[R] File corruption?

giusepp@cei@iu m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com giusepp@cei@iu m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Thu Apr 1 18:32:04 CEST 2021


I would like to know if anyone has encounter this problem before and what
they have done to solve the problem.  I am not sure if the problem has to do
with R itself or with RStudio.  The problem is the following: sometimes when
I am developing code in R, using R studio -script inside a Shiny
application- at one point my code does not work in the application.  I works
outside the application as a separate script, but it stops working inside
the application with the rest of the functions. So far, what I have done is
to start an entire new script and rewrite the entire code and this will
solve the problem, the code will work fine again.  I wonder if files/script
get corrupted sometimes and need to be refreshed.  


Thank you

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