[R] Reference factors inside split
Naresh Gurbuxani
n@re@h_gurbux@n| @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Mon Jul 11 15:14:15 CEST 2022
I want to split my dataframe according to a list of factors. Then, in
the resulting list, I want to reference the factors used in split. Is
it possible?
mydf <- data.frame(
date = rep(seq.Date(from = as.Date("2022-06-01"), by = 1, length.out =
10), 4),
account = c(rep("ABC", 20), rep("XYZ", 20)),
client = c(rep("P", 10), rep("Q", 10), rep("R", 10), rep("S", 10)),
profit = round(runif(40, 2, 5), 2), sale = round(runif(40, 10, 20), 2))
account.names <- data.frame(account = c("ABC", "DEF", "XYZ"),
corp = c("ABC Corporation", "DEF LLC", "XYZ Incorporated"))
mydf.split <- split(mydf, mydf$account)
# This does not work
myplots <- lapply(mydf.split, function(df) {
myts <- aggregate(sales ~ date, FUN = sum, data = df)
xyplot(sales ~ date, data = myts, main = account)})
# This works, but may have a large overhead
mydf <- merge(mydf, account.names, by = "account", all.x = TRUE)
mydf.split <- split(mydf, mydf$account)
myplots <- lapply(mydf.split, function(df) {
myts <- aggregate(sale ~ date, FUN = sum, data = df)
xyplot(sale ~ date, data = myts, main = unique(myts$corp))})
# Now I can print one plot at a time
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