[R] error with dbFD function in FD library

alessia ciraolo @|e@@|@c|r @end|ng |rom hotm@||@|t
Wed Sep 15 14:15:36 CEST 2021

Hi everyone,
I have a question about FD package. I�m trying to calculate functional

diversity indices on my marine organisms data. My trait data includes mobility, feeding type and reworking sediment type. I allowed more than one functional trait for a given taxon for each category, and scored from 0 to 1 based on the extent to which they displayed each trait. If two traits were shared by one taxa, I gave it 0.5 and 0.5 per trait.

ex1<-dbFD(fi,abund,calc.FRic = F/T, corr="cailliez",

          w.abun = T, CWM.type = "all" )

However, when I set �calc.Frich=T�, I got the Feve, Fdis, RaoQ and CWM values

for my data, BUT when I set �calc.Frich=T� I receive the following error:

Error in convhulln(tr.FRic, "FA") :

  Received error code 2 from qhull. Qhull error:

qhull precision warning:

The initial hull is narrow (cosine of min. angle is 1.0000000000000000).

Is the input lower dimensional (e.g., on a plane in 3-d)?  Qhull may

produce a wide facet.  Options 'QbB' (scale to unit box) or 'Qbb' (scale

last coordinate) may remove this warning.  Use 'Pp' to skip this warning.

See 'Limitations' in qh-impre.htm.

QH6114 qhull precision error: initial simplex is not convex. Distance=-2.5e-015

While executing:  | qhull FA  Qt

Options selected for Qhull 2015.2.r 2016/01/18:

  run-id 748402268  FArea-total  Qtriangulate  Qxact_merge  _zero-centrum

  Q3-no-merge-vertices-dim-high  _max-width 5.4  Error-roundoff 2.2e-014

  _one-merge 3.7e-013  _near-inside 1.8e-012  Visible-distance 1.3e-013

  U-coplanar-distance 1.3e-013  Width-outside 2.6e-013  _wide-facet 7.8e-013

  _narrow-hull  0

precision problems (corrected unless 'Q0' or an error)

      1 flipped facets

      7 nearly singular or axis-parall

Could you please tell me how can I fix this problem and have the FRic value

for my data?

If you can hel me with that, it would be very appreciated.


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