[R] Problem with the str_replace function

phii m@iii@g oii phiiipsmith@c@ phii m@iii@g oii phiiipsmith@c@
Wed Mar 17 01:34:06 CET 2021

I have a problem with the str_replace() function in the stringr package. 
Please refer to my reprex below.

I start with a vector of strings, called x. Some of the strings contain 
apostrophes and brackets. I make a simple replacement as with x1, and 
there is no problem. I make another simple replacement, x2, where the 
pattern string has an apostrophe. Again no problem. Then I make a third 
replacement, x3, where the pattern has opening and closing brackets and 
the function still works fine. Finally I make a replacement where the 
pattern has both an apostrophe and opening and closing brackets and the 
replacement does not work. I tried to solve this by putting backslashes 
before the apostrophe and/or the brackets, but that accomplished 
nothing. I am stumped.

# Reprex for str_replace problem


x <- c(
   "Clothing and footwear",
   "Women's clothing",
   "Women's footwear (excluding athletic)",
   "Clothing accessories (belts and so on)",
   "Clothing and footwear",
   "Women's clothing",
   "Women's footwear (excluding athletic)",
   "Clothing accessories (belts and so on)"
x1 <- str_replace(x,
   "Clothing and footwear",
   "Clothing and shoes"
x2 <- str_replace(x,
   "Women's clothing",
   "Women's clothing goods"
x3 <- str_replace(x,
   "Clothing accessories (belts and so on)",
   "Clothing accessories")
x4 <- str_replace(x,
   "Women's footwear (excluding athletic)",
   "Women's footwear")

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