[R] script fails because of library loading

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Tue Nov 13 14:23:20 CET 2007

Muiser, EC wrote:
> The php script executes the following command: "/usr/bin/R --quiet --
> slave < /perl/outfiles/Rscript19785065.R 
> /perl/outfiles/error19785065.txt"

> Also there is no errorlog (in 
> "/perl/outfiles/error19785065.txt") 

This part is easy: the error output should go to 2> and not to >,
like this:

"/usr/bin/R --quiet --slave < /perl/outfiles/Rscript19785065.R
 > /perl/outfiles/error19785065.txt 2> error.log"

Alberto Monteiro

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