[R] Purr and Basic Functional Programming Tasks
Lorenzo Isella
|orenzo@|@e||@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jan 27 23:09:38 CET 2019
Dear Jim,
Thanks a lot for your stellar replies!
They address my questions perfectly.
On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 07:46:50AM -0800, jim holtman wrote:
>Try this for the second question:
>> years <- map2(zz,
>+ list(c(2000, 2001), c(2001, 2003)),
>+ ~ filter(.x, year %in% .y)
>+ )
>> years
># A tibble: 6 x 4
> year tot_i relation g_rate
> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
>1 2000 22393349. EU28-Algeria 0.736
>2 2001 23000574. EU28-Algeria 0.0271
>3 2000 34361300. World-Algeria 0.615
>4 2001 35297815. World-Algeria 0.0273
>5 2000 11967951. Extra EU28-Algeria 0.428
>6 2001 12297241. Extra EU28-Algeria 0.0275
># A tibble: 6 x 4
> year tot_i relation g_rate
> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
>1 2001 7869288. EU28-Egypt -0.148
>2 2003 6395999. EU28-Egypt -0.120
>3 2001 19851236. World-Egypt -0.0721
>4 2003 16055014. World-Egypt -0.175
>5 2001 11981948. Extra EU28-Egypt -0.0147
>6 2003 9659015. Extra EU28-Egypt -0.207
>Jim Holtman
>*Data Munger Guru*
>*What is the problem that you are trying to solve?Tell me what you want to
>do, not how you want to do it.*
>On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 5:45 AM Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella using gmail.com>
>> Dear All,
>> I am making my baby steps with the tidyverse purr package and I am
>> stuck with some probably trivial tasks.
>> Consider the following data set
>> zz<-list(structure(list(year = c(2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2000, 2001,
>> 2002, 2003, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003), tot_i = c(22393349.081,
>> 23000574.372, 21682040.898, 21671102.853, 34361300.338, 35297814.942,
>> 34745691.204, 35878883.117, 11967951.257, 12297240.57, 13063650.306,
>> 14207780.264), relation = c("EU28-Algeria", "EU28-Algeria",
>> "EU28-Algeria",
>> "EU28-Algeria", "World-Algeria", "World-Algeria", "World-Algeria",
>> "World-Algeria", "Extra EU28-Algeria", "Extra EU28-Algeria",
>> "Extra EU28-Algeria", "Extra EU28-Algeria"), g_rate = c(0.736046372770467,
>> 0.0271163231905857, -0.0573261107603093, -0.000504474880914325,
>> 0.614846575418334, 0.0272549232650638, -0.0156418673197543,
>> 0.0326138831530727,
>> 0.428272657063707, 0.0275142592018328, 0.0623237165799383,
>> 0.0875811837579971
>> )), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
>> )), structure(list(year = c(2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2000, 2001,
>> 2002, 2003, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003), tot_i = c(9233346.648, 7869288.171,
>> 7271485.687, 6395999.102, 21393949.287, 19851236.26, 19449339.887,
>> 16055014.309, 12160602.639, 11981948.089, 12177854.2, 9659015.207
>> ), relation = c("EU28-Egypt", "EU28-Egypt", "EU28-Egypt", "EU28-Egypt",
>> "World-Egypt", "World-Egypt", "World-Egypt", "World-Egypt", "Extra
>> EU28-Egypt",
>> "Extra EU28-Egypt", "Extra EU28-Egypt", "Extra EU28-Egypt"),
>> g_rate = c(0.0970653722744164, -0.147731751985664, -0.0759665259436081,
>> -0.120399959882366, 0.124744629514854, -0.0721097823643728,
>> -0.0202454077789513, -0.174521376957825, 0.146712116047648,
>> -0.0146912579338002, 0.0163501051368976, -0.206837670383671
>> )), row.names = c(NA, -12L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
>> )))
>> I am capable of doing very simple stuff with maps for instance taking the
>> iteratively the mean of a certain column
>> map(zz, function(x) mean(x$tot_i))
>> or filtering the values of the years
>> map(zz, function(x) filter(x, year==2000))
>> however, I bang my head against the wall as soon as I want to add a bit of
>> complexity. For instance
>> 1) I want to iteratively group the data in zz by relation and summarise
>> them by taking the average of tot_i and
>> 2) Given a list of years
>> ll<-list(c(2000, 2001), c(2001, 2003))
>> I would like to filter the two elements of the zz list according to the
>> years listed in ll.
>> I would then have plenty of other operations to carry out on the data, but
>> already understanding 1 and 2 would take me a long way from where I am
>> stuck now.
>> Any suggestion is welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Lorenzo
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