[R-sig-ME] binary trait
Mohamed Salem
mmisalem at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 12:00:12 CET 2016
I am trying to use MCMCglmm to estimate heritability for binary trait.
I used this model
prior <- list(R = list(V = 1, fix = 1), G = list(G1 =
list(V = 1, nu = 1000, alpha.mu = 0, alpha.V = 1)))
model1 <- MCMCglmm(SB ~ 1 + Farm +year, random = ~animal, family =
prior = prior, pedigree = Ped, data = Data, nitt = 1e+06,burnin = 10000,
thin = 100)
and when I diagnosed the MCMC work by autocorr.diag(model1$VCV)
I found this results
animal units
Lag 0 1.0000000 NaN
Lag 100 0.9786790 NaN
Lag 500 0.9092071 NaN
Lag 1000 0.8360430 NaN
Lag 5000 0.4860764 NaN
how can I avoid this problem?
*Mohamed M. I. Salem*
Department of Animal Production
Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University
Aflaton St., El-Shatby, P. O. Box 21545
Alexandria, Egypt
Tel: (+203) 5915427, (+203) 5924391
Fax (+203)5922780
e-mail: mmisalem at gmail.com
mohamed.salim at alexu.edu.eg
skype: mmisalem
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