[R] RMySQL insert statements?

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Wed May 6 03:48:38 CEST 2009

Have you tried dbSendQuery() ?

That is, construct an SQL insert statement and use it in dbSendQuery. 
Might have to follow it with dbCommit().

You could also use break your data up into smaller pieces and use 
dbWriteTable to write it a piece at a time, if really is too much to 
do all at once.


At 12:56 PM +0200 5/5/09, Martijn Ras wrote:
>Heya Folks,
>I can not find anything on executing insert statement through RMySQL,
>can someone please enlighten me?
>All i've found so far on getting data into a database is the write
>table functionality. Reading all data into memory appending additional
>information and writing that into a table is fine on my test
>environment, but won't be possible on the production environment
>because of the amount of data it will contain.
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Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA
macq at llnl.gov

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