data.frame
William Dunlap
- [R] question re. package playwith not able to run command getting error message that I'm attempting to use non function
Farhat Maha
- [R] Incorrect DateTime using ISOdatetime in R
Daniel Nordlund
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] rsp
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
Uwe Ligges
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sarah Goslee
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Bert Gunter
- [R] Incorrect DateTime using ISOdatetime in R
Julia Sommerfeld
- [R] Date seq question
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] abline by groups
Uwe Ligges
- [R] abline by groups
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Building R on RHEL 5
Erik Wright
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
- [R] Estimation of the mode
Bert Gunter
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] Stacked barchart in ggplot (or other library)
Jean V Adams
- [R] rbind()
Fred G
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
H. T. Reynolds
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
jim holtman
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Petr Savicky
- [R] Stacked barchart in ggplot (or other library)
Justin Haynes
- [R] Estimation of the mode
Javier xyz
- [R] rbind()
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Date seq question
Brian Diggs
- [R] Date seq question
- [R] Incorrect DateTime using ISOdatetime in R
Luke Miller
- [R] Get default values of a function argument
Helios de Rosario
- [R] Get default values of a function argument
David Winsemius
- [R] Get default values of a function argument
Helios de Rosario
- [R] rbind()
MacQueen, Don
- [R] Building R on RHEL 5
Jason Edgecombe
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
Jason Edgecombe
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
- [R] Announce: Summer Program in Data Analysis (SPIDA) 2012
Michael Friendly
- [R] Split values in vector
Rui Barradas
- [R] 4th corner analysis ade4 - what do the colors mean
Stephen Sefick
- [R] question re. package playwith not able to run command getting error message that I'm attempting to use non function
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] 4th corner analysis ade4 - what do the colors mean
Mark Difford
- [R] a question about taylor.diagram in plotrix package
Mark Difford
- [R] recomile a dll file in R
parvin sabeghi
- [R] a question about taylor.diagram in plotrix package
Jim Lemon
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
Jim Lemon
- [R] break an axis.POSIXct
Jim Lemon
- [R] colored outliers
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
- [R] a question about taylor.diagram in plotrix package
- [R] error in data.frame(...., check.names = FALSE)
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] Normalization in R
- [R] Rotated Labels for grouped bars
Jim_Comiskey at nps.gov
- [R] Point biserial correlation => Is there any specific command or could I just use cor.test?
Michael Dewey
- [R] Legend that is big?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Point biserial correlation => Is there any specific command or could I just use cor.test?
John Fox
- [R] 4th corner analysis ade4 - what do the colors mean
- [R] Alaska and Hawaii map data?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Loess smoothing - alpha Parameter
- [R] Rotated Labels for grouped bars
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Legend that is big?
John Kane
- [R] Legend that is big?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] How to access the panel rows/columns in pairs()?
Marius Hofert
- [R] recomile a dll file in R
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Fwd: How to access the panel rows/columns in pairs()?
Marius Hofert
- [R] Function movie3d in rgl library resulting in black/blank output
Manabu Sakamoto
- [R] contour(): Thickness contour labels
Andy Richling
- [R] How to identify data structure?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] How to identify data structure?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] How to identify data structure?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] How to identify data structure?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Legend that is big?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Enumerate the class of objects
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] replacing "+" in string
Nevil Amos
- [R] Enumerate the class of objects
Joshua Wiley
- [R] Legend that is big?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Create subset using variable
- [R] Function for multiple t tests
Iuri Gavronski
- [R] replacing "+" in string
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] replacing "+" in string
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Date seq question
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Date seq question
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Tengfei Yin
- [R] Create subset using variable
David Winsemius
- [R] Create subset using variable
- [R] Create subset using variable
- [R] Create subset using variable
Ben Bolker
- [R] Create subset using variable
- [R] sequentially summing up a elements of a vector
Martin Batholdy
- [R] sequentially summing up a elements of a vector
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] sequentially summing up a elements of a vector
Jorge I Velez
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
- [R] Problem with sapa package and spectral density function (SDF)
Jorge Garcia Molinos
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
jim holtman
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
- [R] Date seq question
jim holtman
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
jim holtman
- [R] Calling Windows DLL using .C; function name not known but in exports.
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Function for multiple t tests
Iuri Gavronski
- [R] Function movie3d in rgl library resulting in black/blank output
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] how to load R data file into a structure?
- [R] if/else statement without curly brackets gives a problem
Ery Arias-Castro
- [R] how to load R data file into a structure?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] if/else statement without curly brackets gives a problem
jim holtman
- [R] if/else statement without curly brackets gives a problem
Florent D.
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
Florent D.
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
jim holtman
- [R] Contour plot on a triangular mesh
Jim Lemon
- [R] Legend that is big?
Jim Lemon
- [R] semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] visualize lme results
Christof Kluß
- [R] R interactive = FALSE
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] semi-transparency not supported in devel R? "alpha" cannot be specified in qplot()
Yihui Xie
- [R] Calling Windows DLL using .C; function name not known but in exports.
Alex van der Spek
- [R] Legend that is big?
Kevin Burton
- [R] R interactive = FALSE
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Calling update on an lm-object inside a function
Søren Højsgaard
- [R] How to construct a formula
Hugh Morgan
- [R] R interactive = FALSE
David Winsemius
- [R] Function movie3d in rgl library resulting in black/blank output
Manabu Sakamoto
- [R] Function movie3d in rgl library resulting in black/blank output
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] How to construct a formula
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] R interactive = FALSE
Florent D.
- [R] How to construct a formula
Hugh Morgan
- [R] R package submission
- [R] R package submission
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Solving Equations
- [R] R package submission
peter dalgaard
- [R] replacing "+" in string
peter dalgaard
- [R] Solving Equations
David Winsemius
- [R] Solving Equations
Berend Hasselman
- [R] Solving Equations
- [R] Solving Equations
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] Solving Equations
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
David Winsemius
- [R] passing "..." arguments to (plot.ca)
Ian Robertson
- [R] Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Jorge I Velez
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Sam Steingold
- [R] passing "..." arguments to (plot.ca)
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Solving Equations
David Stevens
- [R] Solving Equations
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Solving Equations
David Stevens
- [R] Solving Equations
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Solving Equations
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Solving Equations
David Stevens
- [R] Solving Equations
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Extracting rows with latest date from a data frame
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Petr Savicky
- [R] extract fixed width fields from a string
Bert Gunter
- [R] How to build a "Amalgamation Schedule"? help!
- [R] Logrithmic histogram?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Double expressions in plot labels
Marcin Kozak
- [R] sqldf + Date class. Ordering and summary statistics appear to be incorrect.
Grant Farnsworth
- [R] Double expressions in plot labels
David Winsemius
- [R] Extracting data from SQL Server based on R parameters
- [R] Logrithmic histogram?
Hasan Diwan
- [R] sqldf + Date class. Ordering and summary statistics appear to be incorrect.
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] converting a for loop into a foreach loop
- [R] Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
Joshua Wiley
- [R] sqldf + Date class. Ordering and summary statistics appear to be incorrect.
Grant Farnsworth
- [R] Extracting data from SQL Server based on R parameters
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] conversion of string
- [R] Logrithmic histogram?
(Ted Harding)
- [R] Calling update on an lm-object inside a function
- [R] conversion of string
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Error in data.frame(...., check.names = FALSE)
- [R] conversion of string
- [R] conversion of string
Jim Lemon
- [R] Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Yvonnick Noel
- [R] Extracting part of anova.cca()
Nevil Amos
- [R] Extracting part of anova.cca()
Jari Oksanen
- [R] Terms with zero variance included in ordistep best model?
Nevil Amos
- [R] Error is coming as NULL
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] converting a for loop into a foreach loop
jim holtman
- [R] convert command not found in movie3d (rgl package) in Mac OS X
Manabu Sakamoto
- [R] Error is coming as NULL
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Error is coming as NULL
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
- [R] convert command not found in movie3d (rgl package) in Mac OS X
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] problems with FEAR
Gilda Mazzarelli
- [R] how to load R data file into a structure?
- [R] problems with FEAR
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Recompile
Scott Raynaud
- [R] Recompile
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Recompile
Uwe Ligges
- [R] net classification improvement?
Vincent Vinh-Hung
- [R] contour(): Thickness contour labels
David L Carlson
- [R] model non-nested random effects in nlme library
- [R] convert command not found in movie3d (rgl package) in Mac OS X
Manabu Sakamoto
- [R] Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
- [R] model non-nested random effects in nlme library
Ben Bolker
- [R] help upgrading R in Ubuntu
David A.
- [R] problems with dlmBSample of the dlm package
Stefano Sofia
- [R] Calculating & plotting a linear regression between two correlated variables
Bert Gunter
- [R] HoltWinters problem
- [R] help upgrading R in Ubuntu
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] How can I access information stored after I run a command in R?
Tiago V. Pereira
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
- [R] How can I access information stored after I run a command in R?
Justin Haynes
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
- [R] How can I access information stored after I run a command in R?
Tiago V. Pereira
- [R] problems with FEAR
peter dalgaard
- [R] problems with FEAR
Ben Bolker
- [R] Rmpi loading error
Tom Porteus
- [R] model non-nested random effects in nlme library
- [R] What package is used for the following graph?
Debs Majumdar
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
Petr Savicky
- [R] What package is used for the following graph?
David Winsemius
- [R] Jags problem
Yuanyuan Tang
- [R] How can I access information stored after I run a command in R?
Weiser, Constantin
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
David Winsemius
- [R] empirical copula code
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
Dimitris Rizopoulos
- [R] R not giving significance tests for coefficients/estimates?
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
Bert Gunter
- [R] Return the matrix location of multiple entries
- [R] R not giving significance tests for coefficients/estimates?
Bert Gunter
- [R] Alaska and Hawaii map data?
Ray Brownrigg
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
Kim Elmore
- [R] how do I do the autocovariance of a moving average?
- [R] converting a for loop into a foreach loop
- [R] Plotting Confidence Intervals with a proiri calculated Intervals
- [R] Cannot evaluate subset expression for sigmainverse
Yuanyuan Tang
- [R] Partial R2 values calculated using different packages
- [R] Cannot evaluate subset expression for sigmainverse
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] how do I do the autocovariance of a moving average?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Plotting Confidence Intervals with a proiri calculated Intervals
David Winsemius
- [R] Help: read a proportion of high through-put data
Chee Chen
- [R] Help: read a proportion of high through-put data
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Plotting Confidence Intervals with a proiri calculated Intervals
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] how to save the R script itself into a rData file?
Greg Snow
- [R] graph paper look
Greg Snow
- [R] Read and show Bitmap Images
Greg Snow
- [R] Display numbers on map
Greg Snow
- [R] Help: read a proportion of high through-put data
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Clustering and visualising a wordcloud
Sachinthaka Abeywardana
- [R] PCA for assets based household income analysis (" hetcor" and "princomp")
Mohd masood
- [R] sampling weights in package lme4
Mohd masood
- [R] problems with rollapply {zoo}
Ted Byers
- [R] warning massage longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
- [R] warning massage longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
- [R] 3 variables - GLM -- Warning Message ?
- [R] warning massage longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Mark Seeto
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Ivan Calandra
- [R] warning massage longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
- [R] What package is used for the following graph?
Jim Lemon
- [R] Splitting up large set of survey data into categories
- [R] lattice_wireframe_shade
Branimir Hackenberger
- [R] 3 variables - GLM -- Warning Message ?
- [R] read in Stata and SPSS with value labels/formats
- [R] What package is used for the following graph?
- [R] What package is used for the following graph?
Jim Lemon
- [R] how to remove library source from sweave
- [R] gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [R] debug package: mtrace fails
- [R] problems with rollapply {zoo}
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Calling function in DLL using .C
Alex van der Spek
- [R] Error is coming as NULL
Sri krishna Devarayalu Balanagu
- [R] gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Ista Zahn
- [R] problems with FEAR
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Rmpi loading error
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Error is coming as NULL
Petr Savicky
- [R] Adding text to multiple plots
- [R] gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] HoltWinters problem
- [R] data extraction in R
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
Mikko Korpela
- [R] interval estimates of bivariate means
Ondřej Mikula
- [R] Column name containing "-"
David Winsemius
- [R] Jags problem
Xavier Fernández i Marín
- [R] empirical copula, copula package gof Test
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Ivan Calandra
- [R] Select elements from text
- [R] data extraction in R
Justin Haynes
- [R] Calling function in DLL using .C
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Looping and actual variable names
Gordon, Alan
- [R] Select elements from text
Justin Haynes
- [R] Adding text to multiple plots
David Winsemius
- [R] lattice wireframe_box around picture
Branimir Hackenberger
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
Kim Elmore
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Bert Gunter
- [R] data extraction in R
Justin Haynes
- [R] debug package: mtrace fails
Tal Galili
- [R] Splitting up large set of survey data into categories
Tal Galili
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Normalization in R
Juliet Hannah
- [R] debug package: mtrace fails
- [R] Help: read a proportion of high through-put data
Chee Chen
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
- [R] reshape dataframe to array (pivot table)
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Adding text to multiple plots
Katarzyna Sawicka
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Ivan Calandra
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
David Winsemius
- [R] Column name containing "-"
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Column name containing "-"
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
Justin Haynes
- [R] Adding text to multiple plots
David Winsemius
- [R] sampling weights in package lme4
Ben Bolker
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Splitting up large set of survey data into categories
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Paul Miller
- [R] Column name containing "-"
Bert Gunter
- [R] Calling function in DLL using .C
Alex van der Spek
- [R] Question
Taylor, Brian
- [R] function for grouping
yan jiao
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Rui Barradas
- [R] Transparent color ramp problem
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
Kim Elmore
- [R] function for grouping
Petr Savicky
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Kevin Burton
- [R] Calling function in DLL using .C
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] reshape dataframe to array (pivot table)
Rainer Schuermann
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
David Winsemius
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Tengfei Yin
- [R] sampling weights in package lme4
Thomas Lumley
- [R] R not giving significance tests for coefficients/estimates?
Thomas Lumley
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Stephen P Molnar
- [R] Question
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Jin Minming
- [R] Null models of species co-occurrence
- [R] function for grouping
Petr Savicky
- [R] Plotting coxph survival curves
- [R] Select elements from text
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
Sam Steingold
- [R] lattice_wireframe_axis
Branimir Hackenberger
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
Gregorio R. Serrano
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
Rolf Turner
- [R] Solving Equations
Carl Witthoft
- [R] sampling weights in package lme4
peter dalgaard
- [R] Solving Equations
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] POSIXct value display incorrect for some values
Curt Seeliger
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Looping and actual variable names
Jean V Adams
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
Rolf Turner
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
Sam Steingold
- [R] Problem training a neural network with "neuralnet" library
Achuthan, Srisairam
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
William Dunlap
- [R] Solving Equations
Carl Witthoft
- [R] reshape dataframe to array (pivot table)
Jean V Adams
- [R] read.table: how to ignore errors?
Sam Steingold
- [R] drop columns whose rows are all 0
- [R] Calling function in DLL using .C
Alex van der Spek
- [R] detecting noise in data?
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Kevin Burton
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Sampling with Constraints for testing and training data
- [R] detecting noise in data?
- [R] Self organising map - label the best matching unit
- [R] List to Array: How to establish the dimension of the array
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Yihui Xie
- [R] detecting noise in data?
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Kevin Burton
- [R] spaghetti plot - categorical variable differentiated by color
Ana PK
- [R] detecting noise in data?
Bert Gunter
- [R] Interactive map graphics.
Yihui Xie
- [R] List to Array: How to establish the dimension of the array
Brian Diggs
- [R] detecting noise in data?
David Stevens
- [R] Converting strings into data frame column names
- [R] loops
Philip Shirk
- [R] Select elements from text
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R] which function/method to find agreement between two
Mary Kindall
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] loops
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Converting strings into data frame column names
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Matrix and boucle.
- [R] Moving-Tiles Bootstrap
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Ista Zahn
- [R] Null models of species co-occurrence
Ben Bolker
- [R] Null models of species co-occurrence
- [R] POSIXct value display incorrect for some values
David Winsemius
- [R] Wavelet matrix
Sachinthaka Abeywardana
- [R] adehabitatLT -- movement based kernel density
Juliane Struve
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
- [R] formula error inside function
- [R] List to Array: How to establish the dimension of the array
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Null models of species co-occurrence
Jari Oksanen
- [R] gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Jin Minming
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Rainer M Krug
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] formula error inside function
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
- [R] solving nls
- [R] reshape dataframe to array (pivot table)
Johannes Radinger
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Rubén Roa
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Virus Infection in colorspace_1.1-1.zip (R x64 2.14.1)
Uwe Ligges
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Writing a function to return column position XXXX
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Uwe Ligges
- [R] grep TRUE/FALSE
- [R] cat, and printing the last separator
Federico Calboli
- [R] grep TRUE/FALSE
Uwe Ligges
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Johannes Radinger
- [R] cat, and printing the last separator
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Sampling with Constraints for testing and training data
- [R] cat, and printing the last separator
Federico Calboli
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] cat, and printing the last separator
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Johannes Radinger
- [R] Plotting coxph survival curves
Terry Therneau
- [R] Seasonality and order in Arima
- [R] formula error inside function
Terry Therneau
- [R] Code for a plot of a DNA double helix?
BXC (Bendix Carstensen)
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Frank Harrell
- [R] formula error inside function
David Winsemius
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Uwe Ligges
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Ben Bolker
- [R] Code for a plot of a DNA double helix?
Carl Witthoft
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Johannes Radinger
- [R] x11() graphic device, displaying raster
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Null models of species co-occurrence
- [R] ca package - more than two colours
Marion Wenty
- [R] function restrictedparts
yan jiao
- [R] R package dev: how to export constant?
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
- [R] Sampling with Constraints for testing and training data
Petr Savicky
- [R] help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
gianni lavaredo
- [R] Error in predict.randomForest ... subscript out of bounds with NULL name in X
Czerminski, Ryszard
- [R] Fwd: help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
Ivan Calandra
- [R] help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Cumulative R2 and Q2 from plsr?
Charles Determan Jr
- [R] help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
Robert Baer
- [R] Select elements from text
- [R] function for grouping
- [R] Issues with PearsonIV distribution
gaurang.jitendrabhai at aviva.com
- [R] function for grouping
David Winsemius
- [R] Local regression
- [R] function for grouping
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] function for grouping
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Jin Minming
Yakamu Yakamu
- [R] List to Array: How to establish the dimension of the array
Rui Barradas
- [R] How can I change font type in graph (including all the text in lagend, and the number in x-y axis)
Yakamu Yakamu
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
- [R] help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Uwe Ligges
- [R] the significance of BEKK estimation
- [R] function restrictedparts
Matt Shotwell
- [R] formula error inside function
- [R] function for grouping
Petr Savicky
- [R] Looking for Huffamn Binary Coding Example in R
Reavill, David
- [R] solving nls
Jean V Adams
- [R] Extracting data from trellis object
- [R] Issues with PearsonIV distribution
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Berend Hasselman
- [R] the significance of BEKK estimation
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Berend Hasselman
- [R] the significance of BEKK estimation
Joshua Ulrich
- [R] function for grouping
Greg Snow
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Mark Leeds
- [R] R.lnk shortcut: Warning message when opening Microsoft Word 2003
Grant Anderson
- [R] (no subject)
Paul Johnston
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Mark Leeds
- [R] Why was the ‘doSMP’ package removed from CRAN?
Tal Galili
- [R] Coloring Canada provinces (package maps?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Gray levels
Jeffrey Joh
- [R] Coloring Canada provinces (package maps?)
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Gray levels
Peter Alspach
- [R] Gray levels
Sarah Goslee
- [R] how do I do the autocovariance of a moving average?
- [R] having a bit of regression trouble
- [R] Gray levels
baptiste auguie
- [R] Clusters: How to build a "Amalgamation Schedule" (sequence of jointing )?
- [R] CollocInfer
Vassily Shvets
- [R] having a bit of regression trouble
David Winsemius
- [R] Clusters: How to build a "Amalgamation Schedule" (sequence of jointing )?
David Winsemius
- [R] having a bit of regression trouble
- [R] R extracting regression coefficients from multiple regressions using lapply command
Michael Wither
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Rubén Roa
- [R] Why was the ‘doSMP’ package removed from CRAN?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] How do I use the cut function to assign specific cut points?
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
- [R] Why was the ‘doSMP’ package removed from CRAN?
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Why was the ‘doSMP’ package removed from CRAN?
Uwe Ligges
- [R] How to remove rows representing concurrent sessions from data.frame?
johannes rara
- [R] Workshop on Bayesian methods and WinBUGS. One week to go!
Polychronis Kostoulas
- [R] Issues with PearsonIV distribution
gaurang.jitendrabhai at aviva.com
- [R] How do I use the cut function to assign specific cut points?
Jim Lemon
- [R] How do I compare a multiple staged response with multivariables to a Development Index?
- [R] extracting from data.frames for survival analysis
Philip Robinson
- [R] extracting from data.frames for survival analysis
Gerrit Eichner
- [R] Finding suspicious data points?
Fredrik Karlsson
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Chris Wallace
- [R] eRm package - Rasch simulation
James Holland
- [R] (no subject)
peter dalgaard
- [R] eRm - Rasch modeling - First item missing from estimation
James Holland
- [R] Finding suspicious data points?
Carl Witthoft
- [R] How do I use the cut function to assign specific cut points?
Frank Harrell
- [R] Extracting data from trellis object
Jean V Adams
- [R] Conditional Random Fields
- [R] Request for help on manipulation large data sets
Chee Chen
- [R] R-help Digest, Vol 107, Issue 25
Paul Miller
- [R] R.lnk shortcut: Warning message when opening Microsoft Word 2003
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] R extracting regression coefficients from multiple regressions using lapply command
Jean V Adams
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
Gerrit Eichner
- [R] Error in ifelse(append, "a", "w") : , (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'logical'
Juan Antonio Balbuena
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
William Dunlap
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Paul Miller
- [R] Coloring Canada provinces (package maps?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Greg Snow
- [R] adding additional information to histogram
Raphael Bauduin
- [R] function for grouping
- [R] (no subject)
Harish Eswaran
- [R] Error in ifelse(append, "a", "w") : , (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'logical'
David Winsemius
- [R] lattice panels with grouped extra data as text?
Rainer Hurling
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Chris Wallace
- [R] List to Array: How to establish the dimension of the array
Brian Diggs
- [R] eRm package - Rasch simulation
Achim Zeileis
- [R] eRm - Rasch modeling - First item missing from estimation
Achim Zeileis
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Greg Snow
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Brian Diggs
- [R] (no subject)
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Coloring Canada provinces (package maps?)
Barry Rowlingson
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
William Dunlap
- [R] Coloring Canada provinces (package maps?)
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] How do I compare a multiple staged response with multivariables to a Development Index?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Frank Harrell
- [R] function for grouping
Petr Savicky
- [R] Inserting a character into a character string XXXX
Dan Abner
- [R] merge multiple data frames
- [R] 3-parametric Weibull regression
Pfrengle Andreas (GS-SI/ENX7)
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Berend Hasselman
- [R] What does [[1]] mean?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Berend Hasselman
- [R] What does [[1]] mean?
Greg Snow
- [R] merge multiple data frames
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] What does [[1]] mean?
Patrick Burns
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
Jorge Molinos
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Thomas Lumley
- [R] Quality of fit statistics for NLS?
Max Brondfield
- [R] aplpy recursive function on a list
Brian Diggs
- [R] Why was the ‘doSMP’ package removed from CRAN?
Tal Galili
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] merge multiple data frames
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
- [R] How to remove rows representing concurrent sessions from data.frame?
Jean V Adams
- [R] Quality of fit statistics for NLS?
Bert Gunter
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Bert Gunter
- [R] warning In fun(...) : no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available
- [R] function for grouping
Petr Savicky
- [R] Conditional cumulative sum
Axel Urbiz
- [R] Conditional cumulative sum
Pete Brecknock
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Rui Barradas
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
- [R] multiple column comparison
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
Mark Leeds
- [R] Clusters: How to build a "Amalgamation Schedule" (sequence of jointing )?
- [R] Placing a Shaded Box on a Plot
Stephanie Cooke
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Rubén Roa
- [R] merge multiple data frames
Massimo Bressan
- [R] adding additional information to histogram
Jim Lemon
- [R] Call dynamic functions
- [R] Quality of fit statistics for NLS?
peter dalgaard
- [R] Bivariate Partial Dependence Plots in Random Forests
Lucie Bland
- [R] laod multichannel-audio-files with readWave (tuneR)
Alex Hofmann
- [R] Call dynamic functions
- [R] generate a random number with rexp ?
- [R] Confused with Student's sleep data description
Олег Девіняк
- [R] pls. help -Logisitic Regression-Urgent
- [R] adding additional information to histogram
Raphael Bauduin
- [R] generate a random number with rexp ?
Petr Savicky
- [R] adding additional information to histogram
Jim Lemon
- [R] R-help
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] cryptic error message: "Error in embed(y, lag) : wrong embedding dimension"
- [R] Your message to mingw awaits moderator approval
mingw-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org
- [R] generate a random number with rexp ?
Petr Savicky
- [R] generate a random number with rexp ?
(Ted Harding)
- [R] data format for ordination
Cathy Fiedler
- [R] calculating distance between latitude and longitude
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
- [R] pls. help -Logisitic Regression-Urgent
Frank Harrell
- [R] sorting data according to different boundaries
- [R] pls. help -Logisitic Regression-Urgent
Michael Griffiths
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Frank Harrell
- [R] R-help
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Rubén Roa
- [R] figure margins too large; was: (no subject)
Uwe Ligges
- [R] 3-parametric Weibull regression
Terry Therneau
- [R] extracting from data.frames for survival analysis
Terry Therneau
- [R] Horizontal stacked 100% bars with ggplot2
Mario Giesel
- [R] help with Box plot
gianni lavaredo
- [R] R-help
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] tm package: handling contractions
Michael Friendly
- [R] Error in JAGS, cannot monitor z
- [R] Grabbing Column and Row titles
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
Jorge Molinos
- [R] merge multiple data frames
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] null distribution of binom.test p values
Chris Wallace
- [R] convert sas date format
Fischer, Felix
- [R] R-help
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] lattice panels with grouped extra data as text?
Rainer Hurling
- [R] Looping column names
- [R] Help boxplot to add mean, standard error and/or stadard deviation
gianni lavaredo
- [R] Confused with Student's sleep data description
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] Looping columns/column names
brannona at mskcc.org
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
Ben Bolker
- [R] help with Box plot
Tal Galili
- [R] help with Box plot
David Winsemius
- [R] tm package: handling contractions
Tyler Rinker
- [R] Overimposing one map in ssplot onto another
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Overimposing one map in ssplot onto another
Dimitri Liakhovitski
- [R] Quality of fit statistics for NLS?
John C Nash
- [R] convert sas date format
David Winsemius
- [R] tm package: handling contractions
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Placing a Shaded Box on a Plot
- [R] R-HELP
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Frank Harrell
- [R] Confused with Student's sleep data description
peter dalgaard
- [R] PosixCT subsecond accuracy
Hasan Diwan
- [R] convert sas date format
peter dalgaard
- [R] How do I compare 47 GLM models with 1 to 5 interactions and unique combinations?
Greg Snow
- [R] PosixCT subsecond accuracy
Hasan Diwan
- [R] package does not have a NAMESPACE
Ondřej Mikula
- [R] Grabbing Column and Row titles
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
Mark Difford
- [R] PosixCT subsecond accuracy
Curt Seeliger
- [R] How to write the entire session to file?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Generating repeated network measures in R
Jeremy Goss
- [R] How to write the entire session to file?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Help to improve bwplot plot (lattice)
gianni lavaredo
- [R] Subsetting for the ten highest values by group in a dataframe
Sam Albers
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
Mark Leeds
- [R] how to install the fbasics and use stablefit function?
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
Mark Leeds
- [R] calculating distance between latitude and longitude
David L Carlson
- [R] date arithmetic discrepancy
Ty Canuck
- [R] Placing a Shaded Box on a Plot
Greg Snow
- [R] How to write the entire session to file?
Greg Snow
- [R] Grabbing Column and Row titles
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
Mark Leeds
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
David Winsemius
- [R] Subsetting for the ten highest values by group in a dataframe
Phil Spector
- [R] percentage from density()
- [R] percentage from density()
Rolf Turner
- [R] calculating distance between latitude and longitude
MacQueen, Don
- [R] convert sas date format
MacQueen, Don
- [R] merge multiple data frames
MacQueen, Don
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Kevin Ummel
- [R] automated library location
Matyas Sustik
- [R] convert sas date format
Johnny Liseth
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
- [R] Grabbing Column and Row titles
Carlos Ortega
- [R] finding rows in a matrix that match a vector
- [R] Is there a R command for testing the difference of two liear regressions?
David Winsemius
- [R] R-Help
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] R-help mailing list submissions
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] finding rows in a matrix that match a vector
Melissa Patrician
- [R] Sensitivity analysis - looking a tool for epidemiologic research
Dominic Comtois
- [R] Looping column names
Rui Barradas
- [R] date arithmetic discrepancy
Berend Hasselman
- [R] how to install the fbasics and use stablefit function?
Berend Hasselman
- [R] gplot heatmap
khush ........
- [R] finding rows in a matrix that match a vector
Jason J. Pitt
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] automated library location
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] convert sas date format
peter dalgaard
- [R] date arithmetic discrepancy
peter dalgaard
- [R] fatal error unable to restore data
- [R] automated libR location
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Graph digitisation / tracing
cpolwart at wittongilbert.free-online.co.uk
- [R] finding rows in a matrix that match a vector
Florent D.
- [R] Subsetting for the ten highest values by group in a dataframe
Hadley Wickham
- [R] fatal error unable to restore data
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Peter Langfelder
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Hans W Borchers
- [R] Graph digitisation / tracing
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Subsetting for the ten highest values by group in a dataframe
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Kevin Ummel
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R] Using the digest and t distribution.
Rohit Pandey
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R] For Loop Error
- [R] Using the digest and t distribution.
David Winsemius
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Uwe Ligges
- [R] laod multichannel-audio-files with readWave (tuneR)
Uwe Ligges
- [R] [R-pkgs] New package "geotools"
Antoine Lucas
- [R] cryptic error message: "Error in embed(y, lag) : wrong embedding dimension"
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Generating repeated network measures in R
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Graph Titles
- [R] logical subsetting, indexes and NAs
Federico Calboli
- [R] Graph digitisation / tracing
Derek Ogle
- [R] question on model.matrix
Daniel Negusse
- [R] logical subsetting, indexes and NAs
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] logical subsetting, indexes and NAs
baptiste auguie
- [R] logical subsetting, indexes and NAs
Dimitris Rizopoulos
- [R] logical subsetting, indexes and NAs
David Winsemius
- [R] Horizontal stacked 100% bars with ggplot2
Carlos Ortega
- [R] wireframe_box_axis
Branimir Hackenberger
- [R] wireframe_box_axis
David Winsemius
- [R] Compiling R code to native code?
Gregory Propf
- [R] Compiling R code to native code?
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] Compiling R code to native code?
Ben Bolker
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
Ben Bolker
- [R] Compiling R code to native code?
Bert Gunter
- [R] For Loop Error
Rui Barradas
- [R] Please help, a question about the R function arima, thanks a lot!
- [R] percentage from density()
Greg Snow
- [R] calculating distance between latitude and longitude
R. A. Bilonick
- [R] Help joincount.test
- [R] For Loop Error
Petr Savicky
- [R] Why does the order of terms in a formula translate into different models/ model matrices?
peter dalgaard
- [R] r-help; weibull parameter estimate
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] r-help; weibull parameter estimate
peter dalgaard
- [R] Error from Brugs "'r for windows gui front-end has stopped working''
Jin Minming
- [R] r-help; weibull distribution
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] wireframe_box_axis
David Winsemius
- [R] package does not have a NAMESPACE
Uwe Ligges
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Data Structure to Code
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Data Structure to Code
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Data Structure to Code
Florent D.
- [R] r-help; weibull distribution
David Winsemius
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Kevin Ummel
- [R] Drawing sample
Ron Michael
- [R] Data Structure to Code
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Data Structure to Code
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Data Structure to Code
David Winsemius
- [R] Drawing sample
David Winsemius
- [R] How do I turn NA's to zeroes when a combination lacks one element?
- [R] ColorBrewer question
Mario Giesel
- [R] Need very fast application of 'diff' - ideas?
Martin Morgan
- [R] Drawing sample
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Data Structure to Code
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] Horizontal stacked 100% bars with ggplot2
Mario Giesel
- [R] question about ... questions/ code
Nicole Marie Ford
- [R] How do I turn NA's to zeroes when a combination lacks one element?
Berend Hasselman
- [R] Help joincount.test
Roger Bivand
- [R] How do I turn NA's to zeroes when a combination lacks one element?
Mitchell Maltenfort
- [R] How do I turn NA's to zeroes when a combination lacks one element?
- [R] How I assign the result of a plot to a variable?
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] How I assign the result of a plot to a variable?
baptiste auguie
- [R] formula error inside function
Hugh Morgan
- [R] FW: repeated measures MANOVA with interaction
Gregory McCullagh (x2010rcw)
- [R] Using influence plots and obtaining id numbers
- [R] height of plots
- [R] how to calculate length of each triangulated face in deldir
- [R] percentage from density()
William Dunlap
- [R] Modifying whiskers in boxplots?
J. Willacker
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
- [R] apply lm() to each row of a matrix
Martin Batholdy
- [R] apply lm() to each row of a matrix
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] apply lm() to each row of a matrix
Bert Gunter
- [R] about "undefined columns selected"
xiaocong zuo
- [R] question about ... questions/ code
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] ColorBrewer question
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] question about ... questions/ code
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Data generation
Partha Sinha
- [R] need some help with model.matrix
Daniel Negusse
- [R] how to select columns
David Studer
- [R] PLEASE HELP creating a matrix
- [R] about "undefined columns selected"
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] Data generation
- [R] handling a lot of data
Petr Kurtin
- [R] how to select columns
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] height of plots
Jim Lemon
- [R] handling a lot of data
Milan Bouchet-Valat
- [R] ROC curve
Josiane NJIWA
- [R] Odp: Modifying whiskers in boxplots?
- [R] ColorBrewer question
Mario Giesel
- [R] multiple column comparison
- [R] RCurl format
KTD Services
- [R] Consultant to program R-code dealing with social networks
Michael Haenlein
- [R] ANOVA factors
Wolfgang Polasek
- [R] nice report generator?
Tal Galili
- [R] parameter estimate
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] r-help; parameter estimate
Christopher Kelvin
- [R] about changing line type and line width in Taylor Diagram
Roopashree Shrivastava
- [R] Installing Rcompression package
Jeremy MAZET
- [R] merge multiple data frames
Massimo Bressan
- [R] merge multiple data frames
Massimo Bressan
- [R] Installing Rcompression package
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] Variable selection based on both training and testing data
Jin Minming
- [R] Getting htmlParse to work with Hebrew? (on windows)
Tal Galili
- [R] Variable selection based on both training and testing data
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Paul Miller
- [R] Problem in Fitting model equation in "nls" function
ram basnet
- [R] useR! 2012: Earlybird Registration for International R Users Conference, Nashville TN 12-15 2012
Frank Harrell
- [R] nice report generator?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] package does not have a NAMESPACE
Reinker, Stefan
- [R] And Statement for two if functions
- [R] percentage from density()
- [R] Fw: Variable selection based on both training and testing data
SR Millis
- [R] Displaying percentages within bars
Mario Giesel
- [R] Fw: Variable selection based on both training and testing data
SR Millis
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
Joseph Park
- [R] Reg : Hello all.. help needed regarding heatmaps
koushik gangavaram
- [R] And Statement for two if functions
Jorge I Velez
- [R] merge multiple data frames
MacQueen, Don
- [R] ROC curve
Corey Dow-Hygelund
- [R] ode() tries to allocate an absurd amount of memory
Thomas Brown
- [R] package does not have a NAMESPACE
Petr Savicky
- [R] handling a lot of data
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Fw: Variable selection based on both training and testing data
Jin Minming
- [R] question on model.matrix
Paul Johnson
- [R] handling a lot of data
Paul Bivand
- [R] discrete simulated annealing
yan jiao
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
- [R] how to sum multiple data entries for the same sampling event?
- [R] Calculate a function repeatedly over sections of a ts object
Jorge Molinos
- [R] RCurl format
Duncan Temple Lang
- [R] ROC curve
David Winsemius
- [R] And Statement for two if functions
David Winsemius
- [R] discrete simulated annealing
Petr Savicky
- [R] Linear Mixed Model set-up
Maggie Neff
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
David Winsemius
- [R] Variable selection based on both training and testing data
Jin Minming
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Paul Johnson
- [R] plot with ylim with regural interval
gianni lavaredo
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] how to select columns
David Winsemius
- [R] plot with ylim with regural interval
Jorge I Velez
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] how to select columns
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Problem in fitting model equation in "nls" function
ram basnet
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [R] Reg : Hello all.. help needed regarding heatmaps
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
Peter Langfelder
- [R] plot with ylim with regural interval
David Winsemius
- [R] Fw: Variable selection based on both training and testing data
SR Millis
- [R] how to sum multiple data entries for the same sampling event?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] And Statement for two if functions
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Duncan Murdoch
- [R] timeseries highlighting
Alexy Khrabrov
- [R] rpart usersplits
- [R] timeseries highlighting
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] repeat function for entire list of matrices
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] timeseries highlighting
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R] User Interface Equivalent Code
Ajay Askoolum
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Rui Barradas
- [R] Checking for invalid dates: Code works but needs improvement
Marc Schwartz
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
Joseph Park
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
Peter Langfelder
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] And Statement for two if functions
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] replacing characters in matrix. substitute, delayedAssign, huh?
Paul Johnson
- [R] Euler identity with complex exp
Joseph Park
- [R] Change line colors based on data values in Lattice
Liu, Andrew
- [R] Different type of legend?
rkevinburton at charter.net
- [R] Different type of legend?
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] Different type of legend?
rkevinburton at charter.net
- [R] mgcv bam() with grouped binomial data
Casey Olives
- [R] Linear Mixed Model set-up
Ben Bolker
- [R] Need to Write a Code that can find the molecular weight of various compounds
- [R] Venn Diagram help!!!!
- [R] Sensitivity analysis - looking a tool for epidemiologic research
MacQueen, Don
- [R] Currency symbols in Xtick or Ytick labels
Eugene Gallagher
- [R] Getting htmlParse to work with Hebrew? (on windows)
Duncan Temple Lang
- [R] Need to Write a Code that can find the molecular weight of various compounds
- [R] R help, labeling the tick marks as I want
Ryan Murphy
- [R] about colnames
xiaocong zuo
- [R] about colnames
Jeff Newmiller
- [R] error in R CMD build when editing c function in R package
- [R] Please Help!
Li Liu
- [R] merge multiple data frames
Massimo Bressan
- [R] about changing line type and line width in Taylor Diagram
Jim Lemon
- [R] error in R CMD build when editing c function in R package
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R] R help, labeling the tick marks as I want
Patrick Connolly
- [R] Help boxplot to add mean, standard error and/or stadard deviation
Jim Lemon
- [R] Different type of legend?
Jim Lemon
- [R] Change line colors based on data values in Lattice
Chris Campbell
- [R] ROC curve
Jim Lemon
- [R] mgcv bam() with grouped binomial data
Simon Wood
- [R] Venn Diagram help!!!!
Jim Lemon
- [R] function: as.integer
Marion Wenty
- [R] function: as.integer
Rainer Schuermann
- [R] function: as.integer
R. Michael Weylandt <michael.weylandt at gmail.com>
- [R] function: as.integer
Marion Wenty
- [R] testing for temperature differences between years and sites?
- [R] Help required in using apply instead of for loop
- [R] Error in linearHypothesis.mlm: The error SSP matrix is apparently of deficient rank
Jara, Jose (Dr.)
- [R] Bivariate Partial Dependence Plots in Random Forests
Liaw, Andy
- [R] FW: R project
talexandris at bankofgreece.gr
- [R] indexing by empty string (was RE: Error in predict.randomForest ... subscript out of bounds with NULL name in X)
Liaw, Andy
- [R] Currency symbols in Xtick or Ytick labels
David Winsemius
- [R] Please Help!
R. Michael Weylandt
- [R] problem in fitting model in NLS function
ram basnet
- [R] Generate data - function
- [R] Generate data - function
Tal Galili
- [R] Using match.arg() with list of functions?
Michael Friendly
- [R] 3-parametric Weibull regression
Pfrengle Andreas (GS-SI/ENX7)
- [R] Using match.arg() with list of functions?
John Fox
- [R] dimensions dropped on assignment
Ernest Adrogué
- [R] Generate data - function
Petr Savicky
- [R] Replacing lists with NA
- [R] Replacing lists with NA
- [R] Help required in using apply instead of for loop
Carlos Ortega
- [R] Different type of legend?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Generate data - function
- [R] Different type of legend?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Easier way to do this?
Daniel Negusse
- [R] dimensions dropped on assignment
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] Generate data - function
Petr Savicky
- [R] question of merging two dataframes
- [R] Generate data - function
- [R] Different type of legend?
Kevin Burton
- [R] Easier way to do this?
Sarah Goslee
- [R] Generate data - function
Petr Savicky
- [R] Venn Diagram help!!!!
- [R] Selecting contiguous, irregularly-shaped sets of values from arrays
Bryan McCloskey
- [R] Generate data - function
- [R] Using 2SLS to mimic SEM with nested data
Paul Miller
- [R] dimensions dropped on assignment
Ernest Adrogué
- [R] question on simple graph
Rebecca Lisi
- [R] DSC 2003 on www.ci.tuwien.ac.at
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] DSC 2003 on www.ci.tuwien.ac.at
Roy Mendelssohn
- [R] DSC 2003 on www.ci.tuwien.ac.at
Richard M. Heiberger
- [R] question of merging two dataframes
Tal Galili
- [R] question of merging two dataframes
Bert Gunter
- [R] how to unzip files in R
- [R] Venn Diagram help!!!!
Carl Witthoft
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:48:03 CET 2012
Archived on: Wed Feb 1 01:50:23 CET 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).