[R] Lattice : factor levels in the margins

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Mar 22 16:19:00 CET 2005

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 08:53, Yves Brostaux wrote:
> Hello !
> I'm struggling again against lattice graprhics. ;) I'm trying to
> produce a conditionnal xyplot with two conditionning factors (let's
> say A and B). I want the levels of those factors (A1, A2, etc)  to
> show in the margins of the lattice plot, not in the strips between
> the panels.
> A1     A2     A3
> plot11 plot12 plot13  B1
> plot21 plot22 plot23  B2

You cannot do this with xyplot (or any other lattice function). But 
try ?coplot.


> I managed to remove the strips with strip=FALSE, but now I can't find
> how to write the levels of the factors in the margin in front of
> their respective lines/columns. It doesn't seems that xlab and ylab
> arguments could help doing this, as I can't insert multiple xlab's (x
> variable and A levels, or y variable and B levels) and can't decide
> which side to use for writing them.
> Does anybody have a hint ? Thank you very much !

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