[R] SOS package: findFn does not work

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Sat Aug 7 12:42:23 CEST 2021


R 4.1.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.
I cannot reproduce this:

sos::findFn("spline", maxPages = 2)
#found 3867 matches;  retrieving 2 pages, 40 matches.
#Downloaded 40 links in 27 packages.

Possible solutions are to close and restart R and to check your internet 
Is the package updated?

#[1] ‘2.1.0’

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 08:57 de 07/08/21, hp wan escreveu:
> Dear All,
> Recently, I found that the SOS package (very helpful package) does not
> work.  When I used the "findFn" function to search something, it always
> said "found 0 matches" (see below). My desktop system is Win 10 and R
> version is R-4.1.0. Any suggestion was greatly appreciated.
> HP
>> z <- findFn("spline", maxPages = 2)
> found 0 matches
> Warning message:
> In findFn("spline", maxPages = 2) :
>    HIT not found in HTML;  processing one page only.
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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