[R] Glmnet survival cox predict
David Winsemius
dw|n@em|u@ @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Fri Nov 15 23:00:17 CET 2019
On 11/15/19 10:49 AM, Amir Hadanny wrote:
> Hi all,
> i'm trying to get the prediction probabilities for a survival elastic net.
> When i use try to predict using the train model on the test set, it creates
> an object with the number rows of the train data (6400 rows) instead of the
> test data (2400 rows). I really don't understand why, and that doesn't let
> me check for performance c-index.
If you call most `predict` functions with a second argument that fails
to contain the predictors in the model, it returns the predictions on
the original data. The only place where the `test` object appears prior
to the predict operation is in your call to `predict.coxph`, so my guess
is that it fails to meet the requirements of the function for a valid
newdata argument. (Another thought was that maybe `test` didn't exist,
but that should have thrown an error with the predict call and the nrow
But since you don't provide code that creates `test` or even an
unambiguous way of examining its structure, that is entirely a guess.
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the message at the bottom of every transmission from the mailserver ...
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gmail.com to send plain text.)
> the code:
> data<-read.csv("old4.csv", header=TRUE)
> library(imputeMissings)
> data<-impute(data,object = NULL ,method = "median/mode")
> trainstatus<-train$DIED1095
> trainTime<-train$TIME
> y<-Surv(trainTime,trainstatus)
> trainX<-train[-c(12,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71)]
> x<-data.matrix(trainX)
> library(glmnet)
> fit <- glmnet(x,Surv(trainTime,trainstatus),family="cox",alpha=0.1,
> ,maxit=10000)
> max.dev.index <- which.max(fit$dev.ratio)
> optimal.lambda <- fit$lambda[max.dev.index]
> optimal.beta <- fit$beta[,max.dev.index]
> nonzero.coef <- abs(optimal.beta)>0
> selectedBeta <- optimal.beta[nonzero.coef]
> selectedTrainX <- x[,nonzero.coef]
> coxph.model<- coxph(Surv(train$TIME,train$DIED365) ~x,data=train,
> init=selectedBeta,iter=0)
> coxph.predict<-predict(coxph.model,test)
> nrow(test)
> 2872
> nrow(train
> 6701
> length(coxph.predict)
> 6701
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