[R] Lattice : factor levels in the margins

Yves Brostaux brostaux.y at fsagx.ac.be
Tue Mar 22 15:53:32 CET 2005

Hello !

I'm struggling again against lattice graprhics. ;) I'm trying to produce 
a conditionnal xyplot with two conditionning factors (let's say A and 
B). I want the levels of those factors (A1, A2, etc)  to show in the 
margins of the lattice plot, not in the strips between the panels.

A1     A2     A3

plot11 plot12 plot13  B1

plot21 plot22 plot23  B2

I managed to remove the strips with strip=FALSE, but now I can't find 
how to write the levels of the factors in the margin in front of their 
respective lines/columns. It doesn't seems that xlab and ylab arguments 
could help doing this, as I can't insert multiple xlab's (x variable and 
A levels, or y variable and B levels) and can't decide which side to use 
for writing them.

Does anybody have a hint ? Thank you very much !

Unité de Statistique et Informatique
Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux (FUSAGx)
8, avenue de la Faculté
B-5030 Gembloux
Tél: +32 81 62 24 69
Email: brostaux.y at fsagx.ac.be

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