[R] can not extract rows which match a string

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Thu Oct 3 22:27:43 CEST 2019

Hello again,

Sometimes it's better to create indices for each condition and then 
assemble them with logical operations as needed.

i <- t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0 == "Yes"
j <- is.na(t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0)

t1[!i & j, ]

j means is.na(.)
!i means (.) != "Yes"

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 21:21 de 03/10/19, Rui Barradas escreveu:
> Hello,
> Then it's easier, is.na alone will do it.
> j <- is.na(t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0)
> t1[j, ]
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Às 20:29 de 03/10/19, Ana Marija escreveu:
>> Hi Rui,
>> sorry for confusion, I would only need to extract from my t1 dataframe
>> rows which have NA in sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0
>> in other words to REMOVE rows with "Yes" and to keep rows with NA. How
>> to do that?
>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 2:26 PM Rui Barradas <ruipbarradas using sapo.pt> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> You have to use is.na to get the NA values.
>>> t1 <- data.frame(sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0 = c(NA, "Yes"),
>>>                    other = 1:2)
>>> i <- t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0 == "Yes" &
>>> !is.na(t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0)
>>> i
>>> t1[i, ]
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Rui Barradas
>>> Às 19:58 de 03/10/19, Ana Marija escreveu:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have a dataframe (t1) with many columns, but the one I care about 
>>>> it this:
>>>>> unique(t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0)
>>>> [1] NA    "Yes"
>>>> it has these two values.
>>>> I would like to remove from my dataframe t1 all rows which have "Yes"
>>>> in t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0
>>>> I tried selecting those rows with "Yes" via:
>>>> t11=t1[t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0=="Yes",]
>>>> but I got t11 which has the exact same number of rows as t1.
>>>> If I do:
>>>>> table(t1$sex_chromosome_aneuploidy_f22019_0_0)
>>>> Yes
>>>> 620
>>>> So there is for sure 620 rows which have "Yes". How to remove those
>>>> from my t1 data frame?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Ana
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