[R] Bibliometix Package Question

Perryman, Adrianna Adr|@nn@@Perrym@n @end|ng |rom uhnre@e@rch@c@
Wed Jun 30 18:33:30 CEST 2021


My name is Adrianna, I am a student researcher at the University Health Network in Toronto. I am working on a bibliometric analysis and would like to use R. My search involves five databases: MEDLINE (Ovid), AJOL, EMBASE, African Medicus Index and Web of Science. We expect to gather thousands of results based on our search and we have to undergo a cleaning processes to remove duplicates and exclude any articles that do not fit our inclusion criteria.  Given the codes for running the bibliometric analysis I am inquiring whether it is possible to upload a csv or excel file after cleaning the data to then run the analysis?

If you have any other tips, please let me know the help is greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you again!


Adrianna Perryman

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