[R] traceback performs differently in "interactive-mode" then in "script-mode"
Flender, Malte
M@|te@F|ender @end|ng |rom w@go@com
Wed Dec 21 08:59:40 CET 2022
a few days ago I encountered a strange behavior of base R.
I'm not really sure if it is a bug or not.
Thus I am somewhat hesitant to write a bug report.
Instead I write to R-Help to ask you if this behavior can be considered a bug or not.
I started with a question at stackoverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74796994/r-traceback-performs-differently-in-interactive-mode-then-in-script-mode), but got no response there.
The strange behavior of base R lies in how it acts differently in an interactive R-Session then the execution of an R-Script.
As you see in the MWE below the traceback()-function returns NULL in script mode (first call) and an actual traceback in interactive mode (second call).
Can you reproduce this behavior?
Here is MWE, which contains a small test-script and the calls to it in an interactive and script mode:
user using server:~/folder> cat test.r
options(error = NULL)
onexit <- function() {
error.msg <- geterrmessage()
traceback <- traceback()
print(paste("error.msg: ", nchar(error.msg), sep = ""))
print(paste("traceback: ", is.null(traceback), " : ", traceback, sep = ""))
if (nchar(error.msg) != 0 && !is.null(traceback)) {
print("Uncaught Error")
} else if (nchar(error.msg) != 0 && is.null(traceback)) {
print("Caught Error")
} else if (nchar(error.msg) == 0 && is.null(traceback)) {
print("No Error")
} else {
stop("ERROR in on.exit: bad traceback error.msg combination")
fail <- function() {
add = TRUE,
after = TRUE)
user using server:~/folder> docker run -it --rm -v /home/user/folder/:/data/R/ r-base:4.2.2 R -e 'source("/data/R/test.r")'
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
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> source("/data/R/test.r")
Error in fail() : BAD
Calls: source -> withVisible -> eval -> eval -> fail
No traceback available
[1] "error.msg: 75"
[1] "traceback: TRUE : "
[1] "Caught Error"
Execution halted
user using server:~/folder> docker run -it --rm -v /home/user/folder/:/data/R/ r-base:4.2.2 R
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) -- "Innocent and Trusting"
Copyright (C) 2022 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
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> source("/data/R/test.r")
Error in fail() : BAD
6: stop("BAD") at test.r#30
5: fail() at test.r#33
4: eval(ei, envir)
3: eval(ei, envir)
2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
1: source("/data/R/test.r")
[1] "error.msg: 22"
[1] "traceback: FALSE : stop(\"BAD\")"
[2] "traceback: FALSE : fail()"
[3] "traceback: FALSE : eval(ei, envir)"
[4] "traceback: FALSE : eval(ei, envir)"
[5] "traceback: FALSE : withVisible(eval(ei, envir))"
[6] "traceback: FALSE : source(\"/data/R/test.r\")"
[1] "Uncaught Error"
Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
WAGO GmbH & Co. KG
Malte Flender
Komplexitätsmanagement / Data Science
phone: +49 571 887-49779
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mailto: Malte.Flender using wago.com
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