[R] Print hypothesis warning- Car package
Robert Baer
rb@er @end|ng |rom @t@u@edu
Mon Sep 18 03:33:00 CEST 2023
Thanks John. Appreciate the insights.
On 9/17/2023 9:43 AM, John Fox wrote:
> Dear Robert,
> Anova() calls linearHypothesis(), also in the car package, to compute
> sums of squares and df, supplying appropriate hypothesis matrices.
> linearHypothesis() usually tries to express the hypothesis matrix in
> symbolic equation form for printing, but won't do this if coefficient
> names include arithmetic operators, in your case - and +, which can
> confuse it.
> The symbolic form of the hypothesis isn't really relevant for Anova(),
> which doesn't use the printed representation of each hypothesis, and
> so, despite the warnings, you get the correct ANOVA table. In your
> case, where the data are balanced, with 4 cases per cell, Anova(mod)
> and summary(mod) are equivalent, which makes me wonder why you would
> use Anova() in the first place.
> To elaborate a bit, linearHypothesis() does tolerate arithmetic
> operators in coefficient names if you specify the hypothesis
> symbolically rather than as a hypothesis matrix. For example, to test,
> the interaction:
> ------- snip --------
> > linearHypothesis(mod,
> + c("TreatmentDabrafenib:ExpressionCD271+ = 0",
> + "TreatmentTrametinib:ExpressionCD271+ = 0",
> + "TreatmentCombination:ExpressionCD271+ = 0"))
> Linear hypothesis test
> Hypothesis:
> TreatmentDabrafenib:ExpressionCD271+ = 0
> TreatmentTrametinib:ExpressionCD271+ = 0
> TreatmentCombination:ExpressionCD271+ = 0
> Model 1: restricted model
> Model 2: Viability ~ Treatment * Expression
> Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
> 1 27 18966
> 2 24 16739 3 2226.3 1.064 0.3828
> ------- snip --------
> Alternatively:
> ------- snip --------
> > H <- matrix(0, 3, 8)
> > H[1, 6] <- H[2, 7] <- H[3, 8] <- 1
> > H
> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
> [1,] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
> [2,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
> [3,] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
> > linearHypothesis(mod, H)
> Linear hypothesis test
> Hypothesis:
> Model 1: restricted model
> Model 2: Viability ~ Treatment * Expression
> Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
> 1 27 18966
> 2 24 16739 3 2226.3 1.064 0.3828
> Warning message:
> In printHypothesis(L, rhs, names(b)) :
> one or more coefficients in the hypothesis include
> arithmetic operators in their names;
> the printed representation of the hypothesis will be omitted
> ------- snip --------
> There's no good reason that linearHypothesis() should try to express
> each hypothesis symbolically for Anova(), since Anova() doesn't use
> that information. When I have some time, I'll arrange to avoid the
> warning.
> Best,
> John
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