[R] dataRetrieval query error

Bill Dunlap w||||@mwdun|@p @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Sep 6 04:06:27 CEST 2020

Name all your arguments (the vignette gets this wrong), including

Also, the vignette uses 'statCd', not 'statCD'.

dataAvailable <- whatNWISdata(siteNumber=siteNumbers, service="all",

gives some results.


On Sat, Sep 5, 2020 at 4:44 PM Rich Shepard <rshepard using appl-ecosys.com>

> I'm learning the dataRetrieval package. Following the example in Section
> 1.1.2 of the vignette (whatNWISdata) I prepared this script:
> ------
> library("dataRetrieval")
> siteNumbers <-
> c("14207920","14208000","14208200","14208300","14208500","14208600","14208700","14208850","14209000","14209100","14209250","14209500","14209600","14209670","14209700","14209710","14209750","14209775","14209790","14209900","14210000","14210005","14210020","14210025","14210030","14210100","14210150","14210152","14210160","14210200","14210255","14210400","14210480","14210490","14210500","14210530","14210535","14210600","14210650","14210676","14210750","14210760","14210765","14210800","14210830","14210850","14210900","14211000","14211004","14211005","14211006","14211008","14211010","14211023","14211494")
> dataAvailable <- whatNWISdata(siteNumbers, service="all",
> parameterCD="all", statCD="all")
> -----
> The vignette says that for service, parameterCD, and statCD the default is
> "all", but the package wants that explicitly. So that's what I did. Yet, my
> syntax is still off:
> > source("R-scripts/get-site-data-list.R")
> Error: All components of query must be named
> Please show me what I'm missing.
> Rich
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