[R-sig-ME] R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 120, Issue 10: Doug Bates Notebooks on Mixed Models in Julia
Carl Von Ende
cvonende at niu.edu
Tue Dec 6 17:49:48 CET 2016
Dear Dr. Bates,
As a novice user of Julia, I plead ignorance in following one aspect of your instructions for accessing your Mixed Model notebook in the gitbhub repository from JuliaBox, as you indicate below:
“An alternative is to establish an account on https://juliabox.com and,
under the "Files" tab, link the github repository. Then open the notebook
in the Jupyter tab.”
I have established an account for JuliaBox and see Julia tutorials under the Files tab, under the Jupyter Tab. I also see how files can be uploaded, but I don’t see how to add the link to the github repository for your Notebook on Mixed Models, so I can access the notebook in Jupyter.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Carl von Ende
On 12/6/16, 5:00 AM, "R-sig-mixed-models on behalf of r-sig-mixed-models-request at r-project.org" <r-sig-mixed-models-bounces at r-project.org on behalf of r-sig-mixed-models-request at r-project.org> wrote:
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