[R] create

Bert Gunter bgunter@4567 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jan 27 19:27:22 CET 2021

Thanks for the reprex. I think this is one way to do what you want:
dt$flag2 <- 0 + with(dt,Item == "DESK" & check %in% code2)

> dt$flag2 <- 0 + with(dt,Item == "DESK" & check %in% code2)
> dt
  name  Item  check flag2
1    A  DESK   NORF     0
2    B RANGE  GARRA     0
3    C CLOCK   PALM     0
4    D  DESK     RR     1
5    E ALARM DESPRF     0
6    H  DESK     RF     1
7    K  DESK   CORR     0
8    K  WARF   CORR     0
9    G  NONE     RF     0

This uses:
1) logical coerced to numeric by 0 + ... construction , which is probably
unnecessary: leave it as logical
2) ?"%in%"
3) ?with

The first two are fairly basic and should be covered in most decent basic R
tutorials. Spending some time with one or more will probably save you a lot
of time and aggravation later. The with() function is somewhat more
advanced, but can save lazy people (= me) a lot of typing hassle.


Bert Gunter

"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and
sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 9:48 AM Val <valkremk using gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, I have a sample of data as shown below,
>  dt <-read.table(text="name Item check
>  A  DESK      NORF
>  D  DESK      RR
>  H  DESK       RF
>  K  DESK      CORR
>  K  WARF     CORR
>  G  NONE      RF ",header=TRUE, fill=T)
> I want create  another  column (flag2) and assign a value  0 or 1
> if the check column values are  within  code2 list  and Item is DESK
> then flag2 =1 otherwise 0
> code2=c("RR","RF")
> index2=grep(paste(code2,collapse="|"),dt$check)
> dt$flag2=0
> dt$flag2[index2]=1
> How can I add the second condition?
> Desired output  is  shown below
>      name Item        check        flag2
> 1    A       DESK     NORF          0
> 2    B       RANGE  GARRA       0
> 3    C       CLOCK  PALM          0
> 4    D      DESK      RR              1
> 5    E      ALARM   DESPRF      0
> 6    H      DESK      RF               1
> 7    K     DESK      CORR          0
> 8    K     WARF     CORR          0
> 9    G     NONE      RF               0
> Thank you,
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