[R] Graphics with moderately large amounts of data

Frank, Murray murray.frank at commerce.ubc.ca
Mon Dec 10 22:04:43 CET 2001


A major attraction to R and to S-plus are the graphics. (Up to now my
experience is with 
STATA and SAS.) Most of the graphical examples that I have seen in the
are for relatively small size data sets. I am working with a moderately
large data set -- 
the order of magnitude is 180,000 observations by 50 variables. There seem
to be standard 
problems that I keep bumping into in the graphics: eg. the graphics work
hard to accomodate 
outliers leaving the main action area a thick cloud, very slow operations by
R, etc. I have 
been doing some obvious things to deal with these issues, eg. trimming,
restricting attention 
to data subsamples, etc. But these must be pretty standard issues. I would
like to take 
advantage of what is already known. What should I be reading that explains
how best to
do graphics with a somewhat larger data set? (Pointers to an appropriate FAQ
would be 
great since I have looked but not managed to find it.)

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Murray Z. Frank
Faculty of Commerce
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V6T 1Z2

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