[R-jobs] Statistician at UNODC Vienna (Fwd: Statistiker für consultancy gesucht)

Matteo Mattiuzzi m@tteo@m@tt|uzz| @end|ng |rom boku@@c@@t
Tue Feb 4 10:58:45 CET 2014

Dear List,
please find here an interesting job opportunity at the UNODC (SASS) in Vienna. If you are interested contact directly Ms. Irmgard Zeiler (Irmgard.ZEILER using unodc.org).

good luck
Matteo Mattiuzzi

>>> Irmgard ZEILER <Irmgard.ZEILER using unodc.org> 02/03/14 5:02 PM >>>
 Dear all, 
I would like to kindly ask your assistance in my search for a consultant (short term employee) for about 6 months to be based in Vienna. I look for somebody to start as soon as possible, who knows R and has ideally experience with survey statistics and sampling.  A draft job advertisement is attached. 
The position is not advertised yet, I would highly appreciate it if you could forward the email to persons who might be interested to contact me. As soon as we advertise I would then invite for applications. 
Thank you very much, 

 Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant:
  Under the overall guidance of the Chief of the Statistics and Surveys Section (SASS) and direct supervision of the Officer assigned by the Chief, the consultant will:
1. Draw spatial samples for the satellite image survey in Afghanistan according to the instructions provided by SASS based on existing R scripts;
 2. Improve the technical implementation and documentation in R of the existing spatial models and sampling methods used in SASS illicit crop surveys with applications in Afghanistan;
 3. Carry out research and assist in the preparation of statistical inputs on area estimation methods for inclusion in UNODC illicit crop reports and studies; statistical inputs include preparation of input data, quality assessments, treatment of missing values and estimation of variance.
 4. Compose a manual directed at national counterparts and UNODC field office staff in Afghanistan on the various spatial sampling and estimation methods employed. The manual should include examples and easy-to-use methods for applying sampling and estimation techniques using R scripts (sampling) and Excel sheets (estimation);
 Expected tangible and measurable output(s): 
 The consultant will provide: A) Spatial samples drawn 
 B) Well documented and technically improved scripts for the spatial sampling methods used in SASS illicit crop surveys
 C) Statistical inputs on the area estimation for inclusion in UNODC illicit crop reports and studies including preparation of input data, on quality assessments, treatment of missing values and estimation of variance. 
 D) A manual directed at national counterparts and UNODC field office staff in Afghanistan on the various spatial sampling and estimation methods employed. The manual includes examples and easy-to-use methods for applying sampling and estimation techniques; 
 Working time is indicative and may vary according to the needs of SASS.
 Qualifications/expertise sought (required educational background, years of relevant work experience, other special skills or knowledge required): University degree in statistics, social sciences, economics or in a related field. Experience in conducting statistical surveys and managing large datasets through statistical packages. Good record of analytical work based on quantitative methods, preferably in surveys statistics and sampling methods. Very good programming skills in the statistical software R. Experience in producing analytical publications according to UN standards desired. Good planning and organisational skills. Fluency in English, with excellent drafting and communication skills, with attention to detail. Knowledge of Spanish an asset. 

 Irmgard Zeiler (Ms.), Research Expert
 Statistics and Surveys Section
 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
 PO Box 500 
 1400 Vienna
 Tel:  (+43-1) 26060-5289
 Email: irmgard.ZEILER using unodc.org
 Websites: http://www.unodc.org/

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