[R] Package installation problem

John jwd @end|ng |rom @urewe@t@net
Sat May 30 05:07:39 CEST 2020

On Fri, 29 May 2020 08:47:35 +0300
Eric Berger <ericjberger using gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> This is a bit off-topic for this mailing list as your issue is a
> linux, specifically Fedora, issue, and not R.
> I don't use Fedora but I did a quick Google search on
>  fedora missing package .pc file
> and that came back with a lot of hits. This one in particular should
> be a good place to start.
> It gives some explanation as to when installation will result in a .pc
> file (seems to relate to -dev versions).
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33050517/supply-pc-file-for-pkg-config
> HTH,
> Eric
Thanks Eric.  I wasn't sure where the hick-up was (R or Fedora).  The
library the error message said couldn't be found was right where it
belonged. The first thing I did was check that the *devel file was in
the lib64 directory, and it was. The pc file was the only vagrant, and
it was not on the system at all. I'm going to try to get sense out of
Fedora about this because with "devel" files it should have been.  When
I reinstalled this latest time from the command line, the "pc" file was
placed just as it should have been.

The threads on stackoverflow are four years old, so this has been
around in one form or another for a while.

Again, thanks,

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