[R-pkg-devel] R package NOTE: \item in \describe must have non-empty label
Walter, Vonn
vw@|ter1 @end|ng |rom penn@t@tehe@|th@p@u@edu
Mon May 16 19:53:45 CEST 2022
Hi Everyone,
The /data directory of my R package includes three objects, each of which has its own documentation in the /R and /man directories. Running R CMD check -as-cran produces the NOTE "\item in \describe must have non-empty label." I get this NOTE for each of these three objects. The first two objects are numeric matrices (luadSubset and luscSubset). The documentation for each matrix includes a \describe field (see below for luadSubset... luscSubset is essentially the same), but I do not have an \item inside \describe because the object is not a data frame. This *seems* correct because distinct columns correspond to data from different subjects, not different variables. However, I could be wrong. Here's some of the documentation from luadSubset.R:
#' @format A numeric matrix of quantitative DNA copy number values with 3475 rows and 65 columns.
#' \describe{
#' Rows are indexed by genes, and columns are indexed by samples. The entries are on the log
#' ratio scale and were produced by the GISTIC pipeline.
#' }
#' @source \url{https://gdac.broadinstitute.org/}
The third object is a list (pD), and inside the \describe field I have \item fields for list item, as shown below. Here's some of the documentation from pD.R:
#' @format A list containing three components for a common set of genes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{X}{DNA copy number data for lung adenocarcinoma}
#' \item{Y}{DNA copy number data for lung squamous cell carcinoma}
#' \item{posDT}{Gene position data}
#' }
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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