R-beta: Book "Data Analysis with R" (undergrad. teaching) ??

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Aug 14 11:30:11 CEST 1998

This was ``accidentally'' only sent to me. 
But I think the question (and possibly answers) should be relevant to much
more people!

>> To: maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
>> Subject: manual
>> From: Pat Altham <P.M.E.Altham at statslab.cam.ac.uk>
>> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 11:34:31 +0100
>>  Could you kindly email me (or tell me how to obtain)
>> the postscript file for
>>    ``Data Analysis with R''

There used to be a paperback book (412 pages!)
	Alan Lee (University of Auckland,NZ)
	(C) 1994, 1995
	An introduction based on R

	[Course notes for U.of Auckalnd Papers 528.281/288]

However, this was based on a (MacIntosh) version of R
	from *before* there were version numbers in R
		(i.e., e.g., no lm(), no data.frames,..)

It is more than just ``learning R'':
As the title suggests, it is also a textbook about basic statistics.
Most importantly: I don't think it is still produced, but I might be wrong
however, in any case, it wasn't freely available.

>>  I don't seem to be able to get it directly off the CRAN www page
(see above)
>> and I am proposing to use R for undergraduate teaching next term

Very good!

Now, what are the alternatives? --- this is also a question to everyone!

1) On CRAN's top page, klicking "Documentation" you find
	"Notes on R: A Programming environment for Data Analysis and Graphics"
	 (~90 pages) as postscript file or LaTeX sources.

   which unfortunately, is rather dated  (Fall 1997).

   An updated (but still not really "current") version of it
   is currently available

   (You need Latex for this):

	mkdir RNotes
	cd    RNotes
	zcat ..../RNotes.tar.gz | tar xf -

2) ??? -- who of you  R users has some basic introduction into using R?

3) For ``more than undergraduate'' students,
   there's  Venables & Ripley's "MASS" (2nd ed., 1997)
   with the online `` Complements on `R' ''


   (these probably will also be available on CRAN,
    as soon as Fritz Leisch returns home ..)

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>			<><
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