[R-pkg-devel] function name conflict

Kevin R. Coombes kev|n@r@coombe@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Apr 12 19:29:58 CEST 2022


I am writing a package that Imports several other packages. One of my 
imported packages eventually imports (through a chain of dependencies) 
"lifecycle", and another eventually imports "rlang". Both "rlang" and 
"lifecycle" define and export functions called "last_warnings".  As a 
result, when I first execute "library(MYPACKAGE)" in a script, I get a 
warning of the form
   " replacing previous import 'lifecycle::last_warnings' by 
'rlang::last_warnings' when loading 'tibble' "

I don't want the users of MYPACKAGE to have to see this warning (since I 
know it will spook novices). Is there anything I can do with Imports, 
Depends, or something else to prevent this warning from occurring? (I 
know that I can suppress warnings in each script, but I also don't want 
to explain to my users that they have to do that.

Note that I have tried reversing the order of the two functions that I 
import in the Imports declaration in the DESCRIPTION file, to no effect. 
I also only use one function from each of the two imported pakages, and 
they are explicitly listed in importFrom directives in the NAMESPACE file.

Thank in advance,

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