[R] if else statement adjustemtn
Rasmus Liland
jr@| @end|ng |rom po@teo@no
Mon Jun 15 13:27:50 CEST 2020
On 2020-06-13 19:09 +1000, Jim Lemon wrote:
> Right, back from shopping. Since you have fourteen rows containing NAs
> and you only want seven, we can infer that half of them must go. As
> they are neatly divided into seven rows in which only one NA appears
> and seven in which two stare meaninglessly out at us. I will assume
> that the latter are the ones to be discarded. As your condition for
> calculating "pheno" stated that a 2 in either FLASER or PLASER should
> result in a 2 in pheno, the following statement closely conforms to
> that:
> b<-read.table(text="FID IID FLASER PLASER
> fam1837 G1837 1 NA
> fam2410 G2410 NA NA
> fam2838 G2838 NA 2
> fam3367 G3367 1 NA
> fam3410 G3410 1 NA
> fam3492 G3492 1 NA
> fam0911 G911 NA NA
> fam3834 G3834 2 NA
> fam4708 G4708 NA 2
> fam5162 G5162 NA NA
> fam5274 G5274 NA NA
> fam0637 G637 NA NA
> fam0640 G640 NA NA
> fam0743 G743 NA NA
> fam0911 G911 NA NA",
> header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> b$pheno<-ifelse(b$FLASER == 2 | b$PLASER == 2,2,1)
> # use the valid FLASER values when PLASER is NA
> b[is.na(b$pheno),]$pheno<-ifelse(!is.na(b[is.na(b$pheno),]$FLASER),
> b[is.na(b$pheno),]$FLASER,NA)
> # use the valid PLASER values when FLASER if NA
> b[is.na(b$pheno),]$pheno<-ifelse(!is.na(b[is.na(b$pheno),]$PLASER),
> b[is.na(b$pheno),]$PLASER,NA)
> b
> I could write that mess in one straitjacket of conditional statements
> but my brain hurts enough.
I think this answer is billiant!
Here's a picture of my laptop screen out in my local park
yesterday as I was trying to figure this out
I have nothing more to add at the moment :)
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