[R-jobs] One Year Student in Bioinformatics (Biomarkers discovery)

pierre@i@rmer m@iii@g oii mercksero@o@@et pierre@i@rmer m@iii@g oii mercksero@o@@et
Thu Apr 8 09:51:34 CEST 2010

One Year Student in Bioinformatics (Biomarkers discovery)-1000435

See following URL for job application:

Biomarker discovery is now an intricate part of the drug development 
process as it will allow for more accurate identification of patients who 
will benefit from those therapies.
The blood tissue has generated great interest as a source of new 
biomarkers because it is easily accessible and also it caries proteins and 
metabolites that reflect the physiological status of the whole body.
However, blood is a deceivingly complex tissue, composed of many different 
cell types; all interacting with their environment.
System biology is a new methodological approach to understand blood-drug 
However, the capture of information contained in very large datasets is 
not trivial and requires the development of new tools and analytical 
The aim of this project will be:
To develop an existing analysis tool box implemented in R statistical 
programming language, dedicated to the analysis of high dimensional data.

The successful candidate will join a very dynamic bioinformatics team 
responsible of biomarker discovery for Merck Serono's sponsored clinical 
trials. This studentship is an excellent opportunity learning high 
dimensional data analysis in the context of biomarkers discovery and drug 
The outlined project is expected to be completed within one year
Main Tasks & Responsibilities:
Understand requirements and solutions formulated by other team members
Implement technical specification formulated by other team members in R 
programming language
Develop code that will allow efficient interface with existing code
Perform regression testing to validate the correctness of the code
Write up documentation for the code and give summary oral presentation of 
the results in English
Communicate regularly with the supervisor on work progress and problems
Participates effectively as a member of a "team" within his/her group
Participate in the development of new algorithms and analysis strategies 
for high dimensional data analysis
Develop greater proficiency in relevant analysis techniques and broaden 
computational skills

Language & Education:
Master or Engineering Degree (or in the process of finishing studies) in 
either Bioinformatics, Computer Science/Statistics (with strong knowledge 
in life science) or Life Science (with strong computational /statistical 
Fluency in English required
French an asset

Professional Skills:
Fluency in the R programming language, C language is an asset
Working knowledge of gene expression microarrays
Ability to communicate technical information
Familiarity with UNIX/Linux platform
Knowledge of linear models
Knowledge in immunology and/or oncology
Knowledge of gene annotation

The ideal candidate would have at least 1 year experience in R programming 
(such as internships)
Personal Skills & Competencies:
Interactive and autonomous in a multi-disciplinary environment
Strong work ethics required
This position is open to:

Pierre Farmer Ph.D.
Group Leader - Biomarker Discovery Bioinformatics -
Stratified Medicine - Research
Merck Serono International S.A. -Switzerland
9, chemin des Mines
Case postale 54
CH-1211 Geneva 20
Phone: +41-22-414-4576
Mobile: +41-79-398-1973
Fax: +41-22-414-9558

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