[R] What is the intended behavior, when subsetting using brackets [ ], when the subset criterion has NA's?

PIKAL Petr petr@p|k@| @end|ng |rom prechez@@cz
Wed Apr 6 22:50:55 CEST 2022


safer way with NA values is using which

 my_data[which(my_subset_criteria == T)]
[1] 3


AFAIK it is intended.

Od: R-help <r-help-bounces using r-project.org> za uživatele Kelly Thompson <kt1572757 using gmail.com>
Odesláno: 6. dubna 2022 22:13
Komu: r-help using r-project.org
Předmět: [R] What is the intended behavior, when subsetting using brackets [ ], when the subset criterion has NA's?

I noticed that I get different results when subsetting using subset,
compared to subsetting using  "brackets" when the subset criteria have

Here's an example

my_data <- 1:5

my_subset_criteria <- c( F, F, T, NA, NA)

#subsetting using subset returns the data where my_subset_criteria equals TRUE
my_data[my_subset_criteria == T]

#subsetting using brackets returns the data where my_subset_criteria
equals TRUE, and also NA where my_subset_criteria is NA
subset(my_data, my_subset_criteria == T)


This behavior is also mentioned here

Q. Is this the intended behavior when subsetting with brackets?

Thank you!

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