[R] Predicted values from glm() when linear predictor is NA.

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Thu Jul 28 22:58:51 CEST 2022

Thank you for this simplified example, Bill. I think John hit the nail on the head when he asserts that the deficient model can be simulated as a reduced model or using zeros, but I disagree that these are interchangeable. In the former case the resulting model does not match what was specified... while in the latter case the model conforms to the original specification but needs to have zeroes as coefficients in order to obtain the same results as the reduced model does. IMO the decision to re-write the model is distinctly different and clearly surprising for Rolf (and myself now). I would prefer to make the default for singular.ok be FALSE if the behavior for TRUE is to return a different model as it does now.

dta <- data.frame(y=101:105,x=rep(7,5))
deficient1 <- lm( y ~ x
                , data=dta
                , singular.ok = TRUE # indeterminate = 0
summary( deficient1 )
newdata <- data.frame( x = 5:6 )
cat( "predict deficient\n" )
predict( deficient1, newdata = newdata ) # coef = 0
cat( "coef deficient complete=FALSE\n" )
coef( deficient1, complete = FALSE )
cat( "coef deficient complete=TRUE\n" )
coef( deficient1, complete = TRUE )
cat( "multiply newdata matrix by coef complete=TRUE\n" )
model.matrix( ~x, data = newdata ) %*% coef( deficient1, complete = TRUE ) # expect all NA
# cat( "multiply newdata matrix by coef complete=FALSE\n" )
# model.matrix( ~x, data = newdata ) %*% coef( deficient1, complete = FALSE ) # dimensions mismatch
cat( "multiply newdata matrix by zeroed coef for complete=TRUE\n" )
effective_coefs <- coef( deficient1, complete = TRUE )
effective_coefs[ is.na( effective_coefs ) ] <- 0
model.matrix( ~x, data = newdata ) %*% effective_coefs
#deficient2 <- lm( y ~ x
#                , data=dta
#                , singular.ok = FALSE # error
#                )

On July 28, 2022 11:00:16 AM PDT, Bill Dunlap <williamwdunlap using gmail.com> wrote:
>In this example, x has an unknown influence on y (since x doesn't vary)
>   > coef(lm(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=101:105,x=rep(7,5))))
>   (Intercept)           x
>           103          NA
>while in this example x has no influence on y, a very different conclusion
>   > coef(lm(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=rep(103,5),x=1:5)))
>    (Intercept)           x
>            103           0
>Are you arguing that lm's (or glm's) output should have another component
>telling us whether a column was included in the model or not (i.e., if a
>coefficient was well defined or not)?  Then coef() would have to copy this
>information so it could show the user that (e.g., by printing '-' instead
>of NA).  That might be reasonable.  Using NA for an unknown coefficient
>value also seems reasonable and a lot of code currently depends upon it.
>Does it need to be documented better?
>On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 9:50 AM Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil using dcn.davis.ca.us>
>> Yes, I am familiar with linear algebra. I nod along with you until you get
>> to "hence" and then you make a leap. The user made the decision (or
>> accepted the default) that the rank problem be ignored... they have the
>> option to reduce their model, but they wanted this coefficient
>> (communicated via the model and the parameter) to behave as if it were
>> zero. The issue is that that decision is getting hidden behind this
>> additional implementation decision to exclude certain columns in the model
>> matrix _even after the model has been solved_. If they try to use the
>> coefficients themselves then they have to apply this odd interpretation of
>> NA that is embedded in predict.glm but not apparent in their model instead
>> of using a simple newdata %*% coefs.
>> It may be easier to implement summary.glm with an NA there as a hint to
>> the rank deficiency, but at the cost of mathematical inconsistency in the
>> reporting of coefficients. IMO either the NA should always be presented to
>> the user as if it were a zero or the rank deficiency should be recorded
>> separately.
>> On July 28, 2022 8:46:13 AM PDT, John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca> wrote:
>> >Dear Jeff,
>> >
>> >On 2022-07-28 11:12 a.m., Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>> >> No, in this case I think I needed the "obvious" breakdown. Still
>> digesting, though... I would prefer that if an arbitrary selection had been
>> made that it be explicit .. the NA should be replaced with zero if the
>> singular.ok argument is TRUE, rather than making that interpretation in
>> predict.glm.
>> >
>> >That's one way to think about, but another is that the model matrix X has
>> 10 columns but is of rank 9. Thus 9 basis vectors are needed to span the
>> column space of X, and a simple way to provide a basis is to eliminate a
>> redundant column, hence the NA. The fitted values y-hat in a linear model
>> are the orthogonal projection of y onto the space spanned by the columns of
>> X, and are thus independent of the basis chosen. A GLM is a little more
>> complicated, but it's still the column space of X that's important.
>> >
>> >Best,
>> > John
>> >
>> >>
>> >> On July 28, 2022 5:45:35 AM PDT, John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca> wrote:
>> >>> Dear Jeff,
>> >>>
>> >>> On 2022-07-28 1:31 a.m., Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>> >>>> But "disappearing" is not what NA is supposed to do normally. Why is
>> it being treated that way here?
>> >>>
>> >>> NA has a different meaning here than in data.
>> >>>
>> >>> By default, in glm() the argument singular.ok is TRUE, and so
>> estimates are provided even when there are singularities, and even though
>> the singularities are resolved arbitrarily.
>> >>>
>> >>> In this model, the columns of the model matrix labelled LifestageL1
>> and TrtTime:LifestageL1 are perfectly collinear -- the second is 12 times
>> the first (both have 0s in the same rows and either 1 or 12 in three of the
>> rows) -- and thus both can't be estimated simultaneously, but the model can
>> be estimated by eliminating one or the other (effectively setting its
>> coefficient to 0), or by taking any linear combination of the two
>> regressors (i.e., using any regressor with 0s and some other value). The
>> fitted values under the model are invariant with respect to this arbitrary
>> choice.
>> >>>
>> >>> My apologies if I'm stating the obvious and misunderstand your
>> objection.
>> >>>
>> >>> Best,
>> >>> John
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On July 27, 2022 7:04:20 PM PDT, John Fox <jfox using mcmaster.ca> wrote:
>> >>>>> Dear Rolf,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> The coefficient of TrtTime:LifestageL1 isn't estimable (as you
>> explain) and by setting it to NA, glm() effectively removes it from the
>> model. An equivalent model is therefore
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> fit2 <- glm(cbind(Dead,Alive) ~ TrtTime + Lifestage +
>> >>>>> +               I((Lifestage == "Egg + L1")*TrtTime) +
>> >>>>> +               I((Lifestage == "L1 + L2")*TrtTime) +
>> >>>>> +               I((Lifestage == "L3")*TrtTime),
>> >>>>> +             family=binomial, data=demoDat)
>> >>>>> Warning message:
>> >>>>> glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> cbind(coef(fit, complete=FALSE), coef(fit2))
>> >>>>>                                    [,1]         [,2]
>> >>>>> (Intercept)                -0.91718302  -0.91718302
>> >>>>> TrtTime                     0.88846195   0.88846195
>> >>>>> LifestageEgg + L1         -45.36420974 -45.36420974
>> >>>>> LifestageL1                14.27570572  14.27570572
>> >>>>> LifestageL1 + L2           -0.30332697  -0.30332697
>> >>>>> LifestageL3                -3.58672631  -3.58672631
>> >>>>> TrtTime:LifestageEgg + L1   8.10482459   8.10482459
>> >>>>> TrtTime:LifestageL1 + L2    0.05662651   0.05662651
>> >>>>> TrtTime:LifestageL3         1.66743472   1.66743472
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> There is no problem computing fitted values for the model, specified
>> either way. That the fitted values when Lifestage == "L1" all round to 1 on
>> the probability scale is coincidental -- that is, a consequence of the data.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> I hope this helps,
>> >>>>> John
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On 2022-07-27 8:26 p.m., Rolf Turner wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I have a data frame with a numeric ("TrtTime") and a categorical
>> >>>>>> ("Lifestage") predictor.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Level "L1" of Lifestage occurs only with a single value of TrtTime,
>> >>>>>> explicitly 12, whence it is not possible to estimate a TrtTime
>> "slope"
>> >>>>>> when Lifestage is "L1".
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Indeed, when I fitted the model
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>        fit <- glm(cbind(Dead,Alive) ~ TrtTime*Lifestage,
>> family=binomial,
>> >>>>>>                   data=demoDat)
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I got:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> as.matrix(coef(fit))
>> >>>>>>>                                      [,1]
>> >>>>>>> (Intercept)                -0.91718302
>> >>>>>>> TrtTime                     0.88846195
>> >>>>>>> LifestageEgg + L1         -45.36420974
>> >>>>>>> LifestageL1                14.27570572
>> >>>>>>> LifestageL1 + L2           -0.30332697
>> >>>>>>> LifestageL3                -3.58672631
>> >>>>>>> TrtTime:LifestageEgg + L1   8.10482459
>> >>>>>>> TrtTime:LifestageL1                 NA
>> >>>>>>> TrtTime:LifestageL1 + L2    0.05662651
>> >>>>>>> TrtTime:LifestageL3         1.66743472
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> That is, TrtTime:LifestageL1 is NA, as expected.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I would have thought that fitted or predicted values corresponding
>> to
>> >>>>>> Lifestage = "L1" would thereby be NA, but this is not the case:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> predict(fit)[demoDat$Lifestage=="L1"]
>> >>>>>>>          26       65      131
>> >>>>>>> 24.02007 24.02007 24.02007
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> fitted(fit)[demoDat$Lifestage=="L1"]
>> >>>>>>>     26  65 131
>> >>>>>>>      1   1   1
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> That is, the predicted values on the scale of the linear predictor
>> are
>> >>>>>> large and positive, rather than being NA.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> What this amounts to, it seems to me, is saying that if the linear
>> >>>>>> predictor in a Binomial glm is NA, then "success" is a certainty.
>> >>>>>> This strikes me as being a dubious proposition.  My gut feeling is
>> that
>> >>>>>> misleading results could be produced.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Can anyone explain to me a rationale for this behaviour pattern?
>> >>>>>> Is there some justification for it that I am not currently seeing?
>> >>>>>> Any other comments?  (Please omit comments to the effect of "You
>> are as
>> >>>>>> thick as two short planks!". :-) )
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> I have attached the example data set in a file "demoDat.txt", should
>> >>>>>> anyone want to experiment with it.  The file was created using
>> dput() so
>> >>>>>> you should access it (if you wish to do so) via something like
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>        demoDat <- dget("demoDat.txt")
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Thanks for any enlightenment.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> cheers,
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Rolf Turner
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
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>> >>>>
>> >>
>> --
>> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
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