[R-sig-Fedora] RStudio package maintenance moved to Copr

Tim Taylor t|m@t@y|or @end|ng |rom h|ddene|eph@nt@@co@uk
Tue Sep 24 14:50:58 CEST 2024

Many thanks Iñaki.

Will Quarto get pulled in from your COPR automatically as well or do we 
need to specifically install it before/after?

Also is it worth updating the "add ons" section at 
https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/fedora/ as well?


On 24/09/2024 12:51, Iñaki Ucar wrote:
> Dear all,
> With the latest release of RStudio last week (v2024.09.0+375), support for
> Qt builds has been removed. This means that we can no longer maintain
> RStudio packages in the official Fedora repositories, because the necessary
> Electron component is missing. RStudio is supported in the official
> repositories up to v2024.04.2+764 and F40, and has been retired from newer
> branches.
> Consequently, I moved maintenance to Fedora Copr, where I have more
> flexibility. You can find an up-to-date Electron build in the iucar/rstudio
> Copr repository [1], available for F39 and later, for x86_64 and aarch64.
> Installation instructions are provided there. Upgrading from the official
> repos to this new one should work without issue.
> [1] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/iucar/rstudio/
> Best,

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