[R] Summary Table for Quantile Regression for Complex Survey

Koenker, Roger W rkoenker @end|ng |rom ||||no|@@edu
Tue Jul 16 17:37:54 CEST 2019

try summary(newer, se = “nid”)

Roger Koenker
r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk<mailto:r.koenker using ucl.ac.uk>
Department of Economics, UCL
London  WC1H 0AX.

On Jul 16, 2019, at 2:46 AM, Mavra Ahmed <mavz.ahmed using utoronto.ca<mailto:mavz.ahmed using utoronto.ca>> wrote:

Hello All,

I am running quantile regression for a complex survey design and am running the following code:

newdf<-withReplicates(df, quote(coef(rq(api00~api99, tau=0.5, weights=.weights))))

This provides me with the theta and SE but I would really like the p-values and residual degrees of freedom.

summary(newdf) function does not work. Does anyone have any idea how to get p-values and rdf?

Thank you for your help,


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