[R] [R Code] Split long names in format.ftable
Leonard Mada
|eo@m@d@ @end|ng |rom @yon|c@eu
Wed Sep 15 22:14:37 CEST 2021
Dear List members,
I have uploaded an improved version on Github:
- new option: align top vs bottom;
split.names: splits and aligns the names;
merge.align: aligns 2 string matrices;
ftable2: enhanced version of format.ftable (proof of concept);
It makes sense to have such functionality in base R as well: it may be
useful in various locations to format character output.
On 9/14/2021 8:18 PM, Leonard Mada wrote:
> Dear List members,
> I wrote some code to split long names in format.ftable. I hope it will
> be useful to others as well.
> Ideally, this code should be implemented natively in R. I will provide
> in the 2nd part of the mail a concept how to actually implement the
> code in R. This may be interesting to R-devel as well.
> ### Helper function
> # Split the actual names
> split.names = function(names, extend=0, justify="Right",
> blank.rm=FALSE, split.ch = "\n", detailed=TRUE) {
> justify = if(is.null(justify)) 0 else pmatch(justify, c("Left",
> "Right"));
> str = strsplit(names, split.ch);
> if(blank.rm) str = lapply(str, function(s) s[nchar(s) > 0]);
> nr = max(sapply(str, function(s) length(s)));
> nch = lapply(str, function(s) max(nchar(s)));
> chf = function(nch) paste0(rep(" ", nch), collapse="");
> ch0 = sapply(nch, chf);
> mx = matrix(rep(ch0, each=nr), nrow=nr, ncol=length(names));
> for(nc in seq(length(names))) {
> n = length(str[[nc]]);
> # Justifying
> s = sapply(seq(n), function(nr) paste0(rep(" ", nch[[nc]] -
> nchar(str[[nc]][nr])), collapse=""));
> s = if(justify == 2) paste0(s, str[[nc]]) else
> paste0(str[[nc]], s);
> mx[seq(nr + 1 - length(str[[nc]]), nr) , nc] = s;
> }
> if(extend > 0) {
> mx = cbind(mx, matrix("", nr=nr, ncol=extend));
> }
> if(detailed) attr(mx, "nchar") = unlist(nch);
> return(mx);
> }
> ### ftable with name splitting
> # - this code should be ideally integrated inside format.ftable;
> ftable2 = function(ftbl, print=TRUE, quote=FALSE, ...) {
> ftbl2 = format(ftbl, quote=quote, ...);
> row.vars = names(attr(ftbl, "row.vars"))
> nr = length(row.vars);
> nms = split.names(row.vars, extend = ncol(ftbl2) - nr);
> ftbl2 = rbind(ftbl2[1,], nms, ftbl2[-c(1,2),]);
> # TODO: update width of factor labels;
> # - new width available in attr(nms, "nchar");
> if(print) {
> cat(t(ftbl2), sep = c(rep(" ", ncol(ftbl2) - 1), "\n"))
> }
> invisible(ftbl2);
> }
> I have uploaded this code also on Github:
> https://github.com/discoleo/R/blob/master/Stat/Tools.Data.R
> B.) Detailed Concept
> # - I am ignoring any variants;
> # - the splitting is actually done in format.ftable;
> # - we set only an attribute in ftable;
> ftable = function(..., split.ch="\n") {
> [...]
> attr(ftbl, "split.ch") = split.ch; # set an attribute "split.ch"
> return(ftbl);
> }
> format.ftable(ftbl, ..., split.ch) {
> if(is.missing(split.ch)) {
> # check if the split.ch attribute is set and use it;
> } else {
> # use the explicitly provided split.ch: if( ! is.null(split.ch))
> }
> [...]
> }
> C.) split.names Function
> This function may be useful in other locations as well, particularly
> to split names/labels used in axes and legends in various plots. But I
> do not have much knowledge of the graphics engine in R.
> Sincerely,
> Leonard
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