[R] Decimal point as a comma in postcript and pdf graphics

Ronny Klein ronny.klein at wiwi.uni-halle.de
Wed Mar 9 14:46:42 CET 2005


after a lengthy but unsuccessfull search I couldn't come up with a solution to 
the following problem:

I would like to have a "comma" instead of a "point" as the decimal point in my 
graphics, i.e. postscript and pdf files, for I write my thesis in German. My 
system is:

OS: Debian Unstable
R-Version:  2.0.1
System locale: de_DE at euro

Could someone, please, help me out or at least point me to the right 
documentation. I'm just lost at the moment.


PS: The problem of displaying the German umlauts, I have already solved: I 
have to use the WinAnsi.enc as the default encoding file. Which is odd in my 

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