[R] Getting individual co-ordinate points in k medoids cluster

Sarah Goslee @@r@h@go@|ee @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Sep 17 16:03:39 CEST 2024

Hi Nick,

If you're asking about the coordinates used in the plot produced by
fviz_cluster(), you're looking in the wrong place.

The 2D plot isn't anything intrinsic to the clustering. Instead, that
plot is of the first two principal components. From the help:

"Observations are represented by points in the plot, using principal
components if ncol(data) > 2."

The easiest way to get the coordinates is probably to use prcomp
yourself, as fviz_cluster does.
Specifically, it does:

pca <- stats::prcomp(data, scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)

That's also where the percentage values in the axis labels come from:
those are the variance explained by each of the first two PCA axes.


On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 8:01 AM Nick Wray <nickmwray using gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello  I am using k medoids in R to generate sets of clusters for datasets
> through time.  I can plot the individual clusters OK but what I cannot find
> is a way of pulling out the co-ordinates of the individual points in the
> cluster diagrams - none of the kmed$... info sets seems to be this.
> Beneath is an example of a k medoid prog using the built in US arrests
> dataset - this is not the data I am working with but it illustrates the
> issue easily
> library(factoextra)
> library(cluster)
> set.seed(170924)
> df <- USArrests
> df <- na.omit(df)
> df <- scale(df)
> kmed <- pam(df, k = 4)
> fviz_cluster(kmed, data = df)
> Thanks for any help or pointers
> Nick Wray
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Sarah Goslee (she/her)

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