[R] help with plotting a grid on levelplot
Jeff D. Hamann
jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
Wed Mar 30 03:16:42 CEST 2005
I'm trying to plot a grid over a levelplot
print( levelplot( var1.pred~x+y,
main=main) )
using the data...
> saw.pred
x y var1.pred var1.var sort
1 5 5 3.3761200 256.3363 saw
2 15 5 3.3884142 499.5695 saw
3 25 5 3.5394769 362.5490 saw
4 35 5 3.6386983 439.3200 saw
5 45 5 3.1866799 458.5570 saw
6 55 5 2.8838555 331.2363 saw
15 145 5 0.8705088 256.3363 saw
16 5 15 3.1183053 455.3765 saw
17 15 15 3.2780465 443.1954 saw
18 25 15 3.7146268 435.1166 saw
which looks just fine. I know want to plot a grid such that the cells are
grouped into 5x5 cells (or some other grid spacing) over the levelplot for a
demonstration and I'm getting stuck when trying to modify my levelplot()
call above to include the extra calls to panel.levelplot...
I've gotten this far,
## plot the results (10mx10m plot that's 150m x 200m)
main=expression( paste( widehat(V)[saw], ", in ", m^3, ha^{-1} ) )
print( levelplot( var1.pred~x+y,
panel = function(x,y,z=var1.pred )
panel.levelplot( x=x, y=y, z=z,
panel.last=grid( 15, 20, lwd=2, lty="solid",
col="black" )
) )
and the legend does match the same colors as the levelplot and the grid
isn't centered on the levelplot either.
Could someone give me some direction? I've stayed away from modifying the
panel.XX args when I use lattice, and now I need help.
Jeff D. Hamann
Forest Informatics, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com
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