[R] R - Java integration maintained
Simon Urbanek
@|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Tue Jun 15 23:11:53 CEST 2021
you got lucky that a friendly listener has forwarded me this e-mail, but it would make a lot more sense to ask the maintainer (me) directly.
Yes, it is maintained. However, I am not providing Maven releases, Maven is not the official source, the canonical source is GitHub and rJava releases. If someone wants to provide a GH workflow to create Maven releases it would be considered.
> On 15/06/2021, at 9:10 PM, Eduard Drenth <edrenth using fryske-akademy.nl> wrote:
> Dear all,
> For integration of R and Java I am very dependent on
> https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.rosuda.REngine.
> This offers good integration Java-R possibilities, leveraging the
> strengths of both platforms.
> But.... is this https://github.com/s-u/REngine actively maintained?
> Latest maven central release is from 2015.
> Hope to hear from you, Eduard
> --
> Eduard Drenth, Software Architekt
> edrenth using fryske-akademy.nl
> Doelestrjitte 8
> 8911 DX Ljouwert
> +31 58 234 30 47
> +31 62 094 34 28 (privé)
> skype: eduarddrenth
> https://github.com/eduarddrenth
> frisian.eu
> gpg: https://pgp.surfnet.nl/pks/lookup?search=eduarddrenth
> Op freed bin ik thús/wurkje ik minder
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