[R] Fitting automatically empirical data

Agostino.Manzato@osmer.fvg.it agostino.manzato at osmer.fvg.it
Fri Mar 9 18:08:12 CET 2001

I'm using R to find esplicit functions fitting set of data.
The data contains about 30 points, which have different weights (number
of cases represented from the point).
I plot the points, choose "by eye" a function made with exp or arctg or
polinomial and use nlm to minimaze the root mean error with correct the

For Example:
Err <- function(p) 
       sum((weight*(y - (p[1]+p[2]*atan(p[3]+p[4]*x))))^2) 
out <- nlm(Err, p=c(1,1,1,1), hessian=T)
fp <-  function(z)

The problem is that I have about 40 different set of data (variables)
and for each I obtain about 5 different sample, depending by a
parameter, so I have about 200 different function to fit: I can't do
this work for each function :(

1)There is a family of functions wich is more general and strong to fit
most of my data?
(most of my functions are very similar to arctg, or exp or parabolic:
they are not bad :)

2)How can I use nls to do the same thing (I hope nls is stronger than my
implementation of nlm: or not?)

Thank you very much!

|   _____    _   _  _    ___           AGOSTINO  MANZATO            |
|  |_   _|  | | | \| |  / _ \   ARPA-OSservatorio MEteorologico Reg.|
|    | |    | | | \' | | (_) |     c/o Villa Chiozza, Via Carso 3   |
|    |_|    |_| |_|\_|  \___/      I-33052 Cervignano (UD) Italy    |
| Agostino.Manzato at osmer.fvg.it   tel. +39 0431 382448/1 fax 382400 |
|________________________________________S H A L O M________________|
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