[R] Interaction term in anova - how it should be written in a manuscript table?

Witold Eryk Wolski W.E.Wolski at ncl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 21 10:03:21 CET 2005

Thanks a lot


Marc Schwartz wrote:

>For a me too post, I agree with Andy's recommendation, which in turn is
>supported by "How to Report Statistics in Medicine" by Lang and Secic,
>ACP, 1997. There is an example table (8.2) on page 133.
>Marc Schwartz
>On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 15:44 -0500, Liaw, Andy wrote:
>>I'd suggest a $\times$ b, as you'd find in most stat textbook.
>>>From: Witold Eryk Wolski
>>>Dear Rgurus,
>>>Interaction terms in the linear models function lm are 
>>>specified by the 
>>>colon :
>>>eg: x ~ a + b + a:b
>>>a shortcut for the above is:
>>> x ~ a*b
>>>the output if calling anova on the lm object will be the same 
>>>in both cases
>>>a ....
>>>b ....
>>>a:b ...
>>>Resdiuals ...
>>>What I am wondering is how the interaction term (a:b) given 
>>>above should 
>>>be written in a table in an manuscript?
>>>a ) a*b
>>>b ) a$\cdot$ b
>>>c ) a:b
>>>d) ....
>>>Cheers Eryk.
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Witold Eryk Wolski
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