[R] Building R-065 on SuSE-Linux 6.3

Albrecht Gebhardt albrecht.gebhardt at uni-klu.ac.at
Tue Sep 28 15:36:07 CEST 1999

On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, Ralph Leonhardt wrote:

> Hi,
> is somebody out there who has successfullly built R-065 on SuSE-6.2
> Linux ?
> This is for short, If nobody has I´ll describe the problem in depth
> later.

Yes, I did. RPMs should be now/soon available at CRAN. You can find them 
also at 


Sorry, I had a hard disk crash today, just at the time when
ftp://ftp.ci.tuwien.ac.at was mirroring these directories into
CRAN/bin/linux/suse, so don't trust the mirrored versions until tomorrow
(it will be mirrored again about 7.00 CET)

It contains SuSE 5.3 (libc5) and 6.2 (glibc 2.1) RPMS, 6.0 (glibc 2.0)
will be available later this week. And of course there are also RPMS and
setld packages for Digital Unix 4.0.  


Albrecht Gebhardt                   email   : albrecht.gebhardt at uni-klu.ac.at
Institut fuer Mathematik            Tel.    : (++43 463) 2700/837
Universitaet Klagenfurt             Fax     : (++43 463) 2700/834
Villacher Str. 161
A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

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