[R] Which external functions are called in a package?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jan 3 20:19:27 CET 2020

On 03/01/2020 12:26 p.m., Hans W Borchers wrote:
> How can I find out which functions of my package A are called within
> another package B that depends on, imports, or suggests package A ?
> And more specifically, which functions in B are calling functions in A ?
> I tried to utilize the *pkgapi* package, but get error messages like
>      > map_package("./R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6/cranlogs")
>      Error: <callr_status_error: callr subprocess failed:
>          invalid first argument>
>      -->
>      <callr_remote_error in mget(targets, envir = env,
>          mode = "function", inherits = TRUE,  ...:
>       invalid first argument>
>       in process 22909
> (1) What do these error messages mean?
> (2) Are there easier ways to get this information?

I'm not really familiar with pkgapi, but I believe the first argument is 
to the source directory for a package.  It looks as though you are 
pointing to the installed copy of it.

Duncan Murdoch

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