[R] increasing memory size

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Thu Apr 20 05:17:47 CEST 2000

  "Murray" == Murray Jorgensen <maj at waikato.ac.nz> writes:
  Murray> "The name "F:\Program Files\rw0901\bin\Rgui.exe --vsize 20M --nsize
  Murray> 2M" specified in the target box is not valid. Make sure the path
  Murray> and filename are correct."
  Murray> OK, what next?

>From the CHANGES file:

    o   `vsize' and `nsize' can be set by the environment variables
        R_VSIZE and R_NSIZE respectively, perhaps most conveniently from
        `~/.Renviron' under Unix or Windows.  Command-line settings will
        take precedence.

        The defaults have been increased to 6M and 250k.

Note that this might not work on your pre-1.0.0 version, so you have another
reason to upgrade.


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